Tomorrow I go in for a 26 week appointment. Just a routine checkup...take my weight, blood pressure, listen to the baby's heartbeat, and ask me if I have any questions. I'm taking my mom with me, so hopefully hearing the heartbeat will be fun for her.
So far, this pregnancy has been fairly easy. I dealt with a little queasiness and fatigue in the first trimester and other than that, it's been mostly smooth sailing. I've gained about 13-14 pounds so far, which is right where I should be for my starting weight and height. Now that my bump is very noticeable, I've been having a little lower back pain, but nothing awful yet. I feel like I'm hungry all the time! Even though I'm constantly snacking throughout the day, I can't say that I've ever had any particular cravings for anything specific...other than chocolate.
The nursery is almost finished up. I painted the walls and ceiling to look like the sky. Blue with big puffy clouds. I also painted grass on the bottom. I found some really cute sticker decals to put up of a tree and some animals and other small things. They looked super cute! Until they started falling down. I got most of them to stay up, but the big tree fell down and got ruined :( I guess the wall wasn't smooth enough to keep it stuck on. Bummer, but oh well. We got the crib and changing table put together and are using an old dresser for clothes. Since the house is so old, there are no closets in any of the upstairs rooms, which stinks, but the dresser will do just fine. I also ordered a large green area rug for the floor since the carpet isn't very attractive. I got green so it will seem like grass....maybe? Travis and I put together a cube shelving unit as well, which will store books, toys, etc. Only things left to do are get a curtain for the window and install a new ceiling light fixture. I'd also really like to get a rocker glider and possibly put that in the nursery.
My friend Laney offered to throw me a baby shower at the end of November, so am looking forward to that coming up in a few weeks. Originally I assumed I'd have it in January, but am so thankful that it will be before the Christmas holiday and nasty winter weather! Thank you in advance, Laney! I appreciate you, and your continual friendship means the world to me. Seriously love that girl :)
More updates to come soon...
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Friday, October 11, 2013
The Road
A few days ago I had to say goodbye to the only Grandfather I had ever known. Sadly, I was 15 minutes too late from seeing him take his last breath. My mom told me a few weeks back that he wasn't doing the greatest, but I guess I just assumed I had more time to go and visit him before his end would come. My family hasn't been very close for several do I say this..?..years of family conflict has made it hard for me to understand where I stand in everyone's eyes and possibly where they stand in my own. We all have our own stories that shaped the person we have become today, and my story is one I've only told to a few. Sometimes I think life in general would maybe be easier if I opened up to others more, but then I realize I might lose some of the control I have on my life, so I remain stoic in many of my thoughts.
I've never lost anyone in my family before, other than my Grandma Sweet around 15 years ago. I had only met her a couple times, and strangely, I feel more sadness now about her death than I did all those years ago. Maybe because I was young then and didn't understand much about life, or maybe because I'm older now and starting my own family.
The memories I have of my Grandpa Hanssen are all good ones. When I was a young child, both of my grandparents played what I considered a significant role in my life. I remember being at their house a lot, picking apples from their trees, the basement smelling like moth balls, having Christmas dinner, their dog Wags, when they put the addition on their house, and going to church with them at the Bread of Life Church. I also remember all the car rides we would probably wasn't that many, but I remember going up to Spencer many times to see my aunt Melinda and her family. I still remember that old green car he used to drive with the uncomfortable looking seat covers.
A lot of time has passed since those days, and many things have changed. And even though I'm not very close to much of my extended family, my grandfather's death hurt me just the same. I often wonder what my life could have been like if my story was different. Would I still be me? Or could I have been better version of me?
As I type this, I can feel the little one inside of me kick from time to time. I am reminded of how thankful I am for where my life has ended up, even though the road leading here wasn't very easy.
I've never lost anyone in my family before, other than my Grandma Sweet around 15 years ago. I had only met her a couple times, and strangely, I feel more sadness now about her death than I did all those years ago. Maybe because I was young then and didn't understand much about life, or maybe because I'm older now and starting my own family.
The memories I have of my Grandpa Hanssen are all good ones. When I was a young child, both of my grandparents played what I considered a significant role in my life. I remember being at their house a lot, picking apples from their trees, the basement smelling like moth balls, having Christmas dinner, their dog Wags, when they put the addition on their house, and going to church with them at the Bread of Life Church. I also remember all the car rides we would probably wasn't that many, but I remember going up to Spencer many times to see my aunt Melinda and her family. I still remember that old green car he used to drive with the uncomfortable looking seat covers.
A lot of time has passed since those days, and many things have changed. And even though I'm not very close to much of my extended family, my grandfather's death hurt me just the same. I often wonder what my life could have been like if my story was different. Would I still be me? Or could I have been better version of me?
As I type this, I can feel the little one inside of me kick from time to time. I am reminded of how thankful I am for where my life has ended up, even though the road leading here wasn't very easy.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Pregnancy Laughs
Well, today I am 17 weeks pregnant. After work I have another OB appointment...
Pregnancy is such a funny thing and it's crazy how different it is for every woman and every individual pregnancy. There are a couple things that I want to comment on. First is the so called 'glow' that you are supposed to experience. For me, there is no glow...I call it a 'grease' instead because I have not had this oily of skin since junior high. Not only is it oily, but it tends to break out on command. I wake up with a fresh zit every morning...whether it's on my face, neck, back, or chest. I will be walking from the bathroom to the bedroom and my husband will come up behind me and start squeezing a zit on my romantic, right? I'm ready for the glow.
Second is the size of my breasts. They have grown some, they aren't gigantic by any means, but they've definitely filled out more, and are still growing. My husband is obsessed with them! He's constantly trying to touch, grab, and lift them. I literally want to punch him in the face at times because he acts likes a 12 year old who has never seen boobs before. Seriously, before I know it, next he is going to try and milk me. Help...
Third is my growing baby bump. Unless you are really skinny to start out with, which I was not, your baby bump looks more like an increase in belly fat. I look in the mirror and strangely search for my bump underneath my thick layer of pudge. I think...where's my cute baby bump? I feel like I'm at the stage where if somebody didn't know if I was pregnant or not, that they wouldn't risk asking me because they wouldn't want to offend me if I wasn't. Really, I look like I could go either way.
Those were just of the things that have been running through my mind recently. Maybe you will get a kick out of them, and maybe you won't.
I haven't been able to feel the baby move yet, which is okay, it'll probably happen within the next couple of weeks. We've also decided that we aren't going to find out the sex until the big day. I would have been fine knowing or not knowing, but Travis said he wanted to have it be a surprise. I like surprises :)
I also recently found out that my sister in law is pregnant and so is her sister. Apparently we were all ovulating at the same time because our due dates are February 10th, 12th, and 13th. Let the ridiculousness begin...
Pregnancy is such a funny thing and it's crazy how different it is for every woman and every individual pregnancy. There are a couple things that I want to comment on. First is the so called 'glow' that you are supposed to experience. For me, there is no glow...I call it a 'grease' instead because I have not had this oily of skin since junior high. Not only is it oily, but it tends to break out on command. I wake up with a fresh zit every morning...whether it's on my face, neck, back, or chest. I will be walking from the bathroom to the bedroom and my husband will come up behind me and start squeezing a zit on my romantic, right? I'm ready for the glow.
Second is the size of my breasts. They have grown some, they aren't gigantic by any means, but they've definitely filled out more, and are still growing. My husband is obsessed with them! He's constantly trying to touch, grab, and lift them. I literally want to punch him in the face at times because he acts likes a 12 year old who has never seen boobs before. Seriously, before I know it, next he is going to try and milk me. Help...
Third is my growing baby bump. Unless you are really skinny to start out with, which I was not, your baby bump looks more like an increase in belly fat. I look in the mirror and strangely search for my bump underneath my thick layer of pudge. I think...where's my cute baby bump? I feel like I'm at the stage where if somebody didn't know if I was pregnant or not, that they wouldn't risk asking me because they wouldn't want to offend me if I wasn't. Really, I look like I could go either way.
Those were just of the things that have been running through my mind recently. Maybe you will get a kick out of them, and maybe you won't.
I haven't been able to feel the baby move yet, which is okay, it'll probably happen within the next couple of weeks. We've also decided that we aren't going to find out the sex until the big day. I would have been fine knowing or not knowing, but Travis said he wanted to have it be a surprise. I like surprises :)
I also recently found out that my sister in law is pregnant and so is her sister. Apparently we were all ovulating at the same time because our due dates are February 10th, 12th, and 13th. Let the ridiculousness begin...
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Surreal is how I would describe it...
I started this blog towards the beginning of 2013. Surprisingly, I'm still using it...even if it's not as frequently as I used to. Many things in my life have changed or altered since January, and there will be many more changes to come in the near future.
In my last post I desperately wanted to spill the beans about me being pregnant and all the emotions I was feeling at the time. That's right, if you haven't already heard the news, I am PREGNANT! :)
There was a time when I never thought it would happen. It took us six months of trying, which honestly felt like a lifetime. Life plays somewhat of a mean trick on us because when you don't want to get pregnant you are afraid that it is going to happen. And then when you finally think you are ready for a baby, it doesn't quite happen how you plan or expect it to. Such is life I guess, and we must learn to roll with the punches, whether we like it or not.
I am roughly 15 weeks along at this point. One minute it seems like it's gone by so fast, and then the next minute it seems to be moving really slow because 'nothing is happening yet.' I'm probably one of the most impatient people I know...just ask my husband and he will tell you the same thing... I don't want to rush this pregnancy, but I am anxious to start seeing a baby bump.
A couple weeks ago we went in for our first ultrasound. First we got to hear the heartbeat, which was pretty neat. But being able to see the little bugger moving and stretching out during the ultrasound was way cool. You know, up until that point, it was hard to let it sink in that I was really pregnant. Other than being tired beyond tired and suffering from some morning sickness, it was as if nothing had changed. I'm not very good at expressing my emotions and I'm a pretty private person (when I blog it's like I'm not actually talking to anyone...) so I think people think that I'm not excited to be pregnant. Of course I'm excited! I just don't always like to talk about it. Sorry. That's just me.
I have many more thoughts on pregnancy, but this is all I have time for today. Stay tuned. Or don't.
In my last post I desperately wanted to spill the beans about me being pregnant and all the emotions I was feeling at the time. That's right, if you haven't already heard the news, I am PREGNANT! :)
There was a time when I never thought it would happen. It took us six months of trying, which honestly felt like a lifetime. Life plays somewhat of a mean trick on us because when you don't want to get pregnant you are afraid that it is going to happen. And then when you finally think you are ready for a baby, it doesn't quite happen how you plan or expect it to. Such is life I guess, and we must learn to roll with the punches, whether we like it or not.
I am roughly 15 weeks along at this point. One minute it seems like it's gone by so fast, and then the next minute it seems to be moving really slow because 'nothing is happening yet.' I'm probably one of the most impatient people I know...just ask my husband and he will tell you the same thing... I don't want to rush this pregnancy, but I am anxious to start seeing a baby bump.
A couple weeks ago we went in for our first ultrasound. First we got to hear the heartbeat, which was pretty neat. But being able to see the little bugger moving and stretching out during the ultrasound was way cool. You know, up until that point, it was hard to let it sink in that I was really pregnant. Other than being tired beyond tired and suffering from some morning sickness, it was as if nothing had changed. I'm not very good at expressing my emotions and I'm a pretty private person (when I blog it's like I'm not actually talking to anyone...) so I think people think that I'm not excited to be pregnant. Of course I'm excited! I just don't always like to talk about it. Sorry. That's just me.
I have many more thoughts on pregnancy, but this is all I have time for today. Stay tuned. Or don't.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
I'm too blessed to be stressed :)
Last night I lied awake in bed for about an hour...feeling restless and irritated. Not only because I couldn't fall back asleep, but also from all the thoughts running through my head. Sometimes I wish our brains had an on/off switch so we could control what and when we wanted to deal with different things. Lately I've been stressed out by the things that other people have been telling me. Stressed to the point that I don't want to talk to anyone more than I have to. I guess at this point in my life I expect the people that are supposed to care about me to not disrespect me or my husband. I realize I am being vague, but this is me trying to vent without getting into the situation. I kept telling myself in the middle of the night that I'm too blessed to be stressed. I just repeated it over and over until I finally fell asleep. When I awoke this morning, it was also the first thought that came to my mind. I'm too blessed to be stressed, I'm too blessed to be stressed :)
Just saying those words made me feel better about things. When I really think about it, what do I have to be stressed over? I have a great husband, family, and life. The last thing I want to do is let the words of other people affect my happiness.
I will say it one more time, I'm too blessed to be stressed!! If you want to stress me out or bring drama into my life, don't come a'knockin because nobody is home...
Just saying those words made me feel better about things. When I really think about it, what do I have to be stressed over? I have a great husband, family, and life. The last thing I want to do is let the words of other people affect my happiness.
I will say it one more time, I'm too blessed to be stressed!! If you want to stress me out or bring drama into my life, don't come a'knockin because nobody is home...
Monday, June 24, 2013
Some New, Some Old
It has been quite a while since my last post...and even so, I still don't have much to write about.
