Monday, February 4, 2013


I woke up today in a funk. While at work, even the radio annoyed me. Four straight hours of a radio station called The Hippie with the volume too loud and off and on static...could there be anything worse to endure? I was literally counting down the minutes until I got to leave for lunch. By the time the workday was over, I was not as bad, but still, the last thing I wanted to do was open up the weight room for two hours of public night. Knowing that nobody really comes for public night was the one thing that was going to get me through those two hours because I knew I could dip out early. While on the treadmill, I really wasn't feeling it. I decided that I'd run 2, maybe 3 miles then just walk for awhile. But, 2 led to 3 and 3 led to 6. I'm not sure where my sudden burst of energy or motivation came from, but I'm also not complaining. Tonight, for the first time in roughly 4 years, I was able to run 6 consecutive miles...under 60 mins. My official time was 59 minutes and 35 seconds. If you've been reading my blog, then you know that that was my goal. 6 miles under 60 minutes. I did it.

It's important that we set goals when it comes to our health and nutrition, whether it be about weight loss or eating better. If we don't have goals, then we have nothing concrete to work for. And even though I met my goal on the treadmill, I already have another one in place. 7 miles in 70 minutes. If you are just starting out, make it a goal just to hit the gym or use that workout tape that's been collecting dust, whatever fits you. Decide to cut out a can of pop and bag of chips and replace them with a bottle of water and an apple. Start small and work your way up, otherwise you are at the risk of failure. For example, if you are an avid pop drinker, make it a goal to consume half the amount you typically do on a normal day, then go from there. If you try to give it up cold turkey, you may experience a weak moment then give up on giving it up completely. Rome wasn't built in a day, and a healthier lifestyle doesn't just happen over night either. If you are already working out, try to mix it up. If you find that you aren't getting anywhere with the same old routine, it's probably because your body is used to it and isn't being challenged by it anymore. Make it a goal to go harder, longer. If you aren't sweating and out of breath at some point, are you really working out as hard as you want to be? Think about it.

Do something that makes you sweat....and yes, sex does count.

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