Monday, June 24, 2013

Some New, Some Old

It has been quite a while since my last post...and even so, I still don't have much to write about.

Saturday I ran my first 5K in three weeks, also my first 'competitive race' in two months. It was definitely rough and I wanted to quit the entire time I was running it! Haha, it's crazy how hard it can be to do something you used to do every day when you've taken some time off from it. My time wasn't the greatest either, but I've definitely ran it slower in the past, 26:48. Didn't place either, but like I said, I was literally just happy I finished it without walking! Next, I have the Color Run Des Moines coming up on July 13th. That is the last one I'm already signed up for. Who knows what I'll do after that... I'm excited for the Color Run because my team consists of some girls that I don't get to see very often. I think it will be a good time for us to catch up and have some fun together. I'm hoping for decent weather :)

Old News:

A few weeks back, my brother Chris and his wife had their third child. Little Iyla Mae is the cutest little thing! I have to admit, I have only been to see her once and that was while they were still in the hospital. Seems like life gets so busy and all the really important things get put on the back burner so you can take care of the things that come up unexpectedly or last minute :/

I was also in a wedding over Father's Day weekend for my friend Ashley. Weddings are beautiful and fun, but I am certainly glad that that was my first and last wedding that I am a part of this year! LOL\

Interesting FYI:

As you know, I'm a huge fan of green tea. I came across an interesting fact the other day though that has made me think twice about it. If you are pregnant or trying to get pregnant, you should steer clear of green tea because there is an antioxidant in it that can affect the way your body handles folic acid, which we all know is important for a growing baby. Just something to keep in mind if you didn't already know it and it relates to you :)

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