Saturday I ran my first 5K in three weeks, also my first 'competitive race' in two months. It was definitely rough and I wanted to quit the entire time I was running it! Haha, it's crazy how hard it can be to do something you used to do every day when you've taken some time off from it. My time wasn't the greatest either, but I've definitely ran it slower in the past, 26:48. Didn't place either, but like I said, I was literally just happy I finished it without walking! Next, I have the Color Run Des Moines coming up on July 13th. That is the last one I'm already signed up for. Who knows what I'll do after that... I'm excited for the Color Run because my team consists of some girls that I don't get to see very often. I think it will be a good time for us to catch up and have some fun together. I'm hoping for decent weather :)
Old News:
A few weeks back, my brother Chris and his wife had their third child. Little Iyla Mae is the cutest little thing! I have to admit, I have only been to see her once and that was while they were still in the hospital. Seems like life gets so busy and all the really important things get put on the back burner so you can take care of the things that come up unexpectedly or last minute :/
I was also in a wedding over Father's Day weekend for my friend Ashley. Weddings are beautiful and fun, but I am certainly glad that that was my first and last wedding that I am a part of this year! LOL\
Interesting FYI:
As you know, I'm a huge fan of green tea. I came across an interesting fact the other day though that has made me think twice about it. If you are pregnant or trying to get pregnant, you should steer clear of green tea because there is an antioxidant in it that can affect the way your body handles folic acid, which we all know is important for a growing baby. Just something to keep in mind if you didn't already know it and it relates to you :)
Saturday I ran my first 5K in three weeks, also my first 'competitive race' in two months. It was definitely rough and I wanted to quit the entire time I was running it! Haha, it's crazy how hard it can be to do something you used to do every day when you've taken some time off from it. My time wasn't the greatest either, but I've definitely ran it slower in the past, 26:48. Didn't place either, but like I said, I was literally just happy I finished it without walking! Next, I have the Color Run Des Moines coming up on July 13th. That is the last one I'm already signed up for. Who knows what I'll do after that... I'm excited for the Color Run because my team consists of some girls that I don't get to see very often. I think it will be a good time for us to catch up and have some fun together. I'm hoping for decent weather :)
Old News:
A few weeks back, my brother Chris and his wife had their third child. Little Iyla Mae is the cutest little thing! I have to admit, I have only been to see her once and that was while they were still in the hospital. Seems like life gets so busy and all the really important things get put on the back burner so you can take care of the things that come up unexpectedly or last minute :/
I was also in a wedding over Father's Day weekend for my friend Ashley. Weddings are beautiful and fun, but I am certainly glad that that was my first and last wedding that I am a part of this year! LOL\
Interesting FYI:
As you know, I'm a huge fan of green tea. I came across an interesting fact the other day though that has made me think twice about it. If you are pregnant or trying to get pregnant, you should steer clear of green tea because there is an antioxidant in it that can affect the way your body handles folic acid, which we all know is important for a growing baby. Just something to keep in mind if you didn't already know it and it relates to you :)
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Heads Up
I just wanted to share something that could be interesting or helpful to maybe at least one person! Haha...well, the other day I decided to bust out one of my old Jillian Michael's workout DVDs that I haven't done in probably 4 years! Needless to say, I didn't remember at all what the workout was like. This particular workout was Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism. Surprisingly, there are SEVERAL moves/exercises in the workout that are identical or nearly identical to some of the moves from the Insanity workout. The only difference really is that they aren't as intense because you don't move as fast (Insanity is Max Interval training where you do as many reps as you can....Jillian's is slower and more for beginners). So, if Insanity is something you are interested in doing, maybe check out this Jillian workout. And if you didn't know, most of Jillian's workouts are on YouTube, so you don't even have to buy them. You can simply follow along on your laptop! Or at least check them out to see if you want to buy them.
So, again, this workout has many moves that are in Insanity, but definitely is not the same. Insanity has more stretching, yoga/pilates, and is more intense. However, if you are looking for something to try before taking the Insanity plunge, Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism will definitely bring up your heart rate and make you sweat a ton!
So, again, this workout has many moves that are in Insanity, but definitely is not the same. Insanity has more stretching, yoga/pilates, and is more intense. However, if you are looking for something to try before taking the Insanity plunge, Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism will definitely bring up your heart rate and make you sweat a ton!
I Bought A Treadmill!
I've wanted a treadmill for just about as long as I can remember. It's one of those things that every time I go to look at them, with good intentions of buying one, I get nervous and go home without picking one out! My friend Laney told me we weren't going home without one last weekend, so I finally bit the bullet!
Dunham's was having what seemed like a pretty good sale on treadmills so we looked there first. I basically already knew what their selection was, but wanted to look them over again. There were three Pro-Forms on sale, but neither of them really spoke to me. Probably sounds silly, but I need a treadmill that I have a connection with! I decided that I didn't want to spend a lot of money at all. Sure, a $2000 treadmill would be awesome, but we really don't have the room for our house or in our budget... I wanted to go check out the ones at WalMart again. Sounds cheap, but they sell Gold's Gym equipment and that stuff is pretty decent in my experience. After comparing motors, I decided to go with the Gold's Gym treadmill that WalMart was selling because the motor was better than the two cheaper Pro-Forms and equal to the one that was more than double the price at Dunham's. Besides, I don't need all the fancy extras.
After getting it in the house that night, Travis and I decided to take it out of the box and haul it upstairs piece by piece because the box was so big and heavy. While carrying the largest piece together, Travis accidently stepped on a part of the plastic concole and ended up cracking about five inches! The part that cracked in no way will affect the effectiveness of the treadmill, but that didn't keep me from nearly bursting into tears! I've waited so long to have my own treadmill and the moment I get one, something stupid had to happen. Travis said he'd take it back and tell them it was cracked when we opened it, but there wasn't any way I was going to let him take it away from me right when I got it! I had already formed a bond with it, and I didn't want to go through the hassle of getting a new one. It's nothing a little super glue won't fix!We haven't assembled it yet, but hope to get that all done tonight and give her a test run.
Spring/Summer time seems like a silly time to purchase a treadmill, but with the crazy weather we've been having lately it's been a pain trying to get outside to run. And instead of paying for an expensive gym membership, it really was time for me to just get my own.
Side note: Done with Insanity. I haven't decided if I'm going to start it up again. I'm kind of thinking I'm going to take a break because I'm a little sick of it. I didn't get the results I we will see.
I've used the treadmill a couple times now and everything seems great with it! And, I don't even notice the stupid crack anymore!
Dunham's was having what seemed like a pretty good sale on treadmills so we looked there first. I basically already knew what their selection was, but wanted to look them over again. There were three Pro-Forms on sale, but neither of them really spoke to me. Probably sounds silly, but I need a treadmill that I have a connection with! I decided that I didn't want to spend a lot of money at all. Sure, a $2000 treadmill would be awesome, but we really don't have the room for our house or in our budget... I wanted to go check out the ones at WalMart again. Sounds cheap, but they sell Gold's Gym equipment and that stuff is pretty decent in my experience. After comparing motors, I decided to go with the Gold's Gym treadmill that WalMart was selling because the motor was better than the two cheaper Pro-Forms and equal to the one that was more than double the price at Dunham's. Besides, I don't need all the fancy extras.
After getting it in the house that night, Travis and I decided to take it out of the box and haul it upstairs piece by piece because the box was so big and heavy. While carrying the largest piece together, Travis accidently stepped on a part of the plastic concole and ended up cracking about five inches! The part that cracked in no way will affect the effectiveness of the treadmill, but that didn't keep me from nearly bursting into tears! I've waited so long to have my own treadmill and the moment I get one, something stupid had to happen. Travis said he'd take it back and tell them it was cracked when we opened it, but there wasn't any way I was going to let him take it away from me right when I got it! I had already formed a bond with it, and I didn't want to go through the hassle of getting a new one. It's nothing a little super glue won't fix!We haven't assembled it yet, but hope to get that all done tonight and give her a test run.
Spring/Summer time seems like a silly time to purchase a treadmill, but with the crazy weather we've been having lately it's been a pain trying to get outside to run. And instead of paying for an expensive gym membership, it really was time for me to just get my own.
Side note: Done with Insanity. I haven't decided if I'm going to start it up again. I'm kind of thinking I'm going to take a break because I'm a little sick of it. I didn't get the results I we will see.
I've used the treadmill a couple times now and everything seems great with it! And, I don't even notice the stupid crack anymore!
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Proud LIttle Sister
I spent the last weekend over in Sioux City with a friend...kind of a girly get away I guess you could say. While down there, I met up with my borther Austin. It's been a couple months since I last saw him, so I was looking forward to catching up and seeing how his Kosama was going. I made arrangements for him to come pick me up downtown. While on the phone he said that I was going to be shocked when I saw him. I thought, oh yeah, whatever...he's just being typical Austin. When I opened up the truck door and climbed inside I about, excuse my language, shit my pants! Holy Cow!! Who was this skinny dude and where was my brother! Honestly, it creeped me out for a few hours until I could get used to seeing him that way. I think he's lost somewhere between 25-35 pounds...whoa, weighing in around 185 pounds I believe he said. It's very strange to see someone you love and care about look so differently from what you've seen for the last ten years. I'm very happy for him because he's wanted to drop weight for a long time. I'm not sure what the kicker was for him this time around...between Kosama class, increased water intake, high protein, and paying closer attention to his caloric intake, he's managed to do what he's wanted to do for years. I'm very proud of him for not giving up. Makes my heart smile :)
I, on the other hand, have not managed to impress myself lately. Seems like there's been so much going on recently that I haven't been able to focus on ME. I'm almost finished with Insanity...only about a week left. Seems like I started it forever ago! Let me tell ya though, I am MORE than ready to be finished with it.
I've also been feeling really fatigued lately. My workouts haven't been too stellar and my meals have been less than healthy the last few weeks. I'm pretty positive that's why I feel like I have no energy. This is the worst I've felt since before the new year... The last thing I want to do is fall back into old habits, so to pull myself out of the rut that I've been gradually slipping in to I intend to start journaling again. I will keep track of my food and fitness once again to give myself another kick in the butt. I realized that it's ok to need I'm going to help me help myself.
We all have moments of frustration or we feel like we've screwed up on some level. The only way to beat those moments are to not dwell on them and instead pull ourselves away from them and come out stronger in the end. It's ok to from time to time feel like a loser or failure...but it's not ok to accept that we are either of those things!! I remind myself all the time that I am not perfect. I make mistakes. But I also know that I freaking rock! It's a new day...why not make the most of it?
I, on the other hand, have not managed to impress myself lately. Seems like there's been so much going on recently that I haven't been able to focus on ME. I'm almost finished with Insanity...only about a week left. Seems like I started it forever ago! Let me tell ya though, I am MORE than ready to be finished with it.
I've also been feeling really fatigued lately. My workouts haven't been too stellar and my meals have been less than healthy the last few weeks. I'm pretty positive that's why I feel like I have no energy. This is the worst I've felt since before the new year... The last thing I want to do is fall back into old habits, so to pull myself out of the rut that I've been gradually slipping in to I intend to start journaling again. I will keep track of my food and fitness once again to give myself another kick in the butt. I realized that it's ok to need I'm going to help me help myself.
We all have moments of frustration or we feel like we've screwed up on some level. The only way to beat those moments are to not dwell on them and instead pull ourselves away from them and come out stronger in the end. It's ok to from time to time feel like a loser or failure...but it's not ok to accept that we are either of those things!! I remind myself all the time that I am not perfect. I make mistakes. But I also know that I freaking rock! It's a new day...why not make the most of it?
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
You Know Who You Are
Ok...this post is mostly directed at a friend of mine who I think needs a little kick in the butt with their weight loss. This person, and I think you know who you are, has already come a long ways, but still has many goals that haven't been reached yet. Basically, a plateau has been hit and motivation has possibly been deterred by it. So what do you do when you hit that wall and feel like giving up? Here are my thoughts...take them or leave them!
Pick up the pace! Get moving! Find an activity that you enjoy that makes you sweat! I know Insanity isn't for everyone, which is why, even though I do it myself, I don't recommend it to everyone. Everybody needs to find something that fits who they are. If you aren't a down and dirty and like to have sweat dripping from your body kind of person, then find something else that isn't so challenging in the beginning. Maybe find a workout DVD that is targeted at beginners. A tape that will work on your flexibility and mobility. I think even some yoga or pilates would be a great starter place. When you get used to the routine of beginning to workout, add some strength training. Now, I don't mean you need to hit a weight room with 20 pound dumbells...but, find another tape that uses light weights with circuit training. I, personally, like Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones.
I also think it's really important to get your cardio on! You may think that running may not be in the cards right now, but get out there and try because if you don't, how will you ever know what you are capable of!? Start with walking and add short intervals where you pick up your feet and your pace. Worried about people seeing you and 'making fun' of you? Who cares! Seriously, would you rather have people make fun of you because 'you're fat and lazy' or because 'you're a fat girl trying to run?' At least you are working to better yourself. You can't let what other people think or what you only think they are thinking affect who you are as a person. Don't sacrifice something that is important to you simply because you are a little scared. You are a stronger person than that!
Remember why you started your journey in the first no longer wanted to be labeled as the fat person. Think how great you feel from what you've accomplished so far. I know that watching the scale can really put a burden on you...because even though the numbers may not always go down on there, remember that you could be losing inches elsewhere. Start measuring yourself every two weeks and see what happens. If you start a fitness regimen, there is no way that you won't lose more weight. Eating better/healthier is only the first step. It's time to take the next!
See you this weekend, friend :)
Pick up the pace! Get moving! Find an activity that you enjoy that makes you sweat! I know Insanity isn't for everyone, which is why, even though I do it myself, I don't recommend it to everyone. Everybody needs to find something that fits who they are. If you aren't a down and dirty and like to have sweat dripping from your body kind of person, then find something else that isn't so challenging in the beginning. Maybe find a workout DVD that is targeted at beginners. A tape that will work on your flexibility and mobility. I think even some yoga or pilates would be a great starter place. When you get used to the routine of beginning to workout, add some strength training. Now, I don't mean you need to hit a weight room with 20 pound dumbells...but, find another tape that uses light weights with circuit training. I, personally, like Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones.
I also think it's really important to get your cardio on! You may think that running may not be in the cards right now, but get out there and try because if you don't, how will you ever know what you are capable of!? Start with walking and add short intervals where you pick up your feet and your pace. Worried about people seeing you and 'making fun' of you? Who cares! Seriously, would you rather have people make fun of you because 'you're fat and lazy' or because 'you're a fat girl trying to run?' At least you are working to better yourself. You can't let what other people think or what you only think they are thinking affect who you are as a person. Don't sacrifice something that is important to you simply because you are a little scared. You are a stronger person than that!
Remember why you started your journey in the first no longer wanted to be labeled as the fat person. Think how great you feel from what you've accomplished so far. I know that watching the scale can really put a burden on you...because even though the numbers may not always go down on there, remember that you could be losing inches elsewhere. Start measuring yourself every two weeks and see what happens. If you start a fitness regimen, there is no way that you won't lose more weight. Eating better/healthier is only the first step. It's time to take the next!
See you this weekend, friend :)
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Giving UP
Yesterday when I got home from work, I changed into my workout clothes and headed upstairs to do my Insanity workout....maybe I should rewind a moment....lately I've been dreading these workouts for several reasons. One--Travis quit doing them with me, so I lost my workout buddy. Two--They are longer than the first month and more intense. Three--I haven't lost a single pound, I actually gained like two (and yes, I know, muscle weighs more than fat). Because of these three reasons alone, I have lost a lot of the drive and motivation I had in the beginning. Fast forward back to yesterday....I turned on the video and did about two or three minutes of the warm-up and gave up. I turned off the television and DVD player and went downstairs and text Travis and told him it was his fault that I wanted to give up because he already quit. He responded by asking me if he jumped off a bridge, would I do it, too? After thinking about what he said and staring at my body for a good five minutes in the full length mirror, I decided to buck up and go finish the goal that I had finish Insanity. I sweated my way through another grueling 53 minutes of max plyo interval training, something which you can't truly appreciate until you are done and sitting on the couch cooling down for a beat. I always feel twenty times better after a good workout, but the working out part isn't always easy, fun, enjoyable or anything else that would make it somewhat appealing. Don't get me wrong, I love a good run, and those are pretty much always enjoyable for me, but doing the work that it takes to change your body isn't exactly a walk in the park. I guess I just need to keep in mind that Rome wasn't built in a day....and neither can a hot body be sculpted in a couple months :) Someday I will get there, right? As long as I don't give up or quit or get pregnant! Which leads me to a funny point, I was actually hoping that I would get pregnant just to have an excuse to not have to finish Insanity. Go me, right?
