Thursday, April 25, 2013

Rock Star Moment

It's no secret that Iowa weather has been yucky lately, so when I can get out for a run, I have to take advantage of it because it might be a week before it's nice enough again. Yesterday I got my first outdoor run in in over a week :/  Feeling a bit like a slacker, but whatever...I do what I can. Since I hadn't ran in a while, I decided to push myself a bit harder and go for a good 5K time. I ended up finishing the 5K in 24:30, which is the best time I've had in a REALLY long time. I was super pumped about it! While I was running yesterday, I kept track of my split times, basically so I could gage how hard to push myself. I finished the first mile at 7:47, the second at 16:05 and then the final 1.1 miles at 24:30. I was surprised that my first mile was as fast as it was considering I was running against the wind the entire time. I got a little burned out the last two miles so I was a little slower. Still, I impressed myself and that's all that matters. I am running a 5K in Carroll this Saturday, so I'm hoping to run a time comparable to this one, but as long as I'm winded, out of breath, and have shaking legs when I cross the finish line, well, then I know I tried :)

Insanity update:
Almost finished with recovery week, and then it's on to month two!! Can't wait to push myself harder and do some new moves. I am beginning to get bored with month one discs, so I'm ready for a change up! On the downside, I recently noticed that my left knee and right hip have been acting a little funny this last week-ish. Think maybe all the jumping is finally beginning to catch up with my joints. First negative effect I've experienced from the Insanity workouts...

I'm already trying to figure out what new workout I want to try next! Call me crazy, but I'm addicted. I may not look like a fitness model, but I feel better than....EVER....

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