Sunday, February 3, 2013

Take a Time-Out

I'm the type of person that once I get ito a routine, I don't like to change it. I actually begin to feel guilty if I don't do something that I've grown accustomed to doing. For example, I like to go to the gym and work out as often as I can. If I don't go one day, it makes me feel bad, like I'm letting myself down in some way. Last week I worked out Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. By the time Thursday came around though, I was so burnt out that I couldn't go as hard as I wanted to. My body was tired and trying to tell me it needed a break, so on Friday I decided I would take the day off and let myself recover a bit. When I went to the gym on Saturday I felt like a new woman, refreshed and ready to go! As each mile passed on the treadmill, I thought, I can do another one. I stopped after 5 miles, mostly because I needed to get going soon, and also because I didn't want to overdo it. It's been a long time since I've been able to do 5 miles on the treadmill without taking a break in between somewhere. I was a proud runner that day.

What I'm trying to emphasize, is that sometimes our bodies need a time-out. If we learn to listen to it, we can train harder and help to prevent any unnecessary injuries. Allow yourself that day off from doing whatever it is that makes you work up a sweat. Try not to feel guilty for it; just plan to train even harder the next day. Your body will thank you for it!

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