Friday, February 22, 2013

Skinny Fat Girl

A few years ago I bought two Jillian Michaels workout DVDs (Banish Fat Boost Metabolism and No More Trouble Zones--one of which uses free weights for strength training and the other is more cardio). I did them adamently for maybe two weeks, and then gave up on them. They've been sitting in their cases ever since then. I lied, I attempted to try one of the tapes again before the wedding to try and tone up a bit...I made it through two of the seven circuits, then realized I couldn't breathe and was completely out of shape. I stopped and said, well, ain't doing that again!

Most of my workouts this year have consisted of treadmill runs and the occassional go on the elliptical. I haven't varied from that because I honestly enjoy running and find it to be a very rewarding workout, both physically and mentally. Last night, however, I came across a blog post that talked about the 'dangers' of using running as your sole form of workout. Two of those 'dangers' included becoming skinny fat and having unwanted cellulite, both of which stem from the same principle of not getting the added muscle tone/build from consistent weight training. A couple clarifications, skinny fat people are those that are somewhat skinny but have little muscle matter...just extra fat in places. It's like when you see a person who can run for long periods of time, but doesn't exactly look amazing naked. And if you don't know what cellulite is, how could you not?, it's that annoying cottage cheese dimply looking spots on your body, typically on your ass and thighs.

But, back to the skinny fat I reread that part over and over again, I realized that it kind of sounded a bit like me. I can run for a long time, but I've always looked a bit flabby. And while I've always considered myself a strong girl, muscle strong, I began to doubt how strong I actually was. Am I skinny fat? Honestly, I don't even consider myself skinny in the least bit, but I've had a negative body image for years, so who knows at this point, but I do feel like the reason I can workout forever and eat right and not see the pounds drop off is because I'm not building any extra muscle due to the fact that I'm just using the same muscles repeatedly. If anything, I could be doing more harm than good. Maybe?

I've never enjoyed weight training, and clearly that's why I've avoided it forever. But, as I'm getting older, I'm finally beginning to realize how important it is to do it. And reading that blog post last night really hit it home for me. It's time that I try to make a commitment to it, just as I have made a few other commitments this new year. It's gonna suck, and I'm going to hate it at first, but God willing, I will learn to deal with it and find a way to enjoy weight training...or at least endure it. So, I'm going to try out my Jillian again. I'm not sure yet what my goal is yet other than that I must try and make the extra effort for a solid 4 weeks...starting today. Wish me luck. Better yet, wish my shoulders, chest, arms, abs, back, legs, hips, and glutes good luck :/

Oh, and if anyone would like to share some weight training tips with me, that would be appreciated. Thanks!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

#1 Tip

So as the end of February draws nearer, I've realized that I haven't dropped any weight yet this month. Well, technically I did for like two days, but that one pound snuck back somewhere along the way ;)
Am I upset about this? Not really. I already feel ten times better about myself for losing the ten-ish pounds I gained since the wedding. Any other weight I lose will be a bonus and will come with time as my body adjusts to new things. I guess I can try and be patient for once in my life.

Yesterday I got my first real headache of the year. I used to get headaches all the time before, like at least every other day. And so having my first one all year that wasn't self induced (a hangover--like I said before, I'm not perfect!), is really quite amazing. I can pretty much pin point the reason for 90% of my previous headaches, and it was dehydration (the other 10% I think came from poor nutrition). I could go all day only drinking maybe the equivalent of one small bottle of water...and that was my entire liquid consumption, not just the amount of water I drank. And now that I'm drinking at least 64 oz of water a day, I still have to force myself to do it; it's not because I'm thirsty. I've read over and over again that the number of ounces of water you drink daily should be half your weight. For example, if you are a 140 pound person you should try to drink at least 70 oz of water a day. That's a lot of water, but isn't so hard to do if you carry a water bottle around with you at all times...which is what I do.

Water is such an important part of who we are as human beings:

Pinned Image

So, that's #1 important tip for creating a healthier version of you is to drink plenty of water every day. Your body will love you for it :)

Eat Like A Caveman!

