Monday, April 29, 2013


Do you ever suddenly just stop and smile because you realize that right now, at this moment in time, you coudn't be any happier? Today I am feeling very blessed and appreciative of what I have. Let me tell you why...

Me and my second place medal :)

I spent this last weekend visiting my half brother Jay and his family down in Carroll. I went down to Carroll primarily because I was running in a 5K at Swan Lake. I drove down there Friday afternoon, had a nice relaxing evening with the family, and got up early Saturday morning for the run. It was a much chillier morning than I expected it to be, but nothing like the last 5K I did in February! Anyways, as I began the run, which went on the trail around the lake, I was feeling really good...until about the .2 mile mark where there began a nice steep hill. Yucky. Turns out the whole trail was up and down with small and big hills to test each step I took. I'm used to running on pretty much all flat ground, so this was actually a challenge for me because not only was I trying to keep my pace, but I was really focusing on trying to step it up and get a great time. I ended up finishing in 2nd place with a time of 25:03, which I was really happy with. I wouldn't say that it's an amazing time, but it's so much better than what I was running earlier in the year. My body has come a long ways in a few months and I couldn't be happier with that.

 I will defnitely be going back next year to run in this particular race again. The run was hosted by SunnyBrook of Carroll, an assisted living type of place that works hard with Alzheimer's patients. The registration monies went to research for a cure. I love when the enterance fees actually go towards a good cause and not just for whatever. It makes the runs that much more meaningful for me.

The fact that I did well at this run is not the only reason why I am feeling blessed. As I said, I stayed with my half brother Jay and his family all weekend. He is married to a fantastic lady and has two amazingly well behaved children. Did I mention they were cute as heck, too? I have several siblings who I love deeply, but first met Jay only three years ago. He and I share the same biological father, but he was given up for adoption when he was born. We were able to find each other through Facebook and the rest is history I guess! I feel so blessed to have met him and gotten to know his family, including his adoptive parents. I have never known a man who was more caring and devoted to his family than Jay is. I know he doesn't know it, but I look up to him so much! After every visit I have with him and his wife, I go home striving to be a better person and have a renewed sense of faith. They are my role models, and I only hope to be half the parents that they are someday. Blessed...that's what I am just to know them. Blessed <3

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Rock Star Moment

It's no secret that Iowa weather has been yucky lately, so when I can get out for a run, I have to take advantage of it because it might be a week before it's nice enough again. Yesterday I got my first outdoor run in in over a week :/  Feeling a bit like a slacker, but whatever...I do what I can. Since I hadn't ran in a while, I decided to push myself a bit harder and go for a good 5K time. I ended up finishing the 5K in 24:30, which is the best time I've had in a REALLY long time. I was super pumped about it! While I was running yesterday, I kept track of my split times, basically so I could gage how hard to push myself. I finished the first mile at 7:47, the second at 16:05 and then the final 1.1 miles at 24:30. I was surprised that my first mile was as fast as it was considering I was running against the wind the entire time. I got a little burned out the last two miles so I was a little slower. Still, I impressed myself and that's all that matters. I am running a 5K in Carroll this Saturday, so I'm hoping to run a time comparable to this one, but as long as I'm winded, out of breath, and have shaking legs when I cross the finish line, well, then I know I tried :)

Insanity update:
Almost finished with recovery week, and then it's on to month two!! Can't wait to push myself harder and do some new moves. I am beginning to get bored with month one discs, so I'm ready for a change up! On the downside, I recently noticed that my left knee and right hip have been acting a little funny this last week-ish. Think maybe all the jumping is finally beginning to catch up with my joints. First negative effect I've experienced from the Insanity workouts...

I'm already trying to figure out what new workout I want to try next! Call me crazy, but I'm addicted. I may not look like a fitness model, but I feel better than....EVER....

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Support System, Bragging Rights & Other Riff Raff

One of the things that gets me really excited about working out is just talking about it with my friends. I currently have a small group of friends that are also very much excited about getting into better shape and some of us are all even doing Insanity, too, which is super cool. We talk about how much we hate Shaun T some days and then laugh about it later. I think it's very important to try and surround yourself with other people that are trying to better themselves. Not only do they help boost your confidence and motivate you, but they also are able to share their own stories, ups and downs. If you are married or living with a partner, or even just a roommate, it's also important to have their support. I feel like I have built a good support system around me, and I attribute some of my success at sticking with things like Insanity, and just working out in general, to those people. If I wasn't able to talk about diet and fitness with my husband and close friends without feeling silly or awkward, then I would be a very lonely person. Weird, but true.

I also firmly believe that sometimes you just have to brag about what you've accomplished. I think it's freaking cool that I'm doing Insanity, something I thought I would probably never do, and I want to tell people about it. If I just finished a really long or fast run, I want to talk about that, too. Is it so wrong to share something your proud of? If people can brag about their kids, job, golf game, whatever, then I can brag about my workout. I think it's funny when people get annoyed by it because they obviously don't realize that they are just as annoying in different ways! Haha :)  So don't ever be afraid to share something your proud of...because what other people think isn't why you are sharing it in the first place. You are sharing it because you are proud of your accomplishment and it makes you feel good. It has nothing to do with anybody else.

