Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Step Five: Get Moving

The final big step that I've taken towards a healthier lifestyle is exercise. I've always considered myself a runner. Before I moved in with my husband a couple years ago, I was running everyday, rain or shine. It was just my habit to get off of work, go home and put some running shoes, and head out the door for anywhere between 2-6 miles. Now, I no longer live inside town limits, but out in the country. This alone has been my biggest excuse for not running. I don't feel safe on our gravel road because it is quite busy and I'm honestly too lazy to drive to town to run there. I had gotten into the habit of coming home from work, literally putting on my pajamas and turning on the television. That dang Netflix has been a bad influence on me becuase it's so addicting! The most exercise I was getting was laundry, dishes, cooking, and other daily housework. Meanwhile, since I was at home, I was constantly snacking for lack of anything better to do. But, enough was enough...

Since the new year, I'd been working out as often as I could get someone to let me in the school weight room. That wasn't working out so well, so I eventually just bought my own key so I could go in any time I wanted. This is perfect because I no longer have any excuses. I aim to get to the gym four times a week and put in roughly an hour of work. I typically spend most of my time running on the treadmill and doing a lit bit on the eliptical machine. I have been seeing some great improvements in my ability to run. I started off finishing four miles in 45 minutes. I can now do it in 39 minutes. Rather than focusing on speed, my goal is endurance. I'd like to be running six miles in about an long as I don't have to stop to power walk, I will be happy.

The important thing is keeping my heart rate up high enough. I wasn't doing one dang good thing physically for my body and I've had to suffer the consequences. Weight gain, fatigue, headaches, depression, and overall unhappiness with my self image. Am I doing as much now as I want to when it comes to exercise? No. I wish I could motivate myself to start strength training, something which I've ALWAYS hated. And, I've always wanted to try yoga. I feel like it'd be a great self-calming tool, and make me more mellow overall. Something I think my husband would appreciate.

Tomorrow I will share with you where I am now. The end of my first month calls for some results, right? Until then, I encourage you all to get out there and get moving. I heard a long time ago that you burn twice as many calories standing up as you do sitting down. Let that thought be your starting point...

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