If you've been on Pinterest, then you have had to seen pins regarding the Paleo Diet, a.k.a. the Caveman Diet. I was intrigued a few weeks back and started doing some research on it. If you follow me on Pinterest, you can see that I have a board devoted strictly to Paleo. So what is it? Well, it's just like the a.k.a. eat like a caveman would eat. What does that mean? Well, basically you restrict your diet to only foods/drinks that would have been available during the time of cavemen. Foods such as, fish, nuts, berries, and vegetables. You are not allowed to eat foods that are processed, dairy products, any type of grains, legumes, or potatoes. It seems that different 'Paleos' will go further than others, some consider themselves true Paleos while they say others don't exactly make the cut. From what I've gathered, in order to maintain a 'true' Paleo lifestyle, you should only consume organic foods. This includes, meats/fish (which should be grass fed), fruits, and vegetables. You can have nuts, but not peanuts. You can have sweet potatoes but not any other type. Let me make myself clear, I don't know all the facts and details about this diet, just some of the basics, and these seem like they are the most important areas to cover.

I absolutely love the idea of eating like a caveman because it just seems to make sense to me, but do not think it's something I could actually do for any long period of time. In fact, I tried it for one day, and it was EXTREMELY hard! (I ate fruit and veggies, however, they weren't organic..FYI ) Honestly, most of the day it was easy to eat like a caveman, but for supper it was hard because I am so used to having potatoes or some kind of grain for this meal. We had fresh fish and steamed veggies for supper that night, which is normal, but I had my fish baked, whereas my husband battered and fried his! Life did not seem fair at that moment. I love baked fish, but to have to sit and watch my husband eat his fried made me sad! If you are at all like me, I grew up eating a meat, potato (or grain) and a vegetable for supper, so to eliminate one of the three just seemed wrong and discomforting. I also like bread way too much to be able to eliminate it from my diet. Paleos do suggest that you have a cheat day every once in a while to allow yourself to eat something that has been cut from your regular I guess there is that to look forward to.

I challenge and encourage you to try eating like a caveman for one day, and not necessarily to punish you (haha), but because in doing so, you are forced to consider everything that you eat before you eat it. Just think about it at least  :)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Lent. I'm not going to lie, I don't really know too much about the whole Lent 'season,' if you will. I was never very religious growing up, as my family did not attend church regularly. I do, however, have a strong faith in God and have accepted Him into my life. So, even though I'm not Catholic or even religious according to other people's standards, I am planning on giving something up for Lent because I find it to be a great motivator.

I pondered this morning about what I could give up. I knew it had to be something that would be challenging, otherwise, what's the point? I also knew that it had to be realistic at the same time. My original intent was to give up sweets because I have a bit of a sweet tooth, but decided there was no way I could stick with it. Instead, I've decided to give up every form, except sweet potatoes because they aren't the same and are actually good for you. I love potatoes, too. They are one of my three favorite foods, along with eggs and bread. I know, real healthy, right? I figured what the heck though, I think I can give up potatoes for God :)

No matter which way you look at it, whether you are religious or not, challenging yourself to give something up that you feel that you possibly might not be able to live without is something we all can learn a thing or two from.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


I told you a couple weeks ago that I had a new goal on the treadmill. If you've forgotten, I'll remind you that it was 7 miles in 70 minutes or less. Last night at the gym, I crushed that goal. Well, maybe not crushed it, but I did beat it. I ran 7 miles in 69 minutes and 35 seconds. It wasn't easy and it hit the old saying Mind over Matter straight on the head.

Everyone always says that running on the treadmill is much easier than running on pavement, or any other surface that isn't a moving belt. I will agree that it is easier to run on a treadmill when doing shorter distances, but to run for 7 miles with a scenery that never changes and nothing to keep your mind busy except for your own thoughts (that usually consist of you repeating am I done yet?) it is extrememly difficult and takes a lot of determination. Last night I kept telling myself, Just run Heather, don't worry about the time or distance. When I hit 5 miles I knew there was no turning back and that I was going to do 7 if it killed me. Luckily, it didn't kill me and when I was finished I didn't pass out but was rather tingly all over, much like the feeling I'd get as if I had just ran a sprint in a high school track meet.

I do want to clarify something that some of you may be wondering. I go to the gym quite a bit, typically 6 days a week. It's not like I go home every day after work thinking, Gee, I can't wait to work out tonight! Some days I drag myself there, and then groan while putting on my running shoes because working out isn't always fun. I've posted how I've met my 6 and now 7 mile goal. It's great and I feel proud to have done it, but it's not a cake walk. I try. I fight through it some days because I know how easy it would be to quit. But then where would that get me? Back to where I was before, and that's a place I never want to see again. Sometimes when I'm on that treadmill I have to literally say out loud to myself, Stop being a wuss, you're not done yet. And please don't assume that I'm running 6 or 7 miles everyday. Yes, those were my goals, but on average I run 4 miles a day and also walk 2 miles. That's an average of 36 miles a week. I listen to my body and can usually tell when it's had enough or when to take it easy. The last thing I want to do is get injured. I hope I don't make working out look easy because in truth, it's hard as hell some days.

