Thursday, May 23, 2013

Proud LIttle Sister

I spent the last weekend over in Sioux City with a friend...kind of a girly get away I guess you could say. While down there, I met up with my borther Austin. It's been a couple months since I last saw him, so I was looking forward to catching up and seeing how his Kosama was going. I made arrangements for him to come pick me up downtown. While on the phone he said that I was going to be shocked when I saw him. I thought, oh yeah, whatever...he's just being typical Austin. When I opened up the truck door and climbed inside I about, excuse my language, shit my pants! Holy Cow!! Who was this skinny dude and where was my brother! Honestly, it creeped me out for a few hours until I could get used to seeing him that way. I think he's lost somewhere between 25-35 pounds...whoa, weighing in around 185 pounds I believe he said. It's very strange to see someone you love and care about look so differently from what you've seen for the last ten years. I'm very happy for him because he's wanted to drop weight for a long time. I'm not sure what the kicker was for him this time around...between Kosama class, increased water intake, high protein, and paying closer attention to his caloric intake, he's managed to do what he's wanted to do for years. I'm very proud of him for not giving up. Makes my heart smile :)

I, on the other hand, have not managed to impress myself lately. Seems like there's been so much going on recently that I haven't been able to focus on ME. I'm almost finished with Insanity...only about a week left. Seems like I started it forever ago! Let me tell ya though, I am MORE than ready to be finished with it.
I've also been feeling really fatigued lately. My workouts haven't been too stellar and my meals have been less than healthy the last few weeks. I'm pretty positive that's why I feel like I have no energy. This is the worst I've felt since before the new year... The last thing I want to do is fall back into old habits, so to pull myself out of the rut that I've been gradually slipping in to I intend to start journaling again. I will keep track of my food and fitness once again to give myself another kick in the butt. I realized that it's ok to need I'm going to help me help myself.

We all have moments of frustration or we feel like we've screwed up on some level. The only way to beat those moments are to not dwell on them and instead pull ourselves away from them and come out stronger in the end. It's ok to from time to time feel like a loser or failure...but it's not ok to accept that we are either of those things!! I remind myself all the time that I am not perfect. I make mistakes. But I also know that I freaking rock! It's a new day...why not make the most of it?

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