Monday, April 8, 2013

Counting Calories and Such...

This morning I had my two week Insanity fit test. Overall, I improved in several areas, lost a little bit in my measurements, and I'm feeling awesome! I have ALWAYS hated my arms. They have always seemed big and ugly. When I did Jillian for a month I lost a half an inch around them. Afte two weeks doing Isanity I have lost another half an inch, so I am super pumped about that! Not only can I actually do regular pushups, pushup jacks and moving pushups, but my arms have gotten smaller and more toned. Yay for that :)

One thing I did for the last three months was log all my meals, snacks, and fluids. I counted calories and scrutinized everything that went into my mouth. I finally feel comfortable enough that I have now quit keeping track of every little thing. I know what to eat and what not to eat, I portion out snacks for on the go, and I do some type workout nearly every day. I feel confident that I can mentally monitor what I eat without going overboard. And if I feel like having a sweet, I have one! By keeping track of everything for so long, I've learned how many calories are in most of the foods I eat. I know if I want a turkey and cheese sandwhich on wheat, using specific products, that I'm going to consume roughly 250 calories. I also try to eat a little bit every 2-3 hours, depending on how I'm feeling. I'm telling you guys, you might think you are just going to eat more throughout the day, but if you keep snacks and meals healthy and pay attention to portion sizes, you will speed up your metabolism and lose inches. Plus, it totally keeps your appetite in check. And don't forget to load up on water! For instance, I typically drink 2-3 bottles of water throughout the morning, and then when lunch rolls around I don't stuff my face. Today; however, I didn't get as much water in and I felt hungrier than normal, so I ate some girl scout cookies. Usually a no no for me, but let's face it, one unhealthy decision doesn't make you fat. My point, though, is that if I would have had my usual amount of water, I wouldn't have felt the need to eat the extra calories.

Weightloss doesn't happen's a process, a total life change that you have to remain committed to. Just watching what you eat is the first step. You also have to get up and get moving. Find something that moves you and gets you excited. Right now, that thing for me is Insanity! And I love it and recommend it to everyone.

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