Thursday, February 21, 2013

Eat Like A Caveman!

If you've been on Pinterest, then you have had to seen pins regarding the Paleo Diet, a.k.a. the Caveman Diet. I was intrigued a few weeks back and started doing some research on it. If you follow me on Pinterest, you can see that I have a board devoted strictly to Paleo. So what is it? Well, it's just like the a.k.a. eat like a caveman would eat. What does that mean? Well, basically you restrict your diet to only foods/drinks that would have been available during the time of cavemen. Foods such as, fish, nuts, berries, and vegetables. You are not allowed to eat foods that are processed, dairy products, any type of grains, legumes, or potatoes. It seems that different 'Paleos' will go further than others, some consider themselves true Paleos while they say others don't exactly make the cut. From what I've gathered, in order to maintain a 'true' Paleo lifestyle, you should only consume organic foods. This includes, meats/fish (which should be grass fed), fruits, and vegetables. You can have nuts, but not peanuts. You can have sweet potatoes but not any other type. Let me make myself clear, I don't know all the facts and details about this diet, just some of the basics, and these seem like they are the most important areas to cover.

I absolutely love the idea of eating like a caveman because it just seems to make sense to me, but do not think it's something I could actually do for any long period of time. In fact, I tried it for one day, and it was EXTREMELY hard! (I ate fruit and veggies, however, they weren't organic..FYI ) Honestly, most of the day it was easy to eat like a caveman, but for supper it was hard because I am so used to having potatoes or some kind of grain for this meal. We had fresh fish and steamed veggies for supper that night, which is normal, but I had my fish baked, whereas my husband battered and fried his! Life did not seem fair at that moment. I love baked fish, but to have to sit and watch my husband eat his fried made me sad! If you are at all like me, I grew up eating a meat, potato (or grain) and a vegetable for supper, so to eliminate one of the three just seemed wrong and discomforting. I also like bread way too much to be able to eliminate it from my diet. Paleos do suggest that you have a cheat day every once in a while to allow yourself to eat something that has been cut from your regular I guess there is that to look forward to.

I challenge and encourage you to try eating like a caveman for one day, and not necessarily to punish you (haha), but because in doing so, you are forced to consider everything that you eat before you eat it. Just think about it at least  :)

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