Saturday, February 9, 2013

Be a Cheater

I like to cheat....on my diet that is :)

Sometimes you can't fight the cravings, sometimes you have a really bad day, and sometimes you simply just deserve a day off. A cheat day. As you know, I haven't really been in the mood to do anything lately...I'm still in my funk. While in my funk this week I decided to do absolutely whatever I wanted for one whole day, well, except take the day off from work, can't afford to do that.

The first thing I did was go get my nails done. When I walked in, it wasn't busy and they got me taken care of right away. It was meant to be. Then I headed over to Walmart to grab a few items. As I was leaving there, I decided I wanted ice cream. I deserved it, right? So, I got me a small oreo McFlurry from McDonald's, which I haven't had in probably a year. It was delicious. I got home around 6:30 p.m., just enough time to take my groceries in and head to town for the movie theater. Nobody wanted to see The Hobbit with me so I was going to do that alone, too. At the concessions, the attendant asked me if I wanted popcorn. The coversation followed:
Me: Yes, give me a big one.
Attendant: As she's turning around, you want a tub?
Me: Dumbfounded with my mouth hanging open, you have tubs?! No, no, I'll take whatever size that blue bag is.
Attendant: That's a medium. We have bigger ones than the tub, too.
Me: Oh my. That would be irresponsible of me. I'll stick with the medium. And a G2 Gatoraade, please.

If you've ever been in the Pocahontas theater, you know that it is very nice, and just the right size. I strategically pick out my seat, closer towards the front, in the middle of the row of course, and absolutely next to nobody else. I pull the armrest down on either side of me, put napkins in one cupholder and my drink in the other, then put my feet up on the armrest of the chair in front of me. The lights dim and the movie begins to play. Then the gosh awful, most unthinkable thing happens next.... No, nothing was wrong with the film or the screen or the sound. It was worse than that. Late movie goers. New arrivals. 5 adults and one 2 year old, approximately. At this point I must inform you that it is a Tuesday night, the theater has currently maybe 15 people and probably 100 open seats, at least. They could dang well sit anywhere and not be a bother to anyone. they come, heading for me. They file into the row of seats directly in front of me and decide to sit there and block my view of the screen. The mom of the 2 year old sits in front of me and holds the child on her lap. Are you kidding me? Did you not see me? Are you really going to be that rude? Out of all the seats in the theater, you chose the only ones that would completely ruin my movie experience? I'm fuming at this point. I grab up my things, as loudly as I can so they can hear me, and slide down to the end of the row so I'm on the seat next to the aisle. Granted it was only two seats, but made a world of difference in my view of the screen. The mom turns around and looks at me like I did something wrong. Good thing it was dark and the look of annoyance on my face was somewhat hidden. At this point I decide to make the best of it, put my feet up and enjoy my buttery popcorn and the movie. I'm not going to tell you everything else that disturbed me throughout the entire movie, but I think you can take some guesses. It was a 3 hour long movie, and we all know a 2 year old cannot sit that long... When the show finally ended and I was walking out to leave, I wished I had gotten the big tub of popcorn, and it wasn't so I could eat it.

Some of you with kids probably think I am over reacting, but let me explain. I have absolutely no problem with families going to movies. My problem was that they had the gall to sit right in front of me when there were so many other open seats that wouldn't have been a bother to anyone! Instead, they had to alter my movie experience. Could I have gotten up and completely changed seats? No, because I'm stubborn and that doesn't seem fair. I'm afraid my little tangent about the movie has distracted me from what I'm really trying to tell you, so allow me to get back on focus..

It's important that we all take days for ourselves to do something that will make us happy. For me, I skipped working out, got my nails done, ate ice cream, saw a great movie, and ate yummy delicious popcorn. If we don't give in to our cravings from time to time, at some point it's going to bite us in the butt. Give in every once in a while because this is still our life and we deserve to be a little bad in order to make us feel some happiness.

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