Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Lent. I'm not going to lie, I don't really know too much about the whole Lent 'season,' if you will. I was never very religious growing up, as my family did not attend church regularly. I do, however, have a strong faith in God and have accepted Him into my life. So, even though I'm not Catholic or even religious according to other people's standards, I am planning on giving something up for Lent because I find it to be a great motivator.

I pondered this morning about what I could give up. I knew it had to be something that would be challenging, otherwise, what's the point? I also knew that it had to be realistic at the same time. My original intent was to give up sweets because I have a bit of a sweet tooth, but decided there was no way I could stick with it. Instead, I've decided to give up every form, except sweet potatoes because they aren't the same and are actually good for you. I love potatoes, too. They are one of my three favorite foods, along with eggs and bread. I know, real healthy, right? I figured what the heck though, I think I can give up potatoes for God :)

No matter which way you look at it, whether you are religious or not, challenging yourself to give something up that you feel that you possibly might not be able to live without is something we all can learn a thing or two from.

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