Keep this thought in mind: If you are working out and it's hard as hell, then you are doing something right. If you are working out and it's easy, then you aren't doing enough.

Challenge yourself and the rewards will be so much sweeter!

Monday, February 11, 2013

3 Day Diet?

I kept seeing this 3 Day Military Diet on Pinterest where you can lose up to 10 pounds in 3 days, so I finally got curious and checked it out one day. Basically it's a 'diet' that you go on for 3 days (I know, duh) and you must follow it by the book. You are given a set menu, if you can call it a menu. It's more like, have a little of this and a little of that. There are substitutions listed, but it is recommended to follow it as is for optimum results. The original website for the 3 Day Military Diet is or at least that's where I found it.

Here is the diet:
DAY 1:
Breakfast--1/2 Grapefruit, 1 Slice of Toast, 2 Tablespoons of Peanut Butter, and Coffee or Tea
Lunch--1/2 Cup of Tuna, 1 Slice of Toast, and Coffee or Tea (any brew, as long as it's caffeinated)
Dinner--3 ounces of any type of meat, 1 Cup of Green Beans, 1/2 Banana, 1 Small Apple, and 1 Cup of Vanilla Ice Cream
DAY 2:
Breakfast--1 egg, 1 Slice of Toast, and 1/2 Banana
Lunch--1 Cup of Cottage Cheese (Or 1 Slice of Cheddar Cheese), 1 Hard Boiled Egg, and 5 Saltine Crackers
Dinner--2 Hot Dogs, (no buns), 1 Cup of Broccoli, 1/2 Cup of Carrots, 1/2 Banana, and 1/2 Cup of Vanilla Ice Cream
DAY 3:
Breakfast--5 Saltine Crackers, 1 Slice of Cheddar Cheese, and 1 Small Apple
Lunch-1 Hard-Boiled Egg, and 1 Slice of Toast
Dinner--1 Cup of Tuna, 1/2 of a Banana, and 1 Cup of Vanilla Ice Cream

Now, the calorie count for the days average around 1000 calories, but I don't know the exact number. Any dummy can figure out that 1000 calories is less than what a normal person should be eating on a daily basis, so it is obvious that some weight would be lost regardless of whether or not the person worked out. The diet claims to consist of food that if eaten accordingly, will work together for max weight loss. I don't know about all that, but that's along the lines of what it says. You will have to read the website yourself if you want more information.

The reason I checked out this diet is because I wanted to test it out and see if there was any truth to it. So is there? Well, in 3 days, I lost a whopping 2 pounds, and I was also working out daily. If this diet does work, I think it would be best for people who need to lose more weight than me and also who don't eat very healthy to begin with. I would use it more as a way to jumpstart eating healthier, to help get you on the right track. As a simple disclaimer, I don't support or unsupport the 3 Day Military Diet in any way, shape, or form. I'm sure some of you have seen it on Pinterest and I thought I would do the dirty work for you :)

If you want to lose weight, a simple 3 day fix isn't going to do the trick, but it could possibly help to point you in the right direction. Happy Trails!!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Be a Cheater

I like to cheat....on my diet that is :)

Sometimes you can't fight the cravings, sometimes you have a really bad day, and sometimes you simply just deserve a day off. A cheat day. As you know, I haven't really been in the mood to do anything lately...I'm still in my funk. While in my funk this week I decided to do absolutely whatever I wanted for one whole day, well, except take the day off from work, can't afford to do that.

The first thing I did was go get my nails done. When I walked in, it wasn't busy and they got me taken care of right away. It was meant to be. Then I headed over to Walmart to grab a few items. As I was leaving there, I decided I wanted ice cream. I deserved it, right? So, I got me a small oreo McFlurry from McDonald's, which I haven't had in probably a year. It was delicious. I got home around 6:30 p.m., just enough time to take my groceries in and head to town for the movie theater. Nobody wanted to see The Hobbit with me so I was going to do that alone, too. At the concessions, the attendant asked me if I wanted popcorn. The coversation followed:
Me: Yes, give me a big one.
Attendant: As she's turning around, you want a tub?
Me: Dumbfounded with my mouth hanging open, you have tubs?! No, no, I'll take whatever size that blue bag is.
Attendant: That's a medium. We have bigger ones than the tub, too.
Me: Oh my. That would be irresponsible of me. I'll stick with the medium. And a G2 Gatoraade, please.

