Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Step Four: Hydration

I can remember a time in my life, not too long ago, when I would go a week without drinking any water. Heck, there were days where the only liquid I consumed was beer. I've never been what I would consider, well-hydrated. I don't get thirsty very often, and when I do, a couple ounces is plenty for me. I very rarely drink pop. The only time I crave it is when I'm eating Casey's pizza or when I'm at the movie theater with a big ol' bucket of buttered popcorn. Cherry Coke? Yes, please...a large if you don't mind, thank you. I probably drank more alcohol than I should. I love beer, and wine is like candy to me. I can always go for another glass. I've never cared much for either juice or milk, so, about the only other liquid I drank was coffee with a splash of milk, unless it was Starbucks, then I went all out. I've always known that I needed to make a change when it came to hydrating myself, and that's exactly what I did.

I am proud to say that I drink water like it's going out of style. I religiously carry a bottle with me wherever I go. To work, the gym, when I'm eating, if I'm travelling, when I go to bed. There is always water by my side, and I make it a point to sip on it all day. Not only does it fill you up, drinking cold water, especially right away in the morning, helps to speed up your metabolism (I've heard up to 14% in some women). Drinking it also helps to flush out the toxins in your body. Sounds good to me.

Another new habit is drinking a least one glass of brewed green tea a day. Right now my favorite is Lipton Green Tea with Orange, Passion Fruit & Jasmine. I know it may sound a little funky, but I've really learned to love it. I would almost feel lost if I didn't have my cup of green tea every day after work. There's something comforting about it that I can't exactly explain. Plus, we've all heard that green tea does great things for your health, such as give yourbody antioxidants.

Now, I must admit, at first I thought that I could limit myself to two drinks when I was out for supper or at the bar with my husband or friends. When I realized I couldn't hold up that commitment, I decided to change what I was drinking. I typicaly drank Bud Lite and probably an average of five beers, roughly (depended on the night and what was going on). Each But Lite contains 110 calories; totaling 550 calories just in beer. What a waste. I wanted something that gave me a great beer flavor but cut out all the excessive calories. So, I started drinking Bud Select 55. Each beer contains only 55 calories, duh, and about half the alcohol content. So not only can I drink almost guilt free, but I can drink without getting drunk or tired too quickly. Wish I would have done this a long time ago!

As I said earlier, I've never been a huge fan of pop, but if I ever do get a craving for something sugary, I drink half a bottle of zero calorie sparkling water. A friend introduced me to Sparkling Ice (sold at Target, Hy-Vee and Walmart so far that I know of), which is a zero calorie sparkling water that comes in several yummy flavors and contains healthy B vitamins. It's a great alternative to pop and diet pop if you are looking for of pop-like fix.

So, have I noticed any differences since I've made these changes? Yes. I'm not as hungry throughout the day because the water helps to fill me up. The green tea seems to be giving me more energy and focus. I can't even begin to explain the calming effect it has on me as well. I'm instantly in a better mood when I'm drinking my tea. And the low calorie beer makes me feel less bloated and weighed down.

Properly hydrating our bodies is as much important as eating a variety of healty foods. Take a long look at what you drink daily and see if you, too, can stand to make a few changes. Watch what you drink!

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