Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Just a quick post today...wanted to let you know how the 5K run went this past weekend. First off, it was the coldest 5K I have ever had the pleasure of running! Only 27 degrees with a 15 mph wind stinging my cheeks, doing everything they could to piss me off, but I powered through it. Major props to Rachel though for finishing her first 5K in such icky weather conditions. I stuck with her for about the first mile then we parted ways. The more I thought about it, I realized that running can play major head games with you and I felt that it was important for Rach to finish this race on her own. Granted, me running with her could have motivated her to keep going, but without me she was able to find it within herself to get through the rest of the run. It takes a strong will to get that done, and she did it with flying colors. So proud of my new running buddy :)

Right after finishing our 5K.

I have always loved running. There's just something about it that makes me smile, and after a hard run, I feel so awesome about myself and what I've accomplished. What I would really like to do is run in at least 1 race every month this spring, summer, and fall. I don't know if it will happen because of other things going on in my life, but I'm going to try to make it happen. It's my new goal. So, if anybody is interested in getting together, car pooling, etc., let me know!

Side note, I read something today in Women's Health Magazine...Running/walking with weights in your hands can actually harm you. It's hard on the tendons and ligaments in your arms and shoulders. They suggest going without the added weights in your hands. Guess I won't bother looking for wherever I stashed mine! Happy Running All!!

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