If you've ever been in the Pocahontas theater, you know that it is very nice, and just the right size. I strategically pick out my seat, closer towards the front, in the middle of the row of course, and absolutely next to nobody else. I pull the armrest down on either side of me, put napkins in one cupholder and my drink in the other, then put my feet up on the armrest of the chair in front of me. The lights dim and the movie begins to play. Then the gosh awful, most unthinkable thing happens next.... No, nothing was wrong with the film or the screen or the sound. It was worse than that. Late movie goers. New arrivals. 5 adults and one 2 year old, approximately. At this point I must inform you that it is a Tuesday night, the theater has currently maybe 15 people and probably 100 open seats, at least. They could dang well sit anywhere and not be a bother to anyone. they come, heading for me. They file into the row of seats directly in front of me and decide to sit there and block my view of the screen. The mom of the 2 year old sits in front of me and holds the child on her lap. Are you kidding me? Did you not see me? Are you really going to be that rude? Out of all the seats in the theater, you chose the only ones that would completely ruin my movie experience? I'm fuming at this point. I grab up my things, as loudly as I can so they can hear me, and slide down to the end of the row so I'm on the seat next to the aisle. Granted it was only two seats, but made a world of difference in my view of the screen. The mom turns around and looks at me like I did something wrong. Good thing it was dark and the look of annoyance on my face was somewhat hidden. At this point I decide to make the best of it, put my feet up and enjoy my buttery popcorn and the movie. I'm not going to tell you everything else that disturbed me throughout the entire movie, but I think you can take some guesses. It was a 3 hour long movie, and we all know a 2 year old cannot sit that long... When the show finally ended and I was walking out to leave, I wished I had gotten the big tub of popcorn, and it wasn't so I could eat it.

Some of you with kids probably think I am over reacting, but let me explain. I have absolutely no problem with families going to movies. My problem was that they had the gall to sit right in front of me when there were so many other open seats that wouldn't have been a bother to anyone! Instead, they had to alter my movie experience. Could I have gotten up and completely changed seats? No, because I'm stubborn and that doesn't seem fair. I'm afraid my little tangent about the movie has distracted me from what I'm really trying to tell you, so allow me to get back on focus..

It's important that we all take days for ourselves to do something that will make us happy. For me, I skipped working out, got my nails done, ate ice cream, saw a great movie, and ate yummy delicious popcorn. If we don't give in to our cravings from time to time, at some point it's going to bite us in the butt. Give in every once in a while because this is still our life and we deserve to be a little bad in order to make us feel some happiness.

Thursday, February 7, 2013


Do you ever just wake up feeling blah for really no reason at all? I've been feeling that way all week. No matter what I do, I can't seem to break this funk that I'm in. I'm trying to take a step back to try and figure out why I've been feeling the way that I am...  Here are my possible explanations...

*PMS: Need not to explain any further, right ladies? We all know how this goes. Men, I suggest you keep your opinions on this subject to yourselves...  I'm also thinking this is why I have sudden cravings for anything sweet.

*Weight-loss Wall: I've kept up with healthier eating and working out several days a week, but I'm to that point where your body hits that wall and doesn't want to drop weight. I know my body is building up muscle, and this is just a stage, but I have to admit that it has been somewhat discouraging to not see the numbers drop.

*Lonely: I've felt really lonely lately and I know this has had an effect on my mood. I'm busy all the time and so is my husband, so we barely get to see each other. And I can't even remember the last time I did something fun with one of my girlfriends. I even had to go to the nail salon alone this week because I couldn't find anyone to go with me.

*Insomnia: I have not been sleeping well for the last couple of weeks. I toss and turn every night and wake up a minimum of three times. I started taking melatonin, a natural supplement to aid with sleep problems, and I think it makes me sleepier, but doesn't really do the trick.

So, where exactly I go from here, I don't know. Hopefully things turn around in the near future because I'm tired of feeling this way! I think getting it all written down also helps me to see the situation in a new light. I think it's important to be able to journal your thoughts and keeps you sane! Next time you have a problem, write it down and see if it helps you find a solution. Take care, all.

