Thursday, January 24, 2013

One Step at a Time

Have you ever, at some point in your life, felt like your life was lacking something? I think I've always felt that way, to be honest. It's like no matter what happens, good or bad, I am always looking for more. More of what, I'm not sure, but I just know it's has to be something amazing! Maybe this sounds silly or stupid, but I guess this is why we all dream. Dream of new homes, happy relationships, babies, marriage, weight loss, perfect jobs, money, best friends, beauty. The list goes on and one. Some of us are looking for just one of these things, and others look for all of this and more. When can we ever, truly be happy? Content. I'd like to be content. I thought that I was, but I think I've been in denial. Up until now, I've sort of let life 'get in the way.' I've realized that life doesn't just make it happen. And it's time for me to start really living my life. This is my quest to become Happy, Healthy & Finally FREE!

To begin, I guess I should share a little about myself. I'm at the ripe age of 25, recently I married my best friend, I work at a mediocre job that I'm thinking I might be content with, I'm in somewhat decent shape physically, and I'm a total nerd. That's the short and condensed version of me. Of course there are all sorts of different facets to my life, and I'm sure through the course of this blog I will touch on many of them, but I don't want to bore you, or myself as I type this, too early on in this journey. One step at a time. Tomorrow we will delve deeper. Until then, do something that makes you smile :)

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