If you are going through a lapse in motivation and are on the verge of giving up on your goal....stop, take a beat, and think about why you are doing the things you are doing in the first place. If you are disappointed now in how things are going, you will sure as heck be even more disappointed if you give up during a weak moment. Just keep swimming :)
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Plans...we all have them...but they don't always happen how we...well, how we plan them to.
I married my husband last August with full intentions of trying to get pregnant right away. After a few conversations with my him, family and friends, I decided that I might as well wait until after the honeymoon in December. They said I should enjoy myself and not risk being sick and pregnant. Plus, we were spending all that money on the trip so I better take advantage of it. In the end, it all made perfect sense. In November we decided that if we got pregnant it wouldn't matter anyways because we would be back from the honeymoon before we would know it, so at that point we decided we could stop not trying to get pregnant. If it happened, it happened was our motto. However, it's hard to not let trying to get pregnant take over most of your thoughts and preoccupy you from what really matters...the here and now. From November through Janurary, I was consumed with the idea of getting pregnant, and every month I was disappointed when it didn't happen.
And then....I busied myself with working out and trying to get into better shape. I had gained around 10 pounds since the wedding and I wasn't happy with myself. I also thought that maybe the weight gain was affecting my chances of getting pregnant. Working out and eating healthier coundn't hurt my chances then, right? Wanting to get pregnant was one of the main reasons I decided to pave a healthier path for my life. Since then, we haven't stopped trying to get pregnant, but we aren't necessarily trying either. At least now getting pregnant isn't my focus. Being healthier is.
Not too long ago, I told myself it will happen when it's supposed to happen. Clearly at this point in our lives, God knows we aren't ready or he has other plans in store for us. After talking to my sister in-law Julie this last weekend, I really started to believe that more. I've always doubted my ability to be a good Mother and she told me she believed in me...that I would be a great Mother. She said that right now I should just enjoy life and it will happen when it is supposed to. She herself had a difficult time getting pregnant with their oldest child. After that, they got used to the idea that maybe another child just wasn't part of God's plan for them. Three years went by and then the next thing she knew, she was sitting in the doctor's office being told that they were pregnant. It came as a complete surprise, but they couldn't be happier now!
I guess my sister in law's story reinforces in me how important it is to believe that God does have a plan for all of us. And if children are in my future, then it will happen when it's supposed to. There's no sense trying to hurry up something that I don't really have control over. I'm doing my best to start living more in the moment and not be so concerned with the future. Afterall, our futures are made by the actions and decisions we make in the present.
I previously worked with a woman who was literally one of my best friends for the three years we were co-workers. Not only was she a great friend to me, she was like a second Mother. I don't know if she ever knew how much I valued her, but I did. When she was younger, she also had a hard time getting pregnant. She tried and tried and after probably countless unanswered prayers, she and her husaband adopted a boy and a girl. Time went by, and lo and behold, she found herself pregnant! Another miracle baby. What I remember most about her story though was what she told me one day while a certain song was playing on the radio. Unanswered Prayers, by Garth Brooks. She told me that whenever that song played she thought of the two children she adopted and how she had them because of seemingly unanswered prayers. She would have been very sad if she had never adopted them.It literally brought tears to her eyes and then mine. And now whenever I hear that song I can't help but think of her and that day she told me the still gets to me every time!
In my heart, all I know for sure is that God really does have a plan for all of may not be the same as the plans we made for ourselves or even what we think we want/need, but faith will get us through anything, good, bad, happy, sad, wonderful and tragic. I've also always believed that God never gives us more than we can handle and because of that, I know some pretty strong people...
I'm feeling rather nostalgic today...and dreamy...and happy :)
I realize my blog focus has taken a slightly different course than what you all are used to, but these things are important to me and soothe me as I write about them.
I married my husband last August with full intentions of trying to get pregnant right away. After a few conversations with my him, family and friends, I decided that I might as well wait until after the honeymoon in December. They said I should enjoy myself and not risk being sick and pregnant. Plus, we were spending all that money on the trip so I better take advantage of it. In the end, it all made perfect sense. In November we decided that if we got pregnant it wouldn't matter anyways because we would be back from the honeymoon before we would know it, so at that point we decided we could stop not trying to get pregnant. If it happened, it happened was our motto. However, it's hard to not let trying to get pregnant take over most of your thoughts and preoccupy you from what really matters...the here and now. From November through Janurary, I was consumed with the idea of getting pregnant, and every month I was disappointed when it didn't happen.
And then....I busied myself with working out and trying to get into better shape. I had gained around 10 pounds since the wedding and I wasn't happy with myself. I also thought that maybe the weight gain was affecting my chances of getting pregnant. Working out and eating healthier coundn't hurt my chances then, right? Wanting to get pregnant was one of the main reasons I decided to pave a healthier path for my life. Since then, we haven't stopped trying to get pregnant, but we aren't necessarily trying either. At least now getting pregnant isn't my focus. Being healthier is.
Not too long ago, I told myself it will happen when it's supposed to happen. Clearly at this point in our lives, God knows we aren't ready or he has other plans in store for us. After talking to my sister in-law Julie this last weekend, I really started to believe that more. I've always doubted my ability to be a good Mother and she told me she believed in me...that I would be a great Mother. She said that right now I should just enjoy life and it will happen when it is supposed to. She herself had a difficult time getting pregnant with their oldest child. After that, they got used to the idea that maybe another child just wasn't part of God's plan for them. Three years went by and then the next thing she knew, she was sitting in the doctor's office being told that they were pregnant. It came as a complete surprise, but they couldn't be happier now!
I guess my sister in law's story reinforces in me how important it is to believe that God does have a plan for all of us. And if children are in my future, then it will happen when it's supposed to. There's no sense trying to hurry up something that I don't really have control over. I'm doing my best to start living more in the moment and not be so concerned with the future. Afterall, our futures are made by the actions and decisions we make in the present.
I previously worked with a woman who was literally one of my best friends for the three years we were co-workers. Not only was she a great friend to me, she was like a second Mother. I don't know if she ever knew how much I valued her, but I did. When she was younger, she also had a hard time getting pregnant. She tried and tried and after probably countless unanswered prayers, she and her husaband adopted a boy and a girl. Time went by, and lo and behold, she found herself pregnant! Another miracle baby. What I remember most about her story though was what she told me one day while a certain song was playing on the radio. Unanswered Prayers, by Garth Brooks. She told me that whenever that song played she thought of the two children she adopted and how she had them because of seemingly unanswered prayers. She would have been very sad if she had never adopted them.It literally brought tears to her eyes and then mine. And now whenever I hear that song I can't help but think of her and that day she told me the still gets to me every time!
In my heart, all I know for sure is that God really does have a plan for all of may not be the same as the plans we made for ourselves or even what we think we want/need, but faith will get us through anything, good, bad, happy, sad, wonderful and tragic. I've also always believed that God never gives us more than we can handle and because of that, I know some pretty strong people...
I'm feeling rather nostalgic today...and dreamy...and happy :)
I realize my blog focus has taken a slightly different course than what you all are used to, but these things are important to me and soothe me as I write about them.
Monday, April 29, 2013
Do you ever suddenly just stop and smile because you realize that right now, at this moment in time, you coudn't be any happier? Today I am feeling very blessed and appreciative of what I have. Let me tell you why...
I will defnitely be going back next year to run in this particular race again. The run was hosted by SunnyBrook of Carroll, an assisted living type of place that works hard with Alzheimer's patients. The registration monies went to research for a cure. I love when the enterance fees actually go towards a good cause and not just for whatever. It makes the runs that much more meaningful for me.
The fact that I did well at this run is not the only reason why I am feeling blessed. As I said, I stayed with my half brother Jay and his family all weekend. He is married to a fantastic lady and has two amazingly well behaved children. Did I mention they were cute as heck, too? I have several siblings who I love deeply, but first met Jay only three years ago. He and I share the same biological father, but he was given up for adoption when he was born. We were able to find each other through Facebook and the rest is history I guess! I feel so blessed to have met him and gotten to know his family, including his adoptive parents. I have never known a man who was more caring and devoted to his family than Jay is. I know he doesn't know it, but I look up to him so much! After every visit I have with him and his wife, I go home striving to be a better person and have a renewed sense of faith. They are my role models, and I only hope to be half the parents that they are someday. Blessed...that's what I am just to know them. Blessed <3
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Me and my second place medal :) |
I spent this last weekend visiting my half brother Jay and his family down in Carroll. I went down to Carroll primarily because I was running in a 5K at Swan Lake. I drove down there Friday afternoon, had a nice relaxing evening with the family, and got up early Saturday morning for the run. It was a much chillier morning than I expected it to be, but nothing like the last 5K I did in February! Anyways, as I began the run, which went on the trail around the lake, I was feeling really good...until about the .2 mile mark where there began a nice steep hill. Yucky. Turns out the whole trail was up and down with small and big hills to test each step I took. I'm used to running on pretty much all flat ground, so this was actually a challenge for me because not only was I trying to keep my pace, but I was really focusing on trying to step it up and get a great time. I ended up finishing in 2nd place with a time of 25:03, which I was really happy with. I wouldn't say that it's an amazing time, but it's so much better than what I was running earlier in the year. My body has come a long ways in a few months and I couldn't be happier with that.
The fact that I did well at this run is not the only reason why I am feeling blessed. As I said, I stayed with my half brother Jay and his family all weekend. He is married to a fantastic lady and has two amazingly well behaved children. Did I mention they were cute as heck, too? I have several siblings who I love deeply, but first met Jay only three years ago. He and I share the same biological father, but he was given up for adoption when he was born. We were able to find each other through Facebook and the rest is history I guess! I feel so blessed to have met him and gotten to know his family, including his adoptive parents. I have never known a man who was more caring and devoted to his family than Jay is. I know he doesn't know it, but I look up to him so much! After every visit I have with him and his wife, I go home striving to be a better person and have a renewed sense of faith. They are my role models, and I only hope to be half the parents that they are someday. Blessed...that's what I am just to know them. Blessed <3
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Rock Star Moment
It's no secret that Iowa weather has been yucky lately, so when I can get out for a run, I have to take advantage of it because it might be a week before it's nice enough again. Yesterday I got my first outdoor run in in over a week :/ Feeling a bit like a slacker, but whatever...I do what I can. Since I hadn't ran in a while, I decided to push myself a bit harder and go for a good 5K time. I ended up finishing the 5K in 24:30, which is the best time I've had in a REALLY long time. I was super pumped about it! While I was running yesterday, I kept track of my split times, basically so I could gage how hard to push myself. I finished the first mile at 7:47, the second at 16:05 and then the final 1.1 miles at 24:30. I was surprised that my first mile was as fast as it was considering I was running against the wind the entire time. I got a little burned out the last two miles so I was a little slower. Still, I impressed myself and that's all that matters. I am running a 5K in Carroll this Saturday, so I'm hoping to run a time comparable to this one, but as long as I'm winded, out of breath, and have shaking legs when I cross the finish line, well, then I know I tried :)
Insanity update:
Almost finished with recovery week, and then it's on to month two!! Can't wait to push myself harder and do some new moves. I am beginning to get bored with month one discs, so I'm ready for a change up! On the downside, I recently noticed that my left knee and right hip have been acting a little funny this last week-ish. Think maybe all the jumping is finally beginning to catch up with my joints. First negative effect I've experienced from the Insanity workouts...
I'm already trying to figure out what new workout I want to try next! Call me crazy, but I'm addicted. I may not look like a fitness model, but I feel better than....EVER....
Insanity update:
Almost finished with recovery week, and then it's on to month two!! Can't wait to push myself harder and do some new moves. I am beginning to get bored with month one discs, so I'm ready for a change up! On the downside, I recently noticed that my left knee and right hip have been acting a little funny this last week-ish. Think maybe all the jumping is finally beginning to catch up with my joints. First negative effect I've experienced from the Insanity workouts...
I'm already trying to figure out what new workout I want to try next! Call me crazy, but I'm addicted. I may not look like a fitness model, but I feel better than....EVER....
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Support System, Bragging Rights & Other Riff Raff
One of the things that gets me really excited about working out is just talking about it with my friends. I currently have a small group of friends that are also very much excited about getting into better shape and some of us are all even doing Insanity, too, which is super cool. We talk about how much we hate Shaun T some days and then laugh about it later. I think it's very important to try and surround yourself with other people that are trying to better themselves. Not only do they help boost your confidence and motivate you, but they also are able to share their own stories, ups and downs. If you are married or living with a partner, or even just a roommate, it's also important to have their support. I feel like I have built a good support system around me, and I attribute some of my success at sticking with things like Insanity, and just working out in general, to those people. If I wasn't able to talk about diet and fitness with my husband and close friends without feeling silly or awkward, then I would be a very lonely person. Weird, but true.
I also firmly believe that sometimes you just have to brag about what you've accomplished. I think it's freaking cool that I'm doing Insanity, something I thought I would probably never do, and I want to tell people about it. If I just finished a really long or fast run, I want to talk about that, too. Is it so wrong to share something your proud of? If people can brag about their kids, job, golf game, whatever, then I can brag about my workout. I think it's funny when people get annoyed by it because they obviously don't realize that they are just as annoying in different ways! Haha :) So don't ever be afraid to share something your proud of...because what other people think isn't why you are sharing it in the first place. You are sharing it because you are proud of your accomplishment and it makes you feel good. It has nothing to do with anybody else.
So, that being said, here is how things have been going for me lately. After today's workout I will be 23 days done with Insanity...only 40 more to go, so just over 1/3 of the way done! Truthfully, I haven't lost weight, but I know I've replaced some fat with muscle. As I've said before, the scale does not rule me, but I thought for anybody that was interested in my results for their own purposes or curiosity I would share that bit of information. I have read several reviews about Insanity, and many people say they don't notice many results until during the second month when the workouts become more intense. The first month is more to get you ready for the hell that comes during month two...needless to say, I'm getting quite nervous to start the second set of tapes in about 2 weeks :/
The weather has not been great around here lately, but I've been trying to get out for runs a couple times a week. Even though I'm doing Insanity, I want to keep up with my running as well. I have a 5K coming up April 27th that I need to start getting ready for. My goal is to improve my time from my previous 5K, which shouldn't be hard considering I was running in 27 degrees with 20 mph winds for that one! Uhg, that was awful... I have a few other runs lined up that I will be doing as well.
