Thursday, March 28, 2013

Why Blog?

Am I crazy for sharing personal details about my getting and living healthy journey? Some of you probably think I am, and maybe that's just because it's not something you could see yourself doing. I guess, for me, I really don't care. I mean, think about it...who actually reads this week to week, or follows all of my posts? I know there are some of you that do (and I thank you for that!), but obviously that means you read it for a reason. The people that think I'm dumb or annoying simply ignore me when I share new posts. Good for them. Do I care that they make fun of me for posting workouts or tips or whatever else I feel like? Not in the least...and that's because I found that the people who are also tyring to live a healthy life are not those people that are making fun of me.

I blog for a few reasons. One being that I love to write. If you don't know, I have a BA in English Secondary Education. Reading, writing, love it all; just wasn't so much into the teaching part. A year of subbing middle schoolers can scar you for the rest of your life. I'm surprised I still want kids someday, just not as many as I used to!

Another reason I blog is because it's just a form a journaling, and I really like getting out what's going on in my head and whatnot. The fact that I share it with people only reinforces my desire to stay accountable and motivated. My blog is my go-to when I'm excited, gloomy, or just need to vent. Hearing that what I write in my blogs motivates others from time to time is just an added bonus. If something I say makes sense or clicks with you, that's awesome! If I can help one person with even one small thing, I feel like all my effort is worth it.

Now that March is almost over, that means my initial 3 month plan to get fit is almost up. I joked around in one of my first blog posts that I was going to stick with the healthy lifestyle for a minimum of 3 months...of course I was kidding; I'm more into a whole life change, not a temporary fix. Regardless, in my next post I plan to share how far I've come, what changes I've seen, and if I'm brave enough, possibly a before and after picture...eeks...we'll see...don't hold me to it!

Side note: Insanity has been going well! 4 days down; 59 to go!

Enjoy the Spring weather, everyone! It's beautiful out. Go for a walk, run, or take the kids for a bike ride. Whatever, just get outside, all :)

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