Monday, February 4, 2013


I woke up today in a funk. While at work, even the radio annoyed me. Four straight hours of a radio station called The Hippie with the volume too loud and off and on static...could there be anything worse to endure? I was literally counting down the minutes until I got to leave for lunch. By the time the workday was over, I was not as bad, but still, the last thing I wanted to do was open up the weight room for two hours of public night. Knowing that nobody really comes for public night was the one thing that was going to get me through those two hours because I knew I could dip out early. While on the treadmill, I really wasn't feeling it. I decided that I'd run 2, maybe 3 miles then just walk for awhile. But, 2 led to 3 and 3 led to 6. I'm not sure where my sudden burst of energy or motivation came from, but I'm also not complaining. Tonight, for the first time in roughly 4 years, I was able to run 6 consecutive miles...under 60 mins. My official time was 59 minutes and 35 seconds. If you've been reading my blog, then you know that that was my goal. 6 miles under 60 minutes. I did it.

It's important that we set goals when it comes to our health and nutrition, whether it be about weight loss or eating better. If we don't have goals, then we have nothing concrete to work for. And even though I met my goal on the treadmill, I already have another one in place. 7 miles in 70 minutes. If you are just starting out, make it a goal just to hit the gym or use that workout tape that's been collecting dust, whatever fits you. Decide to cut out a can of pop and bag of chips and replace them with a bottle of water and an apple. Start small and work your way up, otherwise you are at the risk of failure. For example, if you are an avid pop drinker, make it a goal to consume half the amount you typically do on a normal day, then go from there. If you try to give it up cold turkey, you may experience a weak moment then give up on giving it up completely. Rome wasn't built in a day, and a healthier lifestyle doesn't just happen over night either. If you are already working out, try to mix it up. If you find that you aren't getting anywhere with the same old routine, it's probably because your body is used to it and isn't being challenged by it anymore. Make it a goal to go harder, longer. If you aren't sweating and out of breath at some point, are you really working out as hard as you want to be? Think about it.

Do something that makes you sweat....and yes, sex does count.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Take a Time-Out

I'm the type of person that once I get ito a routine, I don't like to change it. I actually begin to feel guilty if I don't do something that I've grown accustomed to doing. For example, I like to go to the gym and work out as often as I can. If I don't go one day, it makes me feel bad, like I'm letting myself down in some way. Last week I worked out Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. By the time Thursday came around though, I was so burnt out that I couldn't go as hard as I wanted to. My body was tired and trying to tell me it needed a break, so on Friday I decided I would take the day off and let myself recover a bit. When I went to the gym on Saturday I felt like a new woman, refreshed and ready to go! As each mile passed on the treadmill, I thought, I can do another one. I stopped after 5 miles, mostly because I needed to get going soon, and also because I didn't want to overdo it. It's been a long time since I've been able to do 5 miles on the treadmill without taking a break in between somewhere. I was a proud runner that day.

What I'm trying to emphasize, is that sometimes our bodies need a time-out. If we learn to listen to it, we can train harder and help to prevent any unnecessary injuries. Allow yourself that day off from doing whatever it is that makes you work up a sweat. Try not to feel guilty for it; just plan to train even harder the next day. Your body will thank you for it!

Friday, February 1, 2013


For the last month I have been using a journal to record what I eat, drink and the time of food intake, how much and what I do for exercise, and occassionally my current weight. So far it has been working out pretty well and has helped to hold me accountable. I have tried journaling before, but could never stick with it because I became unmotivated and lazy. I think my biggest issue, however, was that I didn't want to have to face what I was eating and have to write it down in my journal. This time has been different and is the longest I have been able to stick with it, and I've actually come to enjoy tracking what I eat and drink, and what I do for exercise. I pick up on patterns, such as what time I'm more prone to snack. I also am able to see how far I've come in my fitness over time. Basically, I'm learning more about myself and what my body is experiencing daily.

As I was reading the comments off of somebody else's blog the other day, I noticed somebody mentioned the website . It sounded like a cool website to check out for various health and fitness related topics. While on the site, I found a tool called MyPlate. This tool can be used, free with site registration (yes, another username and password to remember), to keep track of what you eat, what time you eat it, exercise, water intake, weight tracker, and helps you to set goals. I thought it was super cool and worth giving a try. I have been using it for a week now, along with my normal journal, and what I like the best is that it not only keeps track of calories, but also cholesteral, sodium, protein, fat, sugars, and carbs. It forces you to really see, in number form, how much of those things you are putting into your body. There are days, even when I think I'm eating healthy, that I wind up being surprised by my sodium intake, etc. I also like that you can input what you do for exercise and for how long and it will compute the calories burned, then subtract that from your caloric intake. All in all, I think it is a great website, especially for somebody looking for a little help with monitoring their caloric intake. But even if you aren't interested in using MyPlate, there are all sorts of interesting articles and links that are related to health and fitness. It's definitely worth checking out!