My brother Austin and I have talked about doing an obstacle run in Sioux City this summer. I don't know if we actually will, but I think it's pretty cool that it's something he is even interested in doing. He has been doing Kosama for several weeks now, has dropped quite a bit of weight and inches, and is feeling awesome. I'm super excited for him because I know he's missed the feeling of being athletic and in shape. I don't think he's quite where he wants to be yet, but he is going to keep on keeping on. I love that him and I can call each other up and share workouts and other things related to that. He's part of my non-judgemental support system.
Other than all that, I can't think of much else to share today. I hope you all have luck building your own support system, and remember that I'm always here to listen and share with you :)
I also firmly believe that sometimes you just have to brag about what you've accomplished. I think it's freaking cool that I'm doing Insanity, something I thought I would probably never do, and I want to tell people about it. If I just finished a really long or fast run, I want to talk about that, too. Is it so wrong to share something your proud of? If people can brag about their kids, job, golf game, whatever, then I can brag about my workout. I think it's funny when people get annoyed by it because they obviously don't realize that they are just as annoying in different ways! Haha :) So don't ever be afraid to share something your proud of...because what other people think isn't why you are sharing it in the first place. You are sharing it because you are proud of your accomplishment and it makes you feel good. It has nothing to do with anybody else.
So, that being said, here is how things have been going for me lately. After today's workout I will be 23 days done with Insanity...only 40 more to go, so just over 1/3 of the way done! Truthfully, I haven't lost weight, but I know I've replaced some fat with muscle. As I've said before, the scale does not rule me, but I thought for anybody that was interested in my results for their own purposes or curiosity I would share that bit of information. I have read several reviews about Insanity, and many people say they don't notice many results until during the second month when the workouts become more intense. The first month is more to get you ready for the hell that comes during month two...needless to say, I'm getting quite nervous to start the second set of tapes in about 2 weeks :/
The weather has not been great around here lately, but I've been trying to get out for runs a couple times a week. Even though I'm doing Insanity, I want to keep up with my running as well. I have a 5K coming up April 27th that I need to start getting ready for. My goal is to improve my time from my previous 5K, which shouldn't be hard considering I was running in 27 degrees with 20 mph winds for that one! Uhg, that was awful... I have a few other runs lined up that I will be doing as well.
My brother Austin and I have talked about doing an obstacle run in Sioux City this summer. I don't know if we actually will, but I think it's pretty cool that it's something he is even interested in doing. He has been doing Kosama for several weeks now, has dropped quite a bit of weight and inches, and is feeling awesome. I'm super excited for him because I know he's missed the feeling of being athletic and in shape. I don't think he's quite where he wants to be yet, but he is going to keep on keeping on. I love that him and I can call each other up and share workouts and other things related to that. He's part of my non-judgemental support system.
Other than all that, I can't think of much else to share today. I hope you all have luck building your own support system, and remember that I'm always here to listen and share with you :)
Monday, April 8, 2013
Counting Calories and Such...
This morning I had my two week Insanity fit test. Overall, I improved in several areas, lost a little bit in my measurements, and I'm feeling awesome! I have ALWAYS hated my arms. They have always seemed big and ugly. When I did Jillian for a month I lost a half an inch around them. Afte two weeks doing Isanity I have lost another half an inch, so I am super pumped about that! Not only can I actually do regular pushups, pushup jacks and moving pushups, but my arms have gotten smaller and more toned. Yay for that :)
One thing I did for the last three months was log all my meals, snacks, and fluids. I counted calories and scrutinized everything that went into my mouth. I finally feel comfortable enough that I have now quit keeping track of every little thing. I know what to eat and what not to eat, I portion out snacks for on the go, and I do some type workout nearly every day. I feel confident that I can mentally monitor what I eat without going overboard. And if I feel like having a sweet, I have one! By keeping track of everything for so long, I've learned how many calories are in most of the foods I eat. I know if I want a turkey and cheese sandwhich on wheat, using specific products, that I'm going to consume roughly 250 calories. I also try to eat a little bit every 2-3 hours, depending on how I'm feeling. I'm telling you guys, you might think you are just going to eat more throughout the day, but if you keep snacks and meals healthy and pay attention to portion sizes, you will speed up your metabolism and lose inches. Plus, it totally keeps your appetite in check. And don't forget to load up on water! For instance, I typically drink 2-3 bottles of water throughout the morning, and then when lunch rolls around I don't stuff my face. Today; however, I didn't get as much water in and I felt hungrier than normal, so I ate some girl scout cookies. Usually a no no for me, but let's face it, one unhealthy decision doesn't make you fat. My point, though, is that if I would have had my usual amount of water, I wouldn't have felt the need to eat the extra calories.
Weightloss doesn't happen's a process, a total life change that you have to remain committed to. Just watching what you eat is the first step. You also have to get up and get moving. Find something that moves you and gets you excited. Right now, that thing for me is Insanity! And I love it and recommend it to everyone.
One thing I did for the last three months was log all my meals, snacks, and fluids. I counted calories and scrutinized everything that went into my mouth. I finally feel comfortable enough that I have now quit keeping track of every little thing. I know what to eat and what not to eat, I portion out snacks for on the go, and I do some type workout nearly every day. I feel confident that I can mentally monitor what I eat without going overboard. And if I feel like having a sweet, I have one! By keeping track of everything for so long, I've learned how many calories are in most of the foods I eat. I know if I want a turkey and cheese sandwhich on wheat, using specific products, that I'm going to consume roughly 250 calories. I also try to eat a little bit every 2-3 hours, depending on how I'm feeling. I'm telling you guys, you might think you are just going to eat more throughout the day, but if you keep snacks and meals healthy and pay attention to portion sizes, you will speed up your metabolism and lose inches. Plus, it totally keeps your appetite in check. And don't forget to load up on water! For instance, I typically drink 2-3 bottles of water throughout the morning, and then when lunch rolls around I don't stuff my face. Today; however, I didn't get as much water in and I felt hungrier than normal, so I ate some girl scout cookies. Usually a no no for me, but let's face it, one unhealthy decision doesn't make you fat. My point, though, is that if I would have had my usual amount of water, I wouldn't have felt the need to eat the extra calories.
Weightloss doesn't happen's a process, a total life change that you have to remain committed to. Just watching what you eat is the first step. You also have to get up and get moving. Find something that moves you and gets you excited. Right now, that thing for me is Insanity! And I love it and recommend it to everyone.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
It's Your Life! Enjoy It!
After three months of a healthier lifestyle I have lost roughly 12 pounds, putting me right at 140ish pounds, give or take a couple depending on the day (usually give). I have lost several inches across my body and feel five years younger. By quitting smoking, again, I have been able to become more active and for longer amounts of time. I don't feel controlled by my addiction to cigarettes any longer, which feels amazing. I used to plan my day around smoke breaks and now I plan my day around workouts, meals, and fun time. I have such a huge sweet tooth, and that has probably been my biggest downfall. Take my sweet tooth and add to it my love for baking and you got yourself a problem! Fighting cravings for baked goodies has been harder on me than quitting smoking. I've cut out a lot of processed foods over the last three months. I still have some, but nothing like I used to. I think by eating more whole foods, such as whole grains, fruits, veggies, and fish, I have learned to like new foods. This is pretty exciting for me. I now like mushrooms, oatmeal, bananas, cherry tomatos, and sweet potatoes to name a few. How fun is that? Overall, I just feel better than I have in years. I feel healthy. I feel strong. More importantly, I feel in control. The number on the scale is just that, a number on the scale. It's not a reflection of how I feel inside or who I am as a person. I will no longer let that number dictate who I am as a person, what I can or can't do, or hold me back from living my life in any way. I would rather feel healthy and amazing than constantly fretting about hitting a certain weight that might not even be possible for my body or activity level. So, that's that!
What a beautiful sunny Spring day! I'm super excited to get out for a nice run today after work :)
I remember last summer I attempted to run outside. I think I made it barely 10 minutes before I had to walk. I felt awful! I'm so glad I spent all the time I did on the treadmill to prepare me for outdoor runs this Spring. Running isn't like a normal workout for me. I enjoy it too much to consider it any type of work at all. Call me crazy, but it's just in my blood. I almost crave, I look forward to it in the same way I look forward to birthday cake :)
Oh, and an update on Insanity. 9 days in and I'm feeling awesome! I can already tell I'm getting stronger and fitter. No six pack here, but it's in there...somewhere! Maybe someday I will finally find it, haha! I'm more concerned about having fun with my workouts and bonding with my husband while doing it. He must really love me, or really want to get into better shape, if he is willing to get up every morning at 6 a.m. to get his butt kicked.
Life is about having fun and being able to enjoy it! Get up and get going...before your life passes you by!
What a beautiful sunny Spring day! I'm super excited to get out for a nice run today after work :)
I remember last summer I attempted to run outside. I think I made it barely 10 minutes before I had to walk. I felt awful! I'm so glad I spent all the time I did on the treadmill to prepare me for outdoor runs this Spring. Running isn't like a normal workout for me. I enjoy it too much to consider it any type of work at all. Call me crazy, but it's just in my blood. I almost crave, I look forward to it in the same way I look forward to birthday cake :)
Oh, and an update on Insanity. 9 days in and I'm feeling awesome! I can already tell I'm getting stronger and fitter. No six pack here, but it's in there...somewhere! Maybe someday I will finally find it, haha! I'm more concerned about having fun with my workouts and bonding with my husband while doing it. He must really love me, or really want to get into better shape, if he is willing to get up every morning at 6 a.m. to get his butt kicked.
Life is about having fun and being able to enjoy it! Get up and get going...before your life passes you by!
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Why Blog?
Am I crazy for sharing personal details about my getting and living healthy journey? Some of you probably think I am, and maybe that's just because it's not something you could see yourself doing. I guess, for me, I really don't care. I mean, think about it...who actually reads this week to week, or follows all of my posts? I know there are some of you that do (and I thank you for that!), but obviously that means you read it for a reason. The people that think I'm dumb or annoying simply ignore me when I share new posts. Good for them. Do I care that they make fun of me for posting workouts or tips or whatever else I feel like? Not in the least...and that's because I found that the people who are also tyring to live a healthy life are not those people that are making fun of me.
I blog for a few reasons. One being that I love to write. If you don't know, I have a BA in English Secondary Education. Reading, writing, love it all; just wasn't so much into the teaching part. A year of subbing middle schoolers can scar you for the rest of your life. I'm surprised I still want kids someday, just not as many as I used to!
Another reason I blog is because it's just a form a journaling, and I really like getting out what's going on in my head and whatnot. The fact that I share it with people only reinforces my desire to stay accountable and motivated. My blog is my go-to when I'm excited, gloomy, or just need to vent. Hearing that what I write in my blogs motivates others from time to time is just an added bonus. If something I say makes sense or clicks with you, that's awesome! If I can help one person with even one small thing, I feel like all my effort is worth it.
Now that March is almost over, that means my initial 3 month plan to get fit is almost up. I joked around in one of my first blog posts that I was going to stick with the healthy lifestyle for a minimum of 3 months...of course I was kidding; I'm more into a whole life change, not a temporary fix. Regardless, in my next post I plan to share how far I've come, what changes I've seen, and if I'm brave enough, possibly a before and after picture...eeks...we'll see...don't hold me to it!
Side note: Insanity has been going well! 4 days down; 59 to go!
Enjoy the Spring weather, everyone! It's beautiful out. Go for a walk, run, or take the kids for a bike ride. Whatever, just get outside, all :)
I blog for a few reasons. One being that I love to write. If you don't know, I have a BA in English Secondary Education. Reading, writing, love it all; just wasn't so much into the teaching part. A year of subbing middle schoolers can scar you for the rest of your life. I'm surprised I still want kids someday, just not as many as I used to!
Another reason I blog is because it's just a form a journaling, and I really like getting out what's going on in my head and whatnot. The fact that I share it with people only reinforces my desire to stay accountable and motivated. My blog is my go-to when I'm excited, gloomy, or just need to vent. Hearing that what I write in my blogs motivates others from time to time is just an added bonus. If something I say makes sense or clicks with you, that's awesome! If I can help one person with even one small thing, I feel like all my effort is worth it.
Now that March is almost over, that means my initial 3 month plan to get fit is almost up. I joked around in one of my first blog posts that I was going to stick with the healthy lifestyle for a minimum of 3 months...of course I was kidding; I'm more into a whole life change, not a temporary fix. Regardless, in my next post I plan to share how far I've come, what changes I've seen, and if I'm brave enough, possibly a before and after picture...eeks...we'll see...don't hold me to it!
Side note: Insanity has been going well! 4 days down; 59 to go!
Enjoy the Spring weather, everyone! It's beautiful out. Go for a walk, run, or take the kids for a bike ride. Whatever, just get outside, all :)
Monday, March 25, 2013
Inspiring Insanity
Today was the start of Insanity, a 60 day workout challenge to get my butt into better shape! I've been planning on starting this for a couple weeks now, but what I didn't know was that my husband, Travis, was going to be motivated to do it with me. So, we both got up bright and early this morning, put on our workout clothes, laced up our shoes, and hit the Fit Test. Thank goodness I've been doing Jillian for the last month because I found the Fit Test to be easier to handle than what I thought it would be. Travis, on the other hand, said it was hard and challenging. I don't even know the last time he worked out vigorously, so I am extra proud of him for making the effort. Hopefully I can keep him motivated to stick with it!
I've recently signed up for a couple more 5K runs. My next one will be in Carroll on April 27th. Somehow I convinced a friend of mine, who lives down there, to run in it with me. She hasn't ran in years she said, but is going to start training for it. I'm pretty excited that this year I am actually talking my friends into doing something that I love. It's very motivating for me to see my friends step up and do something that they aren't necesarrily comfortable doing. I hope that you, the reader, are also inspired to challenge yourself to do something you only think that you can't. How do you know until you try...more than once..? You don't. Simple as that.
Another great friend of mine recently shared with me that she and her husband have become inspired to get into better shape. Together they've already lost 32 pounds!! I think it's only been a few weeks, too. Amazing and inspiring! Not going to lie, I'm a little jealous. It's taken me 3 months to drop around 12 pounds.
