Friday, March 15, 2013

Spring Fever

I don't know about the rest of you guys, but Daylight Savings Time has really kicked my butt this week. I just can't seem to catch up with the time! I don't like feeling tired for no good reason either. Hopefully after this weekend my sleep cycle will straighten out.

Normally for St. Patty's day weekend my husband and I go on the local party bus, drink all day long ,and get smashed, but this year I plan to start things off a little differently. First off, as I mentioned before, my friend Rachel and I will be running in the annual O'round the Loch 5K nearby. I'm so proud of her for finally believing that yes, she too, can be a runner. In preparation for the run, we went on a trial run outside yesterday, 3.1 miles, and finished it no problem. So now we are just hoping for decent weather so we don't freeze our butts off; however, that would be great motivation to finish faster... After the race we will probably grab a green beer and toast to our success, or rather Rachel's success for finishing her first official 5K. To some of you this may seem silly, but I can't get over how stoked I am that Rachel and I are doing this together. Yesterday as we were on our run, we recalled a memory from around the time we were first getting to know each other. Rachel has always been a dedicated walker. If you drive around Pocahontas, you are bound to see her strolling along. She was very against the idea of running. She used to tell me, I don't run, I can't run and was completely dead serious about it. So, one day last summer when my friend Lynn and I were out for a run, we saw Rachel walking. Lynn thought we should ask her to join us. I said that no, Rachel can't run. Lynn responded all serious and concerned-like, why, what's wrong with her?? Haha, as if she was handicapped in some way, which she definitely isn't. We still get a good laugh out of that :) 

Moving along, today starts my 4th and final week of my initial Jillian Michaels workout, after which I will be attempting to do the Insanity workout. After the end of week 2, I was somewhat unimpressed with my results, but I have to say, my body has come a long ways, and I have lost several inches. Even my husband has said that he can tell my whole body has toned up quite a bit. I love what strength training has done for my body, not only do I look more toned, but I feel strong. The workout that I struggled doing day 1 is easy now, and my form is spot on, which is the most important part.
Here are the official numbers after 3 weeks of doing the workout 5-6 days per week, plus running a few nights a week: Lost 3/4 inch from upper arm, 3/4 inch from chest, 1 1/2 inch from natural waist, 1 1/4 inch from widest part of my waist, 1/2 inch from butt, 3/4 inch from thigh, and 1/2 inch from calf. And I think I lost 1 or 2 pounds only, which I'm totally fine with :)

I'm getting excited for nicer weather and being able to workout outside and enjoy the sun! I definitely have Spring Fever! Have a great and safe St. Patty's everyone :)

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