Sunday, January 27, 2013

Step Two: It's a Process

Processed food will not be the death of me. Hot dogs, Chef Boyardi, box dinners, frozen meals. Since when did this become a typical meal for people all over the world? As I type this, I cannot wipe the look of disgust off of my face. I had been living on that junk for years and didn't think much of it. We all know it isn't good for us, and the additives in some of these foods have been linked to several different health problems, but we continue to consume it day after day. I knew that I wouldn't be able to quit all of these food completely cold turkey, mostly due to the fact that they all contain products that our bodies have learned to crave, so I told my husband that I was giving up frozen pizza. Yes, frozen of the easiest, fastest, and delicious processed meals ever created. It has always been our go-to meal when we felt too lazy to make anything else. But, have you ever looked at the calorie content on them? Most frozen pizzas contain 1500-2500 calories for the entire pizza. Don't forget to add in the calories from the ranch dressing that you have smothered piece after piece in. I have been known to consume the entire pizza by myself in one sitting. That is enough calories for two days for a female with low ONE meal. Are you grossed out yet?

At this very moment, my husband has decided to cook himself a frozen pizza. The smell of it alone has me cringing. He has no idea that I am talking about the very thing in which he is intending to eat...vigorously...smothered in ranch dressing and Frank's hot sauce.

When I decided to cut out the infamous frozen pizza, I didn't realize how easy it was going to be to cut out other processed food as well. My cravings have diminished to the point where I feel no temptation whatsoever to eat them. This is a glorious feeling. I challenge you to give up your favorite processed food. I believe it will motivate you to give up more of the things that are literally weighing you down. Happy eating!

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