So, I don't know if there's something in the water or just tis the season to get fit, but I feel blessed to be a part of a group of friends that are trying to make healthier decisions and improve their quality of life.
I've recently signed up for a couple more 5K runs. My next one will be in Carroll on April 27th. Somehow I convinced a friend of mine, who lives down there, to run in it with me. She hasn't ran in years she said, but is going to start training for it. I'm pretty excited that this year I am actually talking my friends into doing something that I love. It's very motivating for me to see my friends step up and do something that they aren't necesarrily comfortable doing. I hope that you, the reader, are also inspired to challenge yourself to do something you only think that you can't. How do you know until you try...more than once..? You don't. Simple as that.
Another great friend of mine recently shared with me that she and her husband have become inspired to get into better shape. Together they've already lost 32 pounds!! I think it's only been a few weeks, too. Amazing and inspiring! Not going to lie, I'm a little jealous. It's taken me 3 months to drop around 12 pounds.
So, I don't know if there's something in the water or just tis the season to get fit, but I feel blessed to be a part of a group of friends that are trying to make healthier decisions and improve their quality of life.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Just a quick post today...wanted to let you know how the 5K run went this past weekend. First off, it was the coldest 5K I have ever had the pleasure of running! Only 27 degrees with a 15 mph wind stinging my cheeks, doing everything they could to piss me off, but I powered through it. Major props to Rachel though for finishing her first 5K in such icky weather conditions. I stuck with her for about the first mile then we parted ways. The more I thought about it, I realized that running can play major head games with you and I felt that it was important for Rach to finish this race on her own. Granted, me running with her could have motivated her to keep going, but without me she was able to find it within herself to get through the rest of the run. It takes a strong will to get that done, and she did it with flying colors. So proud of my new running buddy :)
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Right after finishing our 5K. |
I have always loved running. There's just something about it that makes me smile, and after a hard run, I feel so awesome about myself and what I've accomplished. What I would really like to do is run in at least 1 race every month this spring, summer, and fall. I don't know if it will happen because of other things going on in my life, but I'm going to try to make it happen. It's my new goal. So, if anybody is interested in getting together, car pooling, etc., let me know!
Side note, I read something today in Women's Health Magazine...Running/walking with weights in your hands can actually harm you. It's hard on the tendons and ligaments in your arms and shoulders. They suggest going without the added weights in your hands. Guess I won't bother looking for wherever I stashed mine! Happy Running All!!
Friday, March 15, 2013
Spring Fever
I don't know about the rest of you guys, but Daylight Savings Time has really kicked my butt this week. I just can't seem to catch up with the time! I don't like feeling tired for no good reason either. Hopefully after this weekend my sleep cycle will straighten out.
Normally for St. Patty's day weekend my husband and I go on the local party bus, drink all day long ,and get smashed, but this year I plan to start things off a little differently. First off, as I mentioned before, my friend Rachel and I will be running in the annual O'round the Loch 5K nearby. I'm so proud of her for finally believing that yes, she too, can be a runner. In preparation for the run, we went on a trial run outside yesterday, 3.1 miles, and finished it no problem. So now we are just hoping for decent weather so we don't freeze our butts off; however, that would be great motivation to finish faster... After the race we will probably grab a green beer and toast to our success, or rather Rachel's success for finishing her first official 5K. To some of you this may seem silly, but I can't get over how stoked I am that Rachel and I are doing this together. Yesterday as we were on our run, we recalled a memory from around the time we were first getting to know each other. Rachel has always been a dedicated walker. If you drive around Pocahontas, you are bound to see her strolling along. She was very against the idea of running. She used to tell me, I don't run, I can't run and was completely dead serious about it. So, one day last summer when my friend Lynn and I were out for a run, we saw Rachel walking. Lynn thought we should ask her to join us. I said that no, Rachel can't run. Lynn responded all serious and concerned-like, why, what's wrong with her?? Haha, as if she was handicapped in some way, which she definitely isn't. We still get a good laugh out of that :)
Moving along, today starts my 4th and final week of my initial Jillian Michaels workout, after which I will be attempting to do the Insanity workout. After the end of week 2, I was somewhat unimpressed with my results, but I have to say, my body has come a long ways, and I have lost several inches. Even my husband has said that he can tell my whole body has toned up quite a bit. I love what strength training has done for my body, not only do I look more toned, but I feel strong. The workout that I struggled doing day 1 is easy now, and my form is spot on, which is the most important part.
Here are the official numbers after 3 weeks of doing the workout 5-6 days per week, plus running a few nights a week: Lost 3/4 inch from upper arm, 3/4 inch from chest, 1 1/2 inch from natural waist, 1 1/4 inch from widest part of my waist, 1/2 inch from butt, 3/4 inch from thigh, and 1/2 inch from calf. And I think I lost 1 or 2 pounds only, which I'm totally fine with :)
I'm getting excited for nicer weather and being able to workout outside and enjoy the sun! I definitely have Spring Fever! Have a great and safe St. Patty's everyone :)
Normally for St. Patty's day weekend my husband and I go on the local party bus, drink all day long ,and get smashed, but this year I plan to start things off a little differently. First off, as I mentioned before, my friend Rachel and I will be running in the annual O'round the Loch 5K nearby. I'm so proud of her for finally believing that yes, she too, can be a runner. In preparation for the run, we went on a trial run outside yesterday, 3.1 miles, and finished it no problem. So now we are just hoping for decent weather so we don't freeze our butts off; however, that would be great motivation to finish faster... After the race we will probably grab a green beer and toast to our success, or rather Rachel's success for finishing her first official 5K. To some of you this may seem silly, but I can't get over how stoked I am that Rachel and I are doing this together. Yesterday as we were on our run, we recalled a memory from around the time we were first getting to know each other. Rachel has always been a dedicated walker. If you drive around Pocahontas, you are bound to see her strolling along. She was very against the idea of running. She used to tell me, I don't run, I can't run and was completely dead serious about it. So, one day last summer when my friend Lynn and I were out for a run, we saw Rachel walking. Lynn thought we should ask her to join us. I said that no, Rachel can't run. Lynn responded all serious and concerned-like, why, what's wrong with her?? Haha, as if she was handicapped in some way, which she definitely isn't. We still get a good laugh out of that :)
Moving along, today starts my 4th and final week of my initial Jillian Michaels workout, after which I will be attempting to do the Insanity workout. After the end of week 2, I was somewhat unimpressed with my results, but I have to say, my body has come a long ways, and I have lost several inches. Even my husband has said that he can tell my whole body has toned up quite a bit. I love what strength training has done for my body, not only do I look more toned, but I feel strong. The workout that I struggled doing day 1 is easy now, and my form is spot on, which is the most important part.
Here are the official numbers after 3 weeks of doing the workout 5-6 days per week, plus running a few nights a week: Lost 3/4 inch from upper arm, 3/4 inch from chest, 1 1/2 inch from natural waist, 1 1/4 inch from widest part of my waist, 1/2 inch from butt, 3/4 inch from thigh, and 1/2 inch from calf. And I think I lost 1 or 2 pounds only, which I'm totally fine with :)
I'm getting excited for nicer weather and being able to workout outside and enjoy the sun! I definitely have Spring Fever! Have a great and safe St. Patty's everyone :)
Friday, March 8, 2013
Excuses Excuses Excuses
Since starting my Jillian Michaels workout DVD two weeks ago, I've noticed a few things that I'm going to share.
1) I didn't lose any weight. Bad.
2) I lost roughly 3 inches total from various areas of my body (all in the first week). Good, but Bad.
3) The workout went from being hard to being somewhat easy; which means I've toned up the muscles I've been working. Good.
4) I'm dissatisfied. Granted, I've only been doing them for 2 weeks, but I already feel like maybe they aren't challenging me enough. Bad, but Good.
I'm just getting to the point where I am frustrated and a little disappointed in myself. As with any journey to better health, we all have ups and downs, and again, NOBODY is perfect. In January I lost 8 pounds, and since then I haven't lost any more. We all hit walls, but I'm beginning to feel like mine has been a concrete barrier reinforced with steel. Seriously, I might be a little dramatic, but it doesn't change the way I feel. Sometimes we can feel like we are doing everything right, but there isn't any payoff to show for it.
So, after wallowing in my own self pity and slight, very temporary depression, I've decided to try and change things up again instead of giving up. First, I plan to finish out my remaining 2 weeks doing my Jillian workout because I said I'd commit to it for 4 weeks, and then I'm going to do Insanity.
I've always been afraid to do workouts like P90X and Insanity because I never thought that I would be good enough to do them or finish them out. But, I've heard of so many people doing them now, many people that I know, and I realized I was just making ridiculous excuses. Most people can't do the workouts very well, but at least they're trying. If I don't try, how will I ever know what I'm actually capable of?
Recently I signed up to do Color Run this summer. I asked several friends to sign up with me and form a team. 80% of my responses were, Sounds fun, but I can't run. If those words ever come out of my mouth, I better be pregnant and on best rest, or old and weak. My appologies if this offends anyone, but if I couldn't run, even a little, I would start trying. The positive health affects from running are too awesome to ignore. Just saying...
I was also able to talk a great friend of mine into doing a 5K run on St. Patty's Day weekend. At first her response was, Haha, Nope! when I asked her if she was interested in doing it; however, she pleasantly surprised me when she changed her mind. Instead of falling victim to the I can't run line, she changed it to, I can't make any promises, but I'll try. Sounds corny, but I couldn't have been any more proud of her at that moment! :)
You never know what you are capable of doing until you actually try doing it. Don't give up before you start, and don't make excuses just to find a way out of it. How do you know how far you can go unless you take a few steps in that direction? Think about that next time you say, I can't run, or whatever it is that's holding you back from living.
1) I didn't lose any weight. Bad.
2) I lost roughly 3 inches total from various areas of my body (all in the first week). Good, but Bad.
3) The workout went from being hard to being somewhat easy; which means I've toned up the muscles I've been working. Good.
4) I'm dissatisfied. Granted, I've only been doing them for 2 weeks, but I already feel like maybe they aren't challenging me enough. Bad, but Good.
I'm just getting to the point where I am frustrated and a little disappointed in myself. As with any journey to better health, we all have ups and downs, and again, NOBODY is perfect. In January I lost 8 pounds, and since then I haven't lost any more. We all hit walls, but I'm beginning to feel like mine has been a concrete barrier reinforced with steel. Seriously, I might be a little dramatic, but it doesn't change the way I feel. Sometimes we can feel like we are doing everything right, but there isn't any payoff to show for it.
So, after wallowing in my own self pity and slight, very temporary depression, I've decided to try and change things up again instead of giving up. First, I plan to finish out my remaining 2 weeks doing my Jillian workout because I said I'd commit to it for 4 weeks, and then I'm going to do Insanity.
I've always been afraid to do workouts like P90X and Insanity because I never thought that I would be good enough to do them or finish them out. But, I've heard of so many people doing them now, many people that I know, and I realized I was just making ridiculous excuses. Most people can't do the workouts very well, but at least they're trying. If I don't try, how will I ever know what I'm actually capable of?
Recently I signed up to do Color Run this summer. I asked several friends to sign up with me and form a team. 80% of my responses were, Sounds fun, but I can't run. If those words ever come out of my mouth, I better be pregnant and on best rest, or old and weak. My appologies if this offends anyone, but if I couldn't run, even a little, I would start trying. The positive health affects from running are too awesome to ignore. Just saying...
I was also able to talk a great friend of mine into doing a 5K run on St. Patty's Day weekend. At first her response was, Haha, Nope! when I asked her if she was interested in doing it; however, she pleasantly surprised me when she changed her mind. Instead of falling victim to the I can't run line, she changed it to, I can't make any promises, but I'll try. Sounds corny, but I couldn't have been any more proud of her at that moment! :)
You never know what you are capable of doing until you actually try doing it. Don't give up before you start, and don't make excuses just to find a way out of it. How do you know how far you can go unless you take a few steps in that direction? Think about that next time you say, I can't run, or whatever it is that's holding you back from living.
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Getting Ripped!
Last week I shared with you my concerns about being skinny fat and the importance of strength training. So that's why a week ago yesterday I started circuit training with weights, thanks to Jillian Michaels and her easy to follow fitness dvd. Let me clarify that statement, Jillian explains moves very well, but her workouts are kick butt, and are especially hard the first couple times attempting to do them. After day 1, I couldn't hardly walk, get out of bed, or do stairs for 3 days. That's when it really sunk in for me that I wasn't in as good of shape as I thought I was; however, each day doing the workout has gotten easier and I can make it through the entire 45-50 minute tape without breaks or drinks of water. Trust me, it's a pretty good feeling!
My weight loss had been at a standstill the entire month of February, which is also part of the reason I started circuit training with weights. I knew my body would not only benefit from it, but it also needed a new challenge. I've also cut down on my lengthy runs, and have swapped them for shorter runs, 2 miles, followed by lengthy walks with added incline. Try walking a mile at 4 mph at 15% incline and you will be sweating your butt off! The kicker is to not hold on to any of the bars either, that's cheating and you don't get as much out of it. Just by increasing the incline to 5% will allow you to burn about 15% more calories than a level treadmill. By slowing incoporating incline into treadmill workouts, you can burn almost at many calories as running on level, which is great for all you non runners who would rather die than get on a treadmill.
While my weight really has not changed in the last week, which is perfectly fine with me, I have seen lots of results from my changed workout! I took several measurements last Friday and then again yesterday because I'm the type of person that needs to know that something good has been happening to my body because of the circuit training with weights or else I could find myself wanting to quit it altoghether. So here it is, I lost a total of 2 3/4 inches in ony 1 week! This includes 1/2 inch in my upper arm, 1/2 inch around my chest, 1/2 inch in the smaller part of my waist, 3/4 inch in the widest part of my waist, around my butt stayed the same, much to my husbands pleasure, 1/4 inch around the widest part of my thigh, and 1/4 inch around the widest part of my calf. This may not seem like much to some of you, but this is results from only 1 week! I have not changed my diet, other than cutting out potatoes for Lent, and I have not been working out excessively. I did circuit training with weights 4 times and hit the gym 4 times. Looking in the mirror I can see my muffin top is slowly melting away, which is my number one critique about my own body.
