Thursday, February 7, 2013


Do you ever just wake up feeling blah for really no reason at all? I've been feeling that way all week. No matter what I do, I can't seem to break this funk that I'm in. I'm trying to take a step back to try and figure out why I've been feeling the way that I am...  Here are my possible explanations...

*PMS: Need not to explain any further, right ladies? We all know how this goes. Men, I suggest you keep your opinions on this subject to yourselves...  I'm also thinking this is why I have sudden cravings for anything sweet.

*Weight-loss Wall: I've kept up with healthier eating and working out several days a week, but I'm to that point where your body hits that wall and doesn't want to drop weight. I know my body is building up muscle, and this is just a stage, but I have to admit that it has been somewhat discouraging to not see the numbers drop.

*Lonely: I've felt really lonely lately and I know this has had an effect on my mood. I'm busy all the time and so is my husband, so we barely get to see each other. And I can't even remember the last time I did something fun with one of my girlfriends. I even had to go to the nail salon alone this week because I couldn't find anyone to go with me.

*Insomnia: I have not been sleeping well for the last couple of weeks. I toss and turn every night and wake up a minimum of three times. I started taking melatonin, a natural supplement to aid with sleep problems, and I think it makes me sleepier, but doesn't really do the trick.

So, where exactly I go from here, I don't know. Hopefully things turn around in the near future because I'm tired of feeling this way! I think getting it all written down also helps me to see the situation in a new light. I think it's important to be able to journal your thoughts and keeps you sane! Next time you have a problem, write it down and see if it helps you find a solution. Take care, all.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry your feeling this way friend :( Hopefully things start looking up soon!
