Friday, January 25, 2013

Resolution Revolution

New Year's Resolutions are stupid. Granted, I only call them stupid because I've personally never been able to stick with them. I tend to come up with about ten different resolutions, which is clearly way too many to even have a fighting chance of adhering to for even a mere day or two. It's my own fault I guess. I overshoot and I completely miss. This year, I again decided to use the New Year holiday as an excuse to try kicking a few of my bad habits; however, I'm not calling them resolutions anymore. This is my Resolution Revolution. I'm not even sure if that makes sense, but I'm going with it because in my head I understand what I mean. I think this is why I've made it to almost the end of January and I've been able to stick to them for the most part. I say for the most part because face it, we can't all be perfect all of the time. Even if you think you're not. Get over it.

These habits that I'm trying to break are all part of my new happy, healthy and free lifestyle. Haven't you ever just wanted to let go of everything and just be? Be in the moment, be content, be yourself, be meaningful, be thoughtful, be worthwhile. I've been wanting that my whole life, but have never figured out how to do it. I know it doesn't happen over night...that's why this time I'm giving myself three months...just kidding! We all look for the quick fix to our problems and our shortcomings, and then when we don't see the results we want, we become discouraged and give up before really even beginning to try. Is it human nature to be that weak? I don't think so. That's why I'm not ready to give up the fight. Because when I think about it, it's not a fight at all, but a journey we all take and some are longer than others. Each day is another step. Tomorrow I'll begin to tell you about mine.

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