Thursday, September 5, 2013

Pregnancy Laughs

Well, today I am 17 weeks pregnant. After work I have another OB appointment...

Pregnancy is such a funny thing and it's crazy how different it is for every woman and every individual pregnancy. There are a couple things that I want to comment on. First is the so called 'glow' that you are supposed to experience. For me, there is no glow...I call it a 'grease' instead because I have not had this oily of skin since junior high. Not only is it oily, but it tends to break out on command. I wake up with a fresh zit every morning...whether it's on my face, neck, back, or chest. I will be walking from the bathroom to the bedroom and my husband will come up behind me and start squeezing a zit on my romantic, right? I'm ready for the glow.

Second is the size of my breasts. They have grown some, they aren't gigantic by any means, but they've definitely filled out more, and are still growing. My husband is obsessed with them! He's constantly trying to touch, grab, and lift them. I literally want to punch him in the face at times because he acts likes a 12 year old who has never seen boobs before. Seriously, before I know it, next he is going to try and milk me. Help...

Third is my growing baby bump. Unless you are really skinny to start out with, which I was not, your baby bump looks more like an increase in belly fat. I look in the mirror and strangely search for my bump underneath my thick layer of pudge. I think...where's my cute baby bump? I feel like I'm at the stage where if somebody didn't know if I was pregnant or not, that they wouldn't risk asking me because they wouldn't want to offend me if I wasn't. Really, I look like I could go either way.

Those were just of the things that have been running through my mind recently. Maybe you will get a kick out of them, and maybe you won't.

I haven't been able to feel the baby move yet, which is okay, it'll probably happen within the next couple of weeks. We've also decided that we aren't going to find out the sex until the big day. I would have been fine knowing or not knowing, but Travis said he wanted to have it be a surprise. I like surprises :)

I also recently found out that my sister in law is pregnant and so is her sister. Apparently we were all ovulating at the same time because our due dates are February 10th, 12th, and 13th. Let the ridiculousness begin...

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