Wednesday, May 15, 2013

You Know Who You Are

Ok...this post is mostly directed at a friend of mine who I think needs a little kick in the butt with their weight loss. This person, and I think you know who you are, has already come a long ways, but still has many goals that haven't been reached yet. Basically, a plateau has been hit and motivation has possibly been deterred by it. So what do you do when you hit that wall and feel like giving up? Here are my thoughts...take them or leave them!

Pick up the pace! Get moving! Find an activity that you enjoy that makes you sweat! I know Insanity isn't for everyone, which is why, even though I do it myself, I don't recommend it to everyone. Everybody needs to find something that fits who they are. If you aren't a down and dirty and like to have sweat dripping from your body kind of person, then find something else that isn't so challenging in the beginning. Maybe find a workout DVD that is targeted at beginners. A tape that will work on your flexibility and mobility. I think even some yoga or pilates would be a great starter place. When you get used to the routine of beginning to workout, add some strength training. Now, I don't mean you need to hit a weight room with 20 pound dumbells...but, find another tape that uses light weights with circuit training. I, personally, like Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones.

I also think it's really important to get your cardio on! You may think that running may not be in the cards right now, but get out there and try because if you don't, how will you ever know what you are capable of!? Start with walking and add short intervals where you pick up your feet and your pace. Worried about people seeing you and 'making fun' of you? Who cares! Seriously, would you rather have people make fun of you because 'you're fat and lazy' or because 'you're a fat girl trying to run?' At least you are working to better yourself. You can't let what other people think or what you only think they are thinking affect who you are as a person. Don't sacrifice something that is important to you simply because you are a little scared. You are a stronger person than that!

Remember why you started your journey in the first no longer wanted to be labeled as the fat person. Think how great you feel from what you've accomplished so far. I know that watching the scale can really put a burden on you...because even though the numbers may not always go down on there, remember that you could be losing inches elsewhere. Start measuring yourself every two weeks and see what happens. If you start a fitness regimen, there is no way that you won't lose more weight. Eating better/healthier is only the first step. It's time to take the next!

See you this weekend, friend :)

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