Tuesday, February 12, 2013


I told you a couple weeks ago that I had a new goal on the treadmill. If you've forgotten, I'll remind you that it was 7 miles in 70 minutes or less. Last night at the gym, I crushed that goal. Well, maybe not crushed it, but I did beat it. I ran 7 miles in 69 minutes and 35 seconds. It wasn't easy and it hit the old saying Mind over Matter straight on the head.

Everyone always says that running on the treadmill is much easier than running on pavement, or any other surface that isn't a moving belt. I will agree that it is easier to run on a treadmill when doing shorter distances, but to run for 7 miles with a scenery that never changes and nothing to keep your mind busy except for your own thoughts (that usually consist of you repeating am I done yet?) it is extrememly difficult and takes a lot of determination. Last night I kept telling myself, Just run Heather, don't worry about the time or distance. When I hit 5 miles I knew there was no turning back and that I was going to do 7 if it killed me. Luckily, it didn't kill me and when I was finished I didn't pass out but was rather tingly all over, much like the feeling I'd get as if I had just ran a sprint in a high school track meet.

I do want to clarify something that some of you may be wondering. I go to the gym quite a bit, typically 6 days a week. It's not like I go home every day after work thinking, Gee, I can't wait to work out tonight! Some days I drag myself there, and then groan while putting on my running shoes because working out isn't always fun. I've posted how I've met my 6 and now 7 mile goal. It's great and I feel proud to have done it, but it's not a cake walk. I try. I fight through it some days because I know how easy it would be to quit. But then where would that get me? Back to where I was before, and that's a place I never want to see again. Sometimes when I'm on that treadmill I have to literally say out loud to myself, Stop being a wuss, you're not done yet. And please don't assume that I'm running 6 or 7 miles everyday. Yes, those were my goals, but on average I run 4 miles a day and also walk 2 miles. That's an average of 36 miles a week. I listen to my body and can usually tell when it's had enough or when to take it easy. The last thing I want to do is get injured. I hope I don't make working out look easy because in truth, it's hard as hell some days.

Keep this thought in mind: If you are working out and it's hard as hell, then you are doing something right. If you are working out and it's easy, then you aren't doing enough.

Challenge yourself and the rewards will be so much sweeter!

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