As I said before, I'm sticking with my Jillian tape for a solid month, and then at that point I'm probably going to have to find a new endeavor, such as Insanity or Cross Fit, so I can keep my body challenged. If we continue to workout using the same exercises over and over, eventually our body gets used to it and no longer challenges us. That's why we have to incorporate new and different workouts into our lives so our bodies can be in the best shape they can be. So go on, find yourself a new challenge :)
My weight loss had been at a standstill the entire month of February, which is also part of the reason I started circuit training with weights. I knew my body would not only benefit from it, but it also needed a new challenge. I've also cut down on my lengthy runs, and have swapped them for shorter runs, 2 miles, followed by lengthy walks with added incline. Try walking a mile at 4 mph at 15% incline and you will be sweating your butt off! The kicker is to not hold on to any of the bars either, that's cheating and you don't get as much out of it. Just by increasing the incline to 5% will allow you to burn about 15% more calories than a level treadmill. By slowing incoporating incline into treadmill workouts, you can burn almost at many calories as running on level, which is great for all you non runners who would rather die than get on a treadmill.
While my weight really has not changed in the last week, which is perfectly fine with me, I have seen lots of results from my changed workout! I took several measurements last Friday and then again yesterday because I'm the type of person that needs to know that something good has been happening to my body because of the circuit training with weights or else I could find myself wanting to quit it altoghether. So here it is, I lost a total of 2 3/4 inches in ony 1 week! This includes 1/2 inch in my upper arm, 1/2 inch around my chest, 1/2 inch in the smaller part of my waist, 3/4 inch in the widest part of my waist, around my butt stayed the same, much to my husbands pleasure, 1/4 inch around the widest part of my thigh, and 1/4 inch around the widest part of my calf. This may not seem like much to some of you, but this is results from only 1 week! I have not changed my diet, other than cutting out potatoes for Lent, and I have not been working out excessively. I did circuit training with weights 4 times and hit the gym 4 times. Looking in the mirror I can see my muffin top is slowly melting away, which is my number one critique about my own body.
As I said before, I'm sticking with my Jillian tape for a solid month, and then at that point I'm probably going to have to find a new endeavor, such as Insanity or Cross Fit, so I can keep my body challenged. If we continue to workout using the same exercises over and over, eventually our body gets used to it and no longer challenges us. That's why we have to incorporate new and different workouts into our lives so our bodies can be in the best shape they can be. So go on, find yourself a new challenge :)
Friday, February 22, 2013
Skinny Fat Girl
A few years ago I bought two Jillian Michaels workout DVDs (Banish Fat Boost Metabolism and No More Trouble Zones--one of which uses free weights for strength training and the other is more cardio). I did them adamently for maybe two weeks, and then gave up on them. They've been sitting in their cases ever since then. I lied, I attempted to try one of the tapes again before the wedding to try and tone up a bit...I made it through two of the seven circuits, then realized I couldn't breathe and was completely out of shape. I stopped and said, well, ain't doing that again!
Most of my workouts this year have consisted of treadmill runs and the occassional go on the elliptical. I haven't varied from that because I honestly enjoy running and find it to be a very rewarding workout, both physically and mentally. Last night, however, I came across a blog post that talked about the 'dangers' of using running as your sole form of workout. Two of those 'dangers' included becoming skinny fat and having unwanted cellulite, both of which stem from the same principle of not getting the added muscle tone/build from consistent weight training. A couple clarifications, skinny fat people are those that are somewhat skinny but have little muscle matter...just extra fat in places. It's like when you see a person who can run for long periods of time, but doesn't exactly look amazing naked. And if you don't know what cellulite is, how could you not?, it's that annoying cottage cheese dimply looking spots on your body, typically on your ass and thighs.
But, back to the skinny fat I reread that part over and over again, I realized that it kind of sounded a bit like me. I can run for a long time, but I've always looked a bit flabby. And while I've always considered myself a strong girl, muscle strong, I began to doubt how strong I actually was. Am I skinny fat? Honestly, I don't even consider myself skinny in the least bit, but I've had a negative body image for years, so who knows at this point, but I do feel like the reason I can workout forever and eat right and not see the pounds drop off is because I'm not building any extra muscle due to the fact that I'm just using the same muscles repeatedly. If anything, I could be doing more harm than good. Maybe?
I've never enjoyed weight training, and clearly that's why I've avoided it forever. But, as I'm getting older, I'm finally beginning to realize how important it is to do it. And reading that blog post last night really hit it home for me. It's time that I try to make a commitment to it, just as I have made a few other commitments this new year. It's gonna suck, and I'm going to hate it at first, but God willing, I will learn to deal with it and find a way to enjoy weight training...or at least endure it. So, I'm going to try out my Jillian again. I'm not sure yet what my goal is yet other than that I must try and make the extra effort for a solid 4 weeks...starting today. Wish me luck. Better yet, wish my shoulders, chest, arms, abs, back, legs, hips, and glutes good luck :/
Oh, and if anyone would like to share some weight training tips with me, that would be appreciated. Thanks!
Most of my workouts this year have consisted of treadmill runs and the occassional go on the elliptical. I haven't varied from that because I honestly enjoy running and find it to be a very rewarding workout, both physically and mentally. Last night, however, I came across a blog post that talked about the 'dangers' of using running as your sole form of workout. Two of those 'dangers' included becoming skinny fat and having unwanted cellulite, both of which stem from the same principle of not getting the added muscle tone/build from consistent weight training. A couple clarifications, skinny fat people are those that are somewhat skinny but have little muscle matter...just extra fat in places. It's like when you see a person who can run for long periods of time, but doesn't exactly look amazing naked. And if you don't know what cellulite is, how could you not?, it's that annoying cottage cheese dimply looking spots on your body, typically on your ass and thighs.
But, back to the skinny fat I reread that part over and over again, I realized that it kind of sounded a bit like me. I can run for a long time, but I've always looked a bit flabby. And while I've always considered myself a strong girl, muscle strong, I began to doubt how strong I actually was. Am I skinny fat? Honestly, I don't even consider myself skinny in the least bit, but I've had a negative body image for years, so who knows at this point, but I do feel like the reason I can workout forever and eat right and not see the pounds drop off is because I'm not building any extra muscle due to the fact that I'm just using the same muscles repeatedly. If anything, I could be doing more harm than good. Maybe?
I've never enjoyed weight training, and clearly that's why I've avoided it forever. But, as I'm getting older, I'm finally beginning to realize how important it is to do it. And reading that blog post last night really hit it home for me. It's time that I try to make a commitment to it, just as I have made a few other commitments this new year. It's gonna suck, and I'm going to hate it at first, but God willing, I will learn to deal with it and find a way to enjoy weight training...or at least endure it. So, I'm going to try out my Jillian again. I'm not sure yet what my goal is yet other than that I must try and make the extra effort for a solid 4 weeks...starting today. Wish me luck. Better yet, wish my shoulders, chest, arms, abs, back, legs, hips, and glutes good luck :/
Oh, and if anyone would like to share some weight training tips with me, that would be appreciated. Thanks!
Thursday, February 21, 2013
#1 Tip
So as the end of February draws nearer, I've realized that I haven't dropped any weight yet this month. Well, technically I did for like two days, but that one pound snuck back somewhere along the way ;)
Am I upset about this? Not really. I already feel ten times better about myself for losing the ten-ish pounds I gained since the wedding. Any other weight I lose will be a bonus and will come with time as my body adjusts to new things. I guess I can try and be patient for once in my life.
Yesterday I got my first real headache of the year. I used to get headaches all the time before, like at least every other day. And so having my first one all year that wasn't self induced (a hangover--like I said before, I'm not perfect!), is really quite amazing. I can pretty much pin point the reason for 90% of my previous headaches, and it was dehydration (the other 10% I think came from poor nutrition). I could go all day only drinking maybe the equivalent of one small bottle of water...and that was my entire liquid consumption, not just the amount of water I drank. And now that I'm drinking at least 64 oz of water a day, I still have to force myself to do it; it's not because I'm thirsty. I've read over and over again that the number of ounces of water you drink daily should be half your weight. For example, if you are a 140 pound person you should try to drink at least 70 oz of water a day. That's a lot of water, but isn't so hard to do if you carry a water bottle around with you at all times...which is what I do.
Water is such an important part of who we are as human beings:
So, that's #1 important tip for creating a healthier version of you is to drink plenty of water every day. Your body will love you for it :)
Am I upset about this? Not really. I already feel ten times better about myself for losing the ten-ish pounds I gained since the wedding. Any other weight I lose will be a bonus and will come with time as my body adjusts to new things. I guess I can try and be patient for once in my life.
Yesterday I got my first real headache of the year. I used to get headaches all the time before, like at least every other day. And so having my first one all year that wasn't self induced (a hangover--like I said before, I'm not perfect!), is really quite amazing. I can pretty much pin point the reason for 90% of my previous headaches, and it was dehydration (the other 10% I think came from poor nutrition). I could go all day only drinking maybe the equivalent of one small bottle of water...and that was my entire liquid consumption, not just the amount of water I drank. And now that I'm drinking at least 64 oz of water a day, I still have to force myself to do it; it's not because I'm thirsty. I've read over and over again that the number of ounces of water you drink daily should be half your weight. For example, if you are a 140 pound person you should try to drink at least 70 oz of water a day. That's a lot of water, but isn't so hard to do if you carry a water bottle around with you at all times...which is what I do.
Water is such an important part of who we are as human beings:
So, that's #1 important tip for creating a healthier version of you is to drink plenty of water every day. Your body will love you for it :)
Eat Like A Caveman!
If you've been on Pinterest, then you have had to seen pins regarding the Paleo Diet, a.k.a. the Caveman Diet. I was intrigued a few weeks back and started doing some research on it. If you follow me on Pinterest, you can see that I have a board devoted strictly to Paleo. So what is it? Well, it's just like the a.k.a. eat like a caveman would eat. What does that mean? Well, basically you restrict your diet to only foods/drinks that would have been available during the time of cavemen. Foods such as, fish, nuts, berries, and vegetables. You are not allowed to eat foods that are processed, dairy products, any type of grains, legumes, or potatoes. It seems that different 'Paleos' will go further than others, some consider themselves true Paleos while they say others don't exactly make the cut. From what I've gathered, in order to maintain a 'true' Paleo lifestyle, you should only consume organic foods. This includes, meats/fish (which should be grass fed), fruits, and vegetables. You can have nuts, but not peanuts. You can have sweet potatoes but not any other type. Let me make myself clear, I don't know all the facts and details about this diet, just some of the basics, and these seem like they are the most important areas to cover.
I absolutely love the idea of eating like a caveman because it just seems to make sense to me, but do not think it's something I could actually do for any long period of time. In fact, I tried it for one day, and it was EXTREMELY hard! (I ate fruit and veggies, however, they weren't organic..FYI ) Honestly, most of the day it was easy to eat like a caveman, but for supper it was hard because I am so used to having potatoes or some kind of grain for this meal. We had fresh fish and steamed veggies for supper that night, which is normal, but I had my fish baked, whereas my husband battered and fried his! Life did not seem fair at that moment. I love baked fish, but to have to sit and watch my husband eat his fried made me sad! If you are at all like me, I grew up eating a meat, potato (or grain) and a vegetable for supper, so to eliminate one of the three just seemed wrong and discomforting. I also like bread way too much to be able to eliminate it from my diet. Paleos do suggest that you have a cheat day every once in a while to allow yourself to eat something that has been cut from your regular I guess there is that to look forward to.
I challenge and encourage you to try eating like a caveman for one day, and not necessarily to punish you (haha), but because in doing so, you are forced to consider everything that you eat before you eat it. Just think about it at least :)
I absolutely love the idea of eating like a caveman because it just seems to make sense to me, but do not think it's something I could actually do for any long period of time. In fact, I tried it for one day, and it was EXTREMELY hard! (I ate fruit and veggies, however, they weren't organic..FYI ) Honestly, most of the day it was easy to eat like a caveman, but for supper it was hard because I am so used to having potatoes or some kind of grain for this meal. We had fresh fish and steamed veggies for supper that night, which is normal, but I had my fish baked, whereas my husband battered and fried his! Life did not seem fair at that moment. I love baked fish, but to have to sit and watch my husband eat his fried made me sad! If you are at all like me, I grew up eating a meat, potato (or grain) and a vegetable for supper, so to eliminate one of the three just seemed wrong and discomforting. I also like bread way too much to be able to eliminate it from my diet. Paleos do suggest that you have a cheat day every once in a while to allow yourself to eat something that has been cut from your regular I guess there is that to look forward to.
I challenge and encourage you to try eating like a caveman for one day, and not necessarily to punish you (haha), but because in doing so, you are forced to consider everything that you eat before you eat it. Just think about it at least :)
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Lent. I'm not going to lie, I don't really know too much about the whole Lent 'season,' if you will. I was never very religious growing up, as my family did not attend church regularly. I do, however, have a strong faith in God and have accepted Him into my life. So, even though I'm not Catholic or even religious according to other people's standards, I am planning on giving something up for Lent because I find it to be a great motivator.
I pondered this morning about what I could give up. I knew it had to be something that would be challenging, otherwise, what's the point? I also knew that it had to be realistic at the same time. My original intent was to give up sweets because I have a bit of a sweet tooth, but decided there was no way I could stick with it. Instead, I've decided to give up every form, except sweet potatoes because they aren't the same and are actually good for you. I love potatoes, too. They are one of my three favorite foods, along with eggs and bread. I know, real healthy, right? I figured what the heck though, I think I can give up potatoes for God :)
No matter which way you look at it, whether you are religious or not, challenging yourself to give something up that you feel that you possibly might not be able to live without is something we all can learn a thing or two from.
I pondered this morning about what I could give up. I knew it had to be something that would be challenging, otherwise, what's the point? I also knew that it had to be realistic at the same time. My original intent was to give up sweets because I have a bit of a sweet tooth, but decided there was no way I could stick with it. Instead, I've decided to give up every form, except sweet potatoes because they aren't the same and are actually good for you. I love potatoes, too. They are one of my three favorite foods, along with eggs and bread. I know, real healthy, right? I figured what the heck though, I think I can give up potatoes for God :)
No matter which way you look at it, whether you are religious or not, challenging yourself to give something up that you feel that you possibly might not be able to live without is something we all can learn a thing or two from.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
I told you a couple weeks ago that I had a new goal on the treadmill. If you've forgotten, I'll remind you that it was 7 miles in 70 minutes or less. Last night at the gym, I crushed that goal. Well, maybe not crushed it, but I did beat it. I ran 7 miles in 69 minutes and 35 seconds. It wasn't easy and it hit the old saying Mind over Matter straight on the head.
Everyone always says that running on the treadmill is much easier than running on pavement, or any other surface that isn't a moving belt. I will agree that it is easier to run on a treadmill when doing shorter distances, but to run for 7 miles with a scenery that never changes and nothing to keep your mind busy except for your own thoughts (that usually consist of you repeating am I done yet?) it is extrememly difficult and takes a lot of determination. Last night I kept telling myself, Just run Heather, don't worry about the time or distance. When I hit 5 miles I knew there was no turning back and that I was going to do 7 if it killed me. Luckily, it didn't kill me and when I was finished I didn't pass out but was rather tingly all over, much like the feeling I'd get as if I had just ran a sprint in a high school track meet.
