Tuesday, April 2, 2013

It's Your Life! Enjoy It!

After three months of a healthier lifestyle I have lost roughly 12 pounds, putting me right at 140ish pounds, give or take a couple depending on the day (usually give). I have lost several inches across my body and feel five years younger. By quitting smoking, again, I have been able to become more active and for longer amounts of time. I don't feel controlled by my addiction to cigarettes any longer, which feels amazing. I used to plan my day around smoke breaks and now I plan my day around workouts, meals, and fun time. I have such a huge sweet tooth, and that has probably been my biggest downfall. Take my sweet tooth and add to it my love for baking and you got yourself a problem! Fighting cravings for baked goodies has been harder on me than quitting smoking. I've cut out a lot of processed foods over the last three months. I still have some, but nothing like I used to. I think by eating more whole foods, such as whole grains, fruits, veggies, and fish, I have learned to like new foods. This is pretty exciting for me. I now like mushrooms, oatmeal, bananas, cherry tomatos, and sweet potatoes to name a few. How fun is that? Overall, I just feel better than I have in years. I feel healthy. I feel strong. More importantly, I feel in control. The number on the scale is just that, a number on the scale. It's not a reflection of how I feel inside or who I am as a person. I will no longer let that number dictate who I am as a person, what I can or can't do, or hold me back from living my life in any way. I would rather feel healthy and amazing than constantly fretting about hitting a certain weight that might not even be possible for my body or activity level. So, that's that!

What a beautiful sunny Spring day! I'm super excited to get out for a nice run today after work :)
I remember last summer I attempted to run outside. I think I made it barely 10 minutes before I had to walk. I felt awful! I'm so glad I spent all the time I did on the treadmill to prepare me for outdoor runs this Spring. Running isn't like a normal workout for me. I enjoy it too much to consider it any type of work at all. Call me crazy, but it's just in my blood. I almost crave it...like, I look forward to it in the same way I look forward to birthday cake :)

Oh, and an update on Insanity. 9 days in and I'm feeling awesome! I can already tell I'm getting stronger and fitter. No six pack here, but it's in there...somewhere! Maybe someday I will finally find it, haha! I'm more concerned about having fun with my workouts and bonding with my husband while doing it. He must really love me, or really want to get into better shape, if he is willing to get up every morning at 6 a.m. to get his butt kicked.

Life is about having fun and being able to enjoy it! Get up and get going...before your life passes you by!

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