So, that being said, here is how things have been going for me lately. After today's workout I will be 23 days done with Insanity...only 40 more to go, so just over 1/3 of the way done! Truthfully, I haven't lost weight, but I know I've replaced some fat with muscle. As I've said before, the scale does not rule me, but I thought for anybody that was interested in my results for their own purposes or curiosity I would share that bit of information. I have read several reviews about Insanity, and many people say they don't notice many results until during the second month when the workouts become more intense. The first month is more to get you ready for the hell that comes during month two...needless to say, I'm getting quite nervous to start the second set of tapes in about 2 weeks :/  

The weather has not been great around here lately, but I've been trying to get out for runs a couple times a week. Even though I'm doing Insanity, I want to keep up with my running as well. I have a 5K coming up April 27th that I need to start getting ready for. My goal is to improve my time from my previous 5K, which shouldn't be hard considering I was running in 27 degrees with 20 mph winds for that one! Uhg, that was awful... I have a few other runs lined up that I will be doing as well.

My brother Austin and I have talked about doing an obstacle run in Sioux City this summer. I don't know if we actually will, but I think it's pretty cool that it's something he is even interested in doing. He has been doing Kosama for several weeks now, has dropped quite a bit of weight and inches, and is feeling awesome. I'm super excited for him because I know he's missed the feeling of being athletic and in shape. I don't think he's quite where he wants to be yet, but he is going to keep on keeping on. I love that him and I can call each other up and share workouts and other things related to that. He's part of my non-judgemental support system.

Other than all that, I can't think of much else to share today. I hope you all have luck building your own support system, and remember that I'm always here to listen and share with you :)

Monday, April 8, 2013

Counting Calories and Such...

This morning I had my two week Insanity fit test. Overall, I improved in several areas, lost a little bit in my measurements, and I'm feeling awesome! I have ALWAYS hated my arms. They have always seemed big and ugly. When I did Jillian for a month I lost a half an inch around them. Afte two weeks doing Isanity I have lost another half an inch, so I am super pumped about that! Not only can I actually do regular pushups, pushup jacks and moving pushups, but my arms have gotten smaller and more toned. Yay for that :)

One thing I did for the last three months was log all my meals, snacks, and fluids. I counted calories and scrutinized everything that went into my mouth. I finally feel comfortable enough that I have now quit keeping track of every little thing. I know what to eat and what not to eat, I portion out snacks for on the go, and I do some type workout nearly every day. I feel confident that I can mentally monitor what I eat without going overboard. And if I feel like having a sweet, I have one! By keeping track of everything for so long, I've learned how many calories are in most of the foods I eat. I know if I want a turkey and cheese sandwhich on wheat, using specific products, that I'm going to consume roughly 250 calories. I also try to eat a little bit every 2-3 hours, depending on how I'm feeling. I'm telling you guys, you might think you are just going to eat more throughout the day, but if you keep snacks and meals healthy and pay attention to portion sizes, you will speed up your metabolism and lose inches. Plus, it totally keeps your appetite in check. And don't forget to load up on water! For instance, I typically drink 2-3 bottles of water throughout the morning, and then when lunch rolls around I don't stuff my face. Today; however, I didn't get as much water in and I felt hungrier than normal, so I ate some girl scout cookies. Usually a no no for me, but let's face it, one unhealthy decision doesn't make you fat. My point, though, is that if I would have had my usual amount of water, I wouldn't have felt the need to eat the extra calories.

Weightloss doesn't happen's a process, a total life change that you have to remain committed to. Just watching what you eat is the first step. You also have to get up and get moving. Find something that moves you and gets you excited. Right now, that thing for me is Insanity! And I love it and recommend it to everyone.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

It's Your Life! Enjoy It!

After three months of a healthier lifestyle I have lost roughly 12 pounds, putting me right at 140ish pounds, give or take a couple depending on the day (usually give). I have lost several inches across my body and feel five years younger. By quitting smoking, again, I have been able to become more active and for longer amounts of time. I don't feel controlled by my addiction to cigarettes any longer, which feels amazing. I used to plan my day around smoke breaks and now I plan my day around workouts, meals, and fun time. I have such a huge sweet tooth, and that has probably been my biggest downfall. Take my sweet tooth and add to it my love for baking and you got yourself a problem! Fighting cravings for baked goodies has been harder on me than quitting smoking. I've cut out a lot of processed foods over the last three months. I still have some, but nothing like I used to. I think by eating more whole foods, such as whole grains, fruits, veggies, and fish, I have learned to like new foods. This is pretty exciting for me. I now like mushrooms, oatmeal, bananas, cherry tomatos, and sweet potatoes to name a few. How fun is that? Overall, I just feel better than I have in years. I feel healthy. I feel strong. More importantly, I feel in control. The number on the scale is just that, a number on the scale. It's not a reflection of how I feel inside or who I am as a person. I will no longer let that number dictate who I am as a person, what I can or can't do, or hold me back from living my life in any way. I would rather feel healthy and amazing than constantly fretting about hitting a certain weight that might not even be possible for my body or activity level. So, that's that!

What a beautiful sunny Spring day! I'm super excited to get out for a nice run today after work :)
I remember last summer I attempted to run outside. I think I made it barely 10 minutes before I had to walk. I felt awful! I'm so glad I spent all the time I did on the treadmill to prepare me for outdoor runs this Spring. Running isn't like a normal workout for me. I enjoy it too much to consider it any type of work at all. Call me crazy, but it's just in my blood. I almost crave, I look forward to it in the same way I look forward to birthday cake :)

Oh, and an update on Insanity. 9 days in and I'm feeling awesome! I can already tell I'm getting stronger and fitter. No six pack here, but it's in there...somewhere! Maybe someday I will finally find it, haha! I'm more concerned about having fun with my workouts and bonding with my husband while doing it. He must really love me, or really want to get into better shape, if he is willing to get up every morning at 6 a.m. to get his butt kicked.

Life is about having fun and being able to enjoy it! Get up and get going...before your life passes you by!