I do want to clarify something that some of you may be wondering. I go to the gym quite a bit, typically 6 days a week. It's not like I go home every day after work thinking, Gee, I can't wait to work out tonight! Some days I drag myself there, and then groan while putting on my running shoes because working out isn't always fun. I've posted how I've met my 6 and now 7 mile goal. It's great and I feel proud to have done it, but it's not a cake walk. I try. I fight through it some days because I know how easy it would be to quit. But then where would that get me? Back to where I was before, and that's a place I never want to see again. Sometimes when I'm on that treadmill I have to literally say out loud to myself, Stop being a wuss, you're not done yet. And please don't assume that I'm running 6 or 7 miles everyday. Yes, those were my goals, but on average I run 4 miles a day and also walk 2 miles. That's an average of 36 miles a week. I listen to my body and can usually tell when it's had enough or when to take it easy. The last thing I want to do is get injured. I hope I don't make working out look easy because in truth, it's hard as hell some days.
Keep this thought in mind: If you are working out and it's hard as hell, then you are doing something right. If you are working out and it's easy, then you aren't doing enough.
Challenge yourself and the rewards will be so much sweeter!
Everyone always says that running on the treadmill is much easier than running on pavement, or any other surface that isn't a moving belt. I will agree that it is easier to run on a treadmill when doing shorter distances, but to run for 7 miles with a scenery that never changes and nothing to keep your mind busy except for your own thoughts (that usually consist of you repeating am I done yet?) it is extrememly difficult and takes a lot of determination. Last night I kept telling myself, Just run Heather, don't worry about the time or distance. When I hit 5 miles I knew there was no turning back and that I was going to do 7 if it killed me. Luckily, it didn't kill me and when I was finished I didn't pass out but was rather tingly all over, much like the feeling I'd get as if I had just ran a sprint in a high school track meet.
I do want to clarify something that some of you may be wondering. I go to the gym quite a bit, typically 6 days a week. It's not like I go home every day after work thinking, Gee, I can't wait to work out tonight! Some days I drag myself there, and then groan while putting on my running shoes because working out isn't always fun. I've posted how I've met my 6 and now 7 mile goal. It's great and I feel proud to have done it, but it's not a cake walk. I try. I fight through it some days because I know how easy it would be to quit. But then where would that get me? Back to where I was before, and that's a place I never want to see again. Sometimes when I'm on that treadmill I have to literally say out loud to myself, Stop being a wuss, you're not done yet. And please don't assume that I'm running 6 or 7 miles everyday. Yes, those were my goals, but on average I run 4 miles a day and also walk 2 miles. That's an average of 36 miles a week. I listen to my body and can usually tell when it's had enough or when to take it easy. The last thing I want to do is get injured. I hope I don't make working out look easy because in truth, it's hard as hell some days.
Keep this thought in mind: If you are working out and it's hard as hell, then you are doing something right. If you are working out and it's easy, then you aren't doing enough.
Challenge yourself and the rewards will be so much sweeter!
Monday, February 11, 2013
3 Day Diet?
I kept seeing this 3 Day Military Diet on Pinterest where you can lose up to 10 pounds in 3 days, so I finally got curious and checked it out one day. Basically it's a 'diet' that you go on for 3 days (I know, duh) and you must follow it by the book. You are given a set menu, if you can call it a menu. It's more like, have a little of this and a little of that. There are substitutions listed, but it is recommended to follow it as is for optimum results. The original website for the 3 Day Military Diet is or at least that's where I found it.
Here is the diet:
DAY 1:
Breakfast--1/2 Grapefruit, 1 Slice of Toast, 2 Tablespoons of Peanut Butter, and Coffee or Tea
Lunch--1/2 Cup of Tuna, 1 Slice of Toast, and Coffee or Tea (any brew, as long as it's caffeinated)
Dinner--3 ounces of any type of meat, 1 Cup of Green Beans, 1/2 Banana, 1 Small Apple, and 1 Cup of Vanilla Ice Cream
DAY 2:
Breakfast--1 egg, 1 Slice of Toast, and 1/2 Banana
Lunch--1 Cup of Cottage Cheese (Or 1 Slice of Cheddar Cheese), 1 Hard Boiled Egg, and 5 Saltine Crackers
Dinner--2 Hot Dogs, (no buns), 1 Cup of Broccoli, 1/2 Cup of Carrots, 1/2 Banana, and 1/2 Cup of Vanilla Ice Cream
DAY 3:
Breakfast--5 Saltine Crackers, 1 Slice of Cheddar Cheese, and 1 Small Apple
Lunch-1 Hard-Boiled Egg, and 1 Slice of Toast
Dinner--1 Cup of Tuna, 1/2 of a Banana, and 1 Cup of Vanilla Ice Cream
Now, the calorie count for the days average around 1000 calories, but I don't know the exact number. Any dummy can figure out that 1000 calories is less than what a normal person should be eating on a daily basis, so it is obvious that some weight would be lost regardless of whether or not the person worked out. The diet claims to consist of food that if eaten accordingly, will work together for max weight loss. I don't know about all that, but that's along the lines of what it says. You will have to read the website yourself if you want more information.
The reason I checked out this diet is because I wanted to test it out and see if there was any truth to it. So is there? Well, in 3 days, I lost a whopping 2 pounds, and I was also working out daily. If this diet does work, I think it would be best for people who need to lose more weight than me and also who don't eat very healthy to begin with. I would use it more as a way to jumpstart eating healthier, to help get you on the right track. As a simple disclaimer, I don't support or unsupport the 3 Day Military Diet in any way, shape, or form. I'm sure some of you have seen it on Pinterest and I thought I would do the dirty work for you :)
If you want to lose weight, a simple 3 day fix isn't going to do the trick, but it could possibly help to point you in the right direction. Happy Trails!!
Here is the diet:
DAY 1:
Breakfast--1/2 Grapefruit, 1 Slice of Toast, 2 Tablespoons of Peanut Butter, and Coffee or Tea
Lunch--1/2 Cup of Tuna, 1 Slice of Toast, and Coffee or Tea (any brew, as long as it's caffeinated)
Dinner--3 ounces of any type of meat, 1 Cup of Green Beans, 1/2 Banana, 1 Small Apple, and 1 Cup of Vanilla Ice Cream
DAY 2:
Breakfast--1 egg, 1 Slice of Toast, and 1/2 Banana
Lunch--1 Cup of Cottage Cheese (Or 1 Slice of Cheddar Cheese), 1 Hard Boiled Egg, and 5 Saltine Crackers
Dinner--2 Hot Dogs, (no buns), 1 Cup of Broccoli, 1/2 Cup of Carrots, 1/2 Banana, and 1/2 Cup of Vanilla Ice Cream
DAY 3:
Breakfast--5 Saltine Crackers, 1 Slice of Cheddar Cheese, and 1 Small Apple
Lunch-1 Hard-Boiled Egg, and 1 Slice of Toast
Dinner--1 Cup of Tuna, 1/2 of a Banana, and 1 Cup of Vanilla Ice Cream
Now, the calorie count for the days average around 1000 calories, but I don't know the exact number. Any dummy can figure out that 1000 calories is less than what a normal person should be eating on a daily basis, so it is obvious that some weight would be lost regardless of whether or not the person worked out. The diet claims to consist of food that if eaten accordingly, will work together for max weight loss. I don't know about all that, but that's along the lines of what it says. You will have to read the website yourself if you want more information.
The reason I checked out this diet is because I wanted to test it out and see if there was any truth to it. So is there? Well, in 3 days, I lost a whopping 2 pounds, and I was also working out daily. If this diet does work, I think it would be best for people who need to lose more weight than me and also who don't eat very healthy to begin with. I would use it more as a way to jumpstart eating healthier, to help get you on the right track. As a simple disclaimer, I don't support or unsupport the 3 Day Military Diet in any way, shape, or form. I'm sure some of you have seen it on Pinterest and I thought I would do the dirty work for you :)
If you want to lose weight, a simple 3 day fix isn't going to do the trick, but it could possibly help to point you in the right direction. Happy Trails!!
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Be a Cheater
I like to cheat....on my diet that is :)
Sometimes you can't fight the cravings, sometimes you have a really bad day, and sometimes you simply just deserve a day off. A cheat day. As you know, I haven't really been in the mood to do anything lately...I'm still in my funk. While in my funk this week I decided to do absolutely whatever I wanted for one whole day, well, except take the day off from work, can't afford to do that.
The first thing I did was go get my nails done. When I walked in, it wasn't busy and they got me taken care of right away. It was meant to be. Then I headed over to Walmart to grab a few items. As I was leaving there, I decided I wanted ice cream. I deserved it, right? So, I got me a small oreo McFlurry from McDonald's, which I haven't had in probably a year. It was delicious. I got home around 6:30 p.m., just enough time to take my groceries in and head to town for the movie theater. Nobody wanted to see The Hobbit with me so I was going to do that alone, too. At the concessions, the attendant asked me if I wanted popcorn. The coversation followed:
Me: Yes, give me a big one.
Attendant: As she's turning around, you want a tub?
Me: Dumbfounded with my mouth hanging open, you have tubs?! No, no, I'll take whatever size that blue bag is.
Attendant: That's a medium. We have bigger ones than the tub, too.
Me: Oh my. That would be irresponsible of me. I'll stick with the medium. And a G2 Gatoraade, please.
If you've ever been in the Pocahontas theater, you know that it is very nice, and just the right size. I strategically pick out my seat, closer towards the front, in the middle of the row of course, and absolutely next to nobody else. I pull the armrest down on either side of me, put napkins in one cupholder and my drink in the other, then put my feet up on the armrest of the chair in front of me. The lights dim and the movie begins to play. Then the gosh awful, most unthinkable thing happens next.... No, nothing was wrong with the film or the screen or the sound. It was worse than that. Late movie goers. New arrivals. 5 adults and one 2 year old, approximately. At this point I must inform you that it is a Tuesday night, the theater has currently maybe 15 people and probably 100 open seats, at least. They could dang well sit anywhere and not be a bother to anyone. they come, heading for me. They file into the row of seats directly in front of me and decide to sit there and block my view of the screen. The mom of the 2 year old sits in front of me and holds the child on her lap. Are you kidding me? Did you not see me? Are you really going to be that rude? Out of all the seats in the theater, you chose the only ones that would completely ruin my movie experience? I'm fuming at this point. I grab up my things, as loudly as I can so they can hear me, and slide down to the end of the row so I'm on the seat next to the aisle. Granted it was only two seats, but made a world of difference in my view of the screen. The mom turns around and looks at me like I did something wrong. Good thing it was dark and the look of annoyance on my face was somewhat hidden. At this point I decide to make the best of it, put my feet up and enjoy my buttery popcorn and the movie. I'm not going to tell you everything else that disturbed me throughout the entire movie, but I think you can take some guesses. It was a 3 hour long movie, and we all know a 2 year old cannot sit that long... When the show finally ended and I was walking out to leave, I wished I had gotten the big tub of popcorn, and it wasn't so I could eat it.
Some of you with kids probably think I am over reacting, but let me explain. I have absolutely no problem with families going to movies. My problem was that they had the gall to sit right in front of me when there were so many other open seats that wouldn't have been a bother to anyone! Instead, they had to alter my movie experience. Could I have gotten up and completely changed seats? No, because I'm stubborn and that doesn't seem fair. I'm afraid my little tangent about the movie has distracted me from what I'm really trying to tell you, so allow me to get back on focus..
It's important that we all take days for ourselves to do something that will make us happy. For me, I skipped working out, got my nails done, ate ice cream, saw a great movie, and ate yummy delicious popcorn. If we don't give in to our cravings from time to time, at some point it's going to bite us in the butt. Give in every once in a while because this is still our life and we deserve to be a little bad in order to make us feel some happiness.
Sometimes you can't fight the cravings, sometimes you have a really bad day, and sometimes you simply just deserve a day off. A cheat day. As you know, I haven't really been in the mood to do anything lately...I'm still in my funk. While in my funk this week I decided to do absolutely whatever I wanted for one whole day, well, except take the day off from work, can't afford to do that.
The first thing I did was go get my nails done. When I walked in, it wasn't busy and they got me taken care of right away. It was meant to be. Then I headed over to Walmart to grab a few items. As I was leaving there, I decided I wanted ice cream. I deserved it, right? So, I got me a small oreo McFlurry from McDonald's, which I haven't had in probably a year. It was delicious. I got home around 6:30 p.m., just enough time to take my groceries in and head to town for the movie theater. Nobody wanted to see The Hobbit with me so I was going to do that alone, too. At the concessions, the attendant asked me if I wanted popcorn. The coversation followed:
Me: Yes, give me a big one.
Attendant: As she's turning around, you want a tub?
Me: Dumbfounded with my mouth hanging open, you have tubs?! No, no, I'll take whatever size that blue bag is.
Attendant: That's a medium. We have bigger ones than the tub, too.
Me: Oh my. That would be irresponsible of me. I'll stick with the medium. And a G2 Gatoraade, please.
If you've ever been in the Pocahontas theater, you know that it is very nice, and just the right size. I strategically pick out my seat, closer towards the front, in the middle of the row of course, and absolutely next to nobody else. I pull the armrest down on either side of me, put napkins in one cupholder and my drink in the other, then put my feet up on the armrest of the chair in front of me. The lights dim and the movie begins to play. Then the gosh awful, most unthinkable thing happens next.... No, nothing was wrong with the film or the screen or the sound. It was worse than that. Late movie goers. New arrivals. 5 adults and one 2 year old, approximately. At this point I must inform you that it is a Tuesday night, the theater has currently maybe 15 people and probably 100 open seats, at least. They could dang well sit anywhere and not be a bother to anyone. they come, heading for me. They file into the row of seats directly in front of me and decide to sit there and block my view of the screen. The mom of the 2 year old sits in front of me and holds the child on her lap. Are you kidding me? Did you not see me? Are you really going to be that rude? Out of all the seats in the theater, you chose the only ones that would completely ruin my movie experience? I'm fuming at this point. I grab up my things, as loudly as I can so they can hear me, and slide down to the end of the row so I'm on the seat next to the aisle. Granted it was only two seats, but made a world of difference in my view of the screen. The mom turns around and looks at me like I did something wrong. Good thing it was dark and the look of annoyance on my face was somewhat hidden. At this point I decide to make the best of it, put my feet up and enjoy my buttery popcorn and the movie. I'm not going to tell you everything else that disturbed me throughout the entire movie, but I think you can take some guesses. It was a 3 hour long movie, and we all know a 2 year old cannot sit that long... When the show finally ended and I was walking out to leave, I wished I had gotten the big tub of popcorn, and it wasn't so I could eat it.
