Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Surreal is how I would describe it...

I started this blog towards the beginning of 2013. Surprisingly, I'm still using it...even if it's not as frequently as I used to. Many things in my life have changed or altered since January, and there will be many more changes to come in the near future.

In my last post I desperately wanted to spill the beans about me being pregnant and all the emotions I was feeling at the time. That's right, if you haven't already heard the news, I am PREGNANT!  :)

There was a time when I never thought it would happen. It took us six months of trying, which honestly felt like a lifetime. Life plays somewhat of a mean trick on us because when you don't want to get pregnant you are afraid that it is going to happen. And then when you finally think you are ready for a baby, it doesn't quite happen how you plan or expect it to. Such is life I guess, and we must learn to roll with the punches, whether we like it or not.

I am roughly 15 weeks along at this point. One minute it seems like it's gone by so fast, and then the next minute it seems to be moving really slow because 'nothing is happening yet.' I'm probably one of the most impatient people I know...just ask my husband and he will tell you the same thing... I don't want to rush this pregnancy, but I am anxious to start seeing a baby bump.

A couple weeks ago we went in for our first ultrasound. First we got to hear the heartbeat, which was pretty neat. But being able to see the little bugger moving and stretching out during the ultrasound was way cool. You know, up until that point, it was hard to let it sink in that I was really pregnant. Other than being tired beyond tired and suffering from some morning sickness, it was as if nothing had changed. I'm not very good at expressing my emotions and I'm a pretty private person (when I blog it's like I'm not actually talking to anyone...) so I think people think that I'm not excited to be pregnant. Of course I'm excited! I just don't always like to talk about it. Sorry. That's just me.

I have many more thoughts on pregnancy, but this is all I have time for today. Stay tuned. Or don't.

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