Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Support System, Bragging Rights & Other Riff Raff

One of the things that gets me really excited about working out is just talking about it with my friends. I currently have a small group of friends that are also very much excited about getting into better shape and some of us are all even doing Insanity, too, which is super cool. We talk about how much we hate Shaun T some days and then laugh about it later. I think it's very important to try and surround yourself with other people that are trying to better themselves. Not only do they help boost your confidence and motivate you, but they also are able to share their own stories, ups and downs. If you are married or living with a partner, or even just a roommate, it's also important to have their support. I feel like I have built a good support system around me, and I attribute some of my success at sticking with things like Insanity, and just working out in general, to those people. If I wasn't able to talk about diet and fitness with my husband and close friends without feeling silly or awkward, then I would be a very lonely person. Weird, but true.

I also firmly believe that sometimes you just have to brag about what you've accomplished. I think it's freaking cool that I'm doing Insanity, something I thought I would probably never do, and I want to tell people about it. If I just finished a really long or fast run, I want to talk about that, too. Is it so wrong to share something your proud of? If people can brag about their kids, job, golf game, whatever, then I can brag about my workout. I think it's funny when people get annoyed by it because they obviously don't realize that they are just as annoying in different ways! Haha :)  So don't ever be afraid to share something your proud of...because what other people think isn't why you are sharing it in the first place. You are sharing it because you are proud of your accomplishment and it makes you feel good. It has nothing to do with anybody else.

So, that being said, here is how things have been going for me lately. After today's workout I will be 23 days done with Insanity...only 40 more to go, so just over 1/3 of the way done! Truthfully, I haven't lost weight, but I know I've replaced some fat with muscle. As I've said before, the scale does not rule me, but I thought for anybody that was interested in my results for their own purposes or curiosity I would share that bit of information. I have read several reviews about Insanity, and many people say they don't notice many results until during the second month when the workouts become more intense. The first month is more to get you ready for the hell that comes during month two...needless to say, I'm getting quite nervous to start the second set of tapes in about 2 weeks :/  

The weather has not been great around here lately, but I've been trying to get out for runs a couple times a week. Even though I'm doing Insanity, I want to keep up with my running as well. I have a 5K coming up April 27th that I need to start getting ready for. My goal is to improve my time from my previous 5K, which shouldn't be hard considering I was running in 27 degrees with 20 mph winds for that one! Uhg, that was awful... I have a few other runs lined up that I will be doing as well.

My brother Austin and I have talked about doing an obstacle run in Sioux City this summer. I don't know if we actually will, but I think it's pretty cool that it's something he is even interested in doing. He has been doing Kosama for several weeks now, has dropped quite a bit of weight and inches, and is feeling awesome. I'm super excited for him because I know he's missed the feeling of being athletic and in shape. I don't think he's quite where he wants to be yet, but he is going to keep on keeping on. I love that him and I can call each other up and share workouts and other things related to that. He's part of my non-judgemental support system.

Other than all that, I can't think of much else to share today. I hope you all have luck building your own support system, and remember that I'm always here to listen and share with you :)

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