Thursday, January 31, 2013

Hard Work Pays Off

Those of you that have been reading my blog for the last week, thank you! I know I'm just another girl, blogging about issues that many people don't care about, so I appreciate the time you take out of your day to read my ramblings. It has been my goal since I started this blog, to help myself really think about what I have been doing to my body and what I'd like to be doing not to it, but for it from now on. Making the conscious decision to better yourself and create a healthier lifestyle is not something that is easily done. This last month has been not only frustrating and challenging, but also eye opening and wonderful. After discussing a trending lifestyle, known as the paleo diet, a.k.a. the caveman diet (which I'll talk more about a different day) I asked my husband last night if he thought I was crazy. He said, "Not yet, but you're getting there." I just smiled and let out a little laugh. If striving towards a healthy lifestyle is crazy, so be it!

So, yesterday I told you all that I would let you in on some of my results. Obviously I've shared thoughout my previous posts some of the changes I seen, but have never said whether or not I've lost any extra weight. On the morning of January 1st I weighed in at a whopping 152.2 pounds. This was not a proud moment for me, as I learned that the effects of my lazy and unhealthy lifestyle had taken it's toll on me. For those of you that know me, I'm a short girl; only 5 feet 3 inches in stature. My BMI (body mass index) was a staggering 26.96, which falls in the Overweight category. I am happy to say that after a solid month of taking care of myself emotionally, physically, and every other way that I could, I weighed in this morning at 144.2 pounds. This is a BMI of 25.54 and still in the Overweight category; however, I am very, very close to being in the Normal range (18.5-24.9). In 31 days I had lost a total of 8 pounds, and I'm sure several inches, though I never bothered to measure myself. I DID NOT starve myself or work out excessively. I gave in to my cravings at times, I went out to eat, and I still consumed alcohol. The difference now is that I did all these things in moderation.

My goal now is to continue on my healthy path because I'm not just doing this for the weight loss. It is a part of it, but my overall health is more important to me than a number on the scale. As I continue to blog, I plan to share tips, things I've tried, how I'm feeling and whatever else I feel like. I hope you continue to make my writings a part of your day and that you find some kind inspiration from what I have to say. Comments are welcomed! Now, it's time for this girl to head to the gym. It's not too late today for you to do something active either :)

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