Thursday, February 21, 2013

#1 Tip

So as the end of February draws nearer, I've realized that I haven't dropped any weight yet this month. Well, technically I did for like two days, but that one pound snuck back somewhere along the way ;)
Am I upset about this? Not really. I already feel ten times better about myself for losing the ten-ish pounds I gained since the wedding. Any other weight I lose will be a bonus and will come with time as my body adjusts to new things. I guess I can try and be patient for once in my life.

Yesterday I got my first real headache of the year. I used to get headaches all the time before, like at least every other day. And so having my first one all year that wasn't self induced (a hangover--like I said before, I'm not perfect!), is really quite amazing. I can pretty much pin point the reason for 90% of my previous headaches, and it was dehydration (the other 10% I think came from poor nutrition). I could go all day only drinking maybe the equivalent of one small bottle of water...and that was my entire liquid consumption, not just the amount of water I drank. And now that I'm drinking at least 64 oz of water a day, I still have to force myself to do it; it's not because I'm thirsty. I've read over and over again that the number of ounces of water you drink daily should be half your weight. For example, if you are a 140 pound person you should try to drink at least 70 oz of water a day. That's a lot of water, but isn't so hard to do if you carry a water bottle around with you at all times...which is what I do.

Water is such an important part of who we are as human beings:

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So, that's #1 important tip for creating a healthier version of you is to drink plenty of water every day. Your body will love you for it :)

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