Some of you with kids probably think I am over reacting, but let me explain. I have absolutely no problem with families going to movies. My problem was that they had the gall to sit right in front of me when there were so many other open seats that wouldn't have been a bother to anyone! Instead, they had to alter my movie experience. Could I have gotten up and completely changed seats? No, because I'm stubborn and that doesn't seem fair. I'm afraid my little tangent about the movie has distracted me from what I'm really trying to tell you, so allow me to get back on focus..
It's important that we all take days for ourselves to do something that will make us happy. For me, I skipped working out, got my nails done, ate ice cream, saw a great movie, and ate yummy delicious popcorn. If we don't give in to our cravings from time to time, at some point it's going to bite us in the butt. Give in every once in a while because this is still our life and we deserve to be a little bad in order to make us feel some happiness.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Do you ever just wake up feeling blah for really no reason at all? I've been feeling that way all week. No matter what I do, I can't seem to break this funk that I'm in. I'm trying to take a step back to try and figure out why I've been feeling the way that I am... Here are my possible explanations...
*PMS: Need not to explain any further, right ladies? We all know how this goes. Men, I suggest you keep your opinions on this subject to yourselves... I'm also thinking this is why I have sudden cravings for anything sweet.
*Weight-loss Wall: I've kept up with healthier eating and working out several days a week, but I'm to that point where your body hits that wall and doesn't want to drop weight. I know my body is building up muscle, and this is just a stage, but I have to admit that it has been somewhat discouraging to not see the numbers drop.
*Lonely: I've felt really lonely lately and I know this has had an effect on my mood. I'm busy all the time and so is my husband, so we barely get to see each other. And I can't even remember the last time I did something fun with one of my girlfriends. I even had to go to the nail salon alone this week because I couldn't find anyone to go with me.
*Insomnia: I have not been sleeping well for the last couple of weeks. I toss and turn every night and wake up a minimum of three times. I started taking melatonin, a natural supplement to aid with sleep problems, and I think it makes me sleepier, but doesn't really do the trick.
So, where exactly I go from here, I don't know. Hopefully things turn around in the near future because I'm tired of feeling this way! I think getting it all written down also helps me to see the situation in a new light. I think it's important to be able to journal your thoughts and keeps you sane! Next time you have a problem, write it down and see if it helps you find a solution. Take care, all.
*PMS: Need not to explain any further, right ladies? We all know how this goes. Men, I suggest you keep your opinions on this subject to yourselves... I'm also thinking this is why I have sudden cravings for anything sweet.
*Weight-loss Wall: I've kept up with healthier eating and working out several days a week, but I'm to that point where your body hits that wall and doesn't want to drop weight. I know my body is building up muscle, and this is just a stage, but I have to admit that it has been somewhat discouraging to not see the numbers drop.
*Lonely: I've felt really lonely lately and I know this has had an effect on my mood. I'm busy all the time and so is my husband, so we barely get to see each other. And I can't even remember the last time I did something fun with one of my girlfriends. I even had to go to the nail salon alone this week because I couldn't find anyone to go with me.
*Insomnia: I have not been sleeping well for the last couple of weeks. I toss and turn every night and wake up a minimum of three times. I started taking melatonin, a natural supplement to aid with sleep problems, and I think it makes me sleepier, but doesn't really do the trick.
So, where exactly I go from here, I don't know. Hopefully things turn around in the near future because I'm tired of feeling this way! I think getting it all written down also helps me to see the situation in a new light. I think it's important to be able to journal your thoughts and keeps you sane! Next time you have a problem, write it down and see if it helps you find a solution. Take care, all.
Monday, February 4, 2013
I woke up today in a funk. While at work, even the radio annoyed me. Four straight hours of a radio station called The Hippie with the volume too loud and off and on static...could there be anything worse to endure? I was literally counting down the minutes until I got to leave for lunch. By the time the workday was over, I was not as bad, but still, the last thing I wanted to do was open up the weight room for two hours of public night. Knowing that nobody really comes for public night was the one thing that was going to get me through those two hours because I knew I could dip out early. While on the treadmill, I really wasn't feeling it. I decided that I'd run 2, maybe 3 miles then just walk for awhile. But, 2 led to 3 and 3 led to 6. I'm not sure where my sudden burst of energy or motivation came from, but I'm also not complaining. Tonight, for the first time in roughly 4 years, I was able to run 6 consecutive miles...under 60 mins. My official time was 59 minutes and 35 seconds. If you've been reading my blog, then you know that that was my goal. 6 miles under 60 minutes. I did it.
It's important that we set goals when it comes to our health and nutrition, whether it be about weight loss or eating better. If we don't have goals, then we have nothing concrete to work for. And even though I met my goal on the treadmill, I already have another one in place. 7 miles in 70 minutes. If you are just starting out, make it a goal just to hit the gym or use that workout tape that's been collecting dust, whatever fits you. Decide to cut out a can of pop and bag of chips and replace them with a bottle of water and an apple. Start small and work your way up, otherwise you are at the risk of failure. For example, if you are an avid pop drinker, make it a goal to consume half the amount you typically do on a normal day, then go from there. If you try to give it up cold turkey, you may experience a weak moment then give up on giving it up completely. Rome wasn't built in a day, and a healthier lifestyle doesn't just happen over night either. If you are already working out, try to mix it up. If you find that you aren't getting anywhere with the same old routine, it's probably because your body is used to it and isn't being challenged by it anymore. Make it a goal to go harder, longer. If you aren't sweating and out of breath at some point, are you really working out as hard as you want to be? Think about it.
Do something that makes you sweat....and yes, sex does count.
It's important that we set goals when it comes to our health and nutrition, whether it be about weight loss or eating better. If we don't have goals, then we have nothing concrete to work for. And even though I met my goal on the treadmill, I already have another one in place. 7 miles in 70 minutes. If you are just starting out, make it a goal just to hit the gym or use that workout tape that's been collecting dust, whatever fits you. Decide to cut out a can of pop and bag of chips and replace them with a bottle of water and an apple. Start small and work your way up, otherwise you are at the risk of failure. For example, if you are an avid pop drinker, make it a goal to consume half the amount you typically do on a normal day, then go from there. If you try to give it up cold turkey, you may experience a weak moment then give up on giving it up completely. Rome wasn't built in a day, and a healthier lifestyle doesn't just happen over night either. If you are already working out, try to mix it up. If you find that you aren't getting anywhere with the same old routine, it's probably because your body is used to it and isn't being challenged by it anymore. Make it a goal to go harder, longer. If you aren't sweating and out of breath at some point, are you really working out as hard as you want to be? Think about it.
Do something that makes you sweat....and yes, sex does count.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Take a Time-Out
I'm the type of person that once I get ito a routine, I don't like to change it. I actually begin to feel guilty if I don't do something that I've grown accustomed to doing. For example, I like to go to the gym and work out as often as I can. If I don't go one day, it makes me feel bad, like I'm letting myself down in some way. Last week I worked out Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. By the time Thursday came around though, I was so burnt out that I couldn't go as hard as I wanted to. My body was tired and trying to tell me it needed a break, so on Friday I decided I would take the day off and let myself recover a bit. When I went to the gym on Saturday I felt like a new woman, refreshed and ready to go! As each mile passed on the treadmill, I thought, I can do another one. I stopped after 5 miles, mostly because I needed to get going soon, and also because I didn't want to overdo it. It's been a long time since I've been able to do 5 miles on the treadmill without taking a break in between somewhere. I was a proud runner that day.
What I'm trying to emphasize, is that sometimes our bodies need a time-out. If we learn to listen to it, we can train harder and help to prevent any unnecessary injuries. Allow yourself that day off from doing whatever it is that makes you work up a sweat. Try not to feel guilty for it; just plan to train even harder the next day. Your body will thank you for it!
What I'm trying to emphasize, is that sometimes our bodies need a time-out. If we learn to listen to it, we can train harder and help to prevent any unnecessary injuries. Allow yourself that day off from doing whatever it is that makes you work up a sweat. Try not to feel guilty for it; just plan to train even harder the next day. Your body will thank you for it!
Friday, February 1, 2013
For the last month I have been using a journal to record what I eat, drink and the time of food intake, how much and what I do for exercise, and occassionally my current weight. So far it has been working out pretty well and has helped to hold me accountable. I have tried journaling before, but could never stick with it because I became unmotivated and lazy. I think my biggest issue, however, was that I didn't want to have to face what I was eating and have to write it down in my journal. This time has been different and is the longest I have been able to stick with it, and I've actually come to enjoy tracking what I eat and drink, and what I do for exercise. I pick up on patterns, such as what time I'm more prone to snack. I also am able to see how far I've come in my fitness over time. Basically, I'm learning more about myself and what my body is experiencing daily.
As I was reading the comments off of somebody else's blog the other day, I noticed somebody mentioned the website . It sounded like a cool website to check out for various health and fitness related topics. While on the site, I found a tool called MyPlate. This tool can be used, free with site registration (yes, another username and password to remember), to keep track of what you eat, what time you eat it, exercise, water intake, weight tracker, and helps you to set goals. I thought it was super cool and worth giving a try. I have been using it for a week now, along with my normal journal, and what I like the best is that it not only keeps track of calories, but also cholesteral, sodium, protein, fat, sugars, and carbs. It forces you to really see, in number form, how much of those things you are putting into your body. There are days, even when I think I'm eating healthy, that I wind up being surprised by my sodium intake, etc. I also like that you can input what you do for exercise and for how long and it will compute the calories burned, then subtract that from your caloric intake. All in all, I think it is a great website, especially for somebody looking for a little help with monitoring their caloric intake. But even if you aren't interested in using MyPlate, there are all sorts of interesting articles and links that are related to health and fitness. It's definitely worth checking out!
As I was reading the comments off of somebody else's blog the other day, I noticed somebody mentioned the website . It sounded like a cool website to check out for various health and fitness related topics. While on the site, I found a tool called MyPlate. This tool can be used, free with site registration (yes, another username and password to remember), to keep track of what you eat, what time you eat it, exercise, water intake, weight tracker, and helps you to set goals. I thought it was super cool and worth giving a try. I have been using it for a week now, along with my normal journal, and what I like the best is that it not only keeps track of calories, but also cholesteral, sodium, protein, fat, sugars, and carbs. It forces you to really see, in number form, how much of those things you are putting into your body. There are days, even when I think I'm eating healthy, that I wind up being surprised by my sodium intake, etc. I also like that you can input what you do for exercise and for how long and it will compute the calories burned, then subtract that from your caloric intake. All in all, I think it is a great website, especially for somebody looking for a little help with monitoring their caloric intake. But even if you aren't interested in using MyPlate, there are all sorts of interesting articles and links that are related to health and fitness. It's definitely worth checking out!
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Hard Work Pays Off
Those of you that have been reading my blog for the last week, thank you! I know I'm just another girl, blogging about issues that many people don't care about, so I appreciate the time you take out of your day to read my ramblings. It has been my goal since I started this blog, to help myself really think about what I have been doing to my body and what I'd like to be doing not to it, but for it from now on. Making the conscious decision to better yourself and create a healthier lifestyle is not something that is easily done. This last month has been not only frustrating and challenging, but also eye opening and wonderful. After discussing a trending lifestyle, known as the paleo diet, a.k.a. the caveman diet (which I'll talk more about a different day) I asked my husband last night if he thought I was crazy. He said, "Not yet, but you're getting there." I just smiled and let out a little laugh. If striving towards a healthy lifestyle is crazy, so be it!
So, yesterday I told you all that I would let you in on some of my results. Obviously I've shared thoughout my previous posts some of the changes I seen, but have never said whether or not I've lost any extra weight. On the morning of January 1st I weighed in at a whopping 152.2 pounds. This was not a proud moment for me, as I learned that the effects of my lazy and unhealthy lifestyle had taken it's toll on me. For those of you that know me, I'm a short girl; only 5 feet 3 inches in stature. My BMI (body mass index) was a staggering 26.96, which falls in the Overweight category. I am happy to say that after a solid month of taking care of myself emotionally, physically, and every other way that I could, I weighed in this morning at 144.2 pounds. This is a BMI of 25.54 and still in the Overweight category; however, I am very, very close to being in the Normal range (18.5-24.9). In 31 days I had lost a total of 8 pounds, and I'm sure several inches, though I never bothered to measure myself. I DID NOT starve myself or work out excessively. I gave in to my cravings at times, I went out to eat, and I still consumed alcohol. The difference now is that I did all these things in moderation.
My goal now is to continue on my healthy path because I'm not just doing this for the weight loss. It is a part of it, but my overall health is more important to me than a number on the scale. As I continue to blog, I plan to share tips, things I've tried, how I'm feeling and whatever else I feel like. I hope you continue to make my writings a part of your day and that you find some kind inspiration from what I have to say. Comments are welcomed! Now, it's time for this girl to head to the gym. It's not too late today for you to do something active either :)
So, yesterday I told you all that I would let you in on some of my results. Obviously I've shared thoughout my previous posts some of the changes I seen, but have never said whether or not I've lost any extra weight. On the morning of January 1st I weighed in at a whopping 152.2 pounds. This was not a proud moment for me, as I learned that the effects of my lazy and unhealthy lifestyle had taken it's toll on me. For those of you that know me, I'm a short girl; only 5 feet 3 inches in stature. My BMI (body mass index) was a staggering 26.96, which falls in the Overweight category. I am happy to say that after a solid month of taking care of myself emotionally, physically, and every other way that I could, I weighed in this morning at 144.2 pounds. This is a BMI of 25.54 and still in the Overweight category; however, I am very, very close to being in the Normal range (18.5-24.9). In 31 days I had lost a total of 8 pounds, and I'm sure several inches, though I never bothered to measure myself. I DID NOT starve myself or work out excessively. I gave in to my cravings at times, I went out to eat, and I still consumed alcohol. The difference now is that I did all these things in moderation.
My goal now is to continue on my healthy path because I'm not just doing this for the weight loss. It is a part of it, but my overall health is more important to me than a number on the scale. As I continue to blog, I plan to share tips, things I've tried, how I'm feeling and whatever else I feel like. I hope you continue to make my writings a part of your day and that you find some kind inspiration from what I have to say. Comments are welcomed! Now, it's time for this girl to head to the gym. It's not too late today for you to do something active either :)
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