Thursday, March 28, 2013

Why Blog?

Am I crazy for sharing personal details about my getting and living healthy journey? Some of you probably think I am, and maybe that's just because it's not something you could see yourself doing. I guess, for me, I really don't care. I mean, think about it...who actually reads this week to week, or follows all of my posts? I know there are some of you that do (and I thank you for that!), but obviously that means you read it for a reason. The people that think I'm dumb or annoying simply ignore me when I share new posts. Good for them. Do I care that they make fun of me for posting workouts or tips or whatever else I feel like? Not in the least...and that's because I found that the people who are also tyring to live a healthy life are not those people that are making fun of me.

I blog for a few reasons. One being that I love to write. If you don't know, I have a BA in English Secondary Education. Reading, writing, love it all; just wasn't so much into the teaching part. A year of subbing middle schoolers can scar you for the rest of your life. I'm surprised I still want kids someday, just not as many as I used to!

Another reason I blog is because it's just a form a journaling, and I really like getting out what's going on in my head and whatnot. The fact that I share it with people only reinforces my desire to stay accountable and motivated. My blog is my go-to when I'm excited, gloomy, or just need to vent. Hearing that what I write in my blogs motivates others from time to time is just an added bonus. If something I say makes sense or clicks with you, that's awesome! If I can help one person with even one small thing, I feel like all my effort is worth it.

Now that March is almost over, that means my initial 3 month plan to get fit is almost up. I joked around in one of my first blog posts that I was going to stick with the healthy lifestyle for a minimum of 3 months...of course I was kidding; I'm more into a whole life change, not a temporary fix. Regardless, in my next post I plan to share how far I've come, what changes I've seen, and if I'm brave enough, possibly a before and after picture...eeks...we'll see...don't hold me to it!

Side note: Insanity has been going well! 4 days down; 59 to go!

Enjoy the Spring weather, everyone! It's beautiful out. Go for a walk, run, or take the kids for a bike ride. Whatever, just get outside, all :)

Monday, March 25, 2013

Inspiring Insanity

Today was the start of Insanity, a 60 day workout challenge to get my butt into better shape! I've been planning on starting this for a couple weeks now, but what I didn't know was that my husband, Travis, was going to be motivated to do it with me. So, we both got up bright and early this morning, put on our workout clothes, laced up our shoes, and hit the Fit Test. Thank goodness I've been doing Jillian for the last month because I found the Fit Test to be easier to handle than what I thought it would be. Travis, on the other hand, said it was hard and challenging. I don't even know the last time he worked out vigorously, so I am extra proud of him for making the effort. Hopefully I can keep him motivated to stick with it!

I've recently signed up for a couple more 5K runs. My next one will be in Carroll on April 27th. Somehow I convinced a friend of mine, who lives down there, to run in it with me. She hasn't ran in years she said, but is going to start training for it. I'm pretty excited that this year I am actually talking my friends into doing something that I love. It's very motivating for me to see my friends step up and do something that they aren't necesarrily comfortable doing. I hope that you, the reader, are also inspired to challenge yourself to do something you only think that you can't. How do you know until you try...more than once..? You don't. Simple as that.

Another great friend of mine recently shared with me that she and her husband have become inspired to get into better shape. Together they've already lost 32 pounds!! I think it's only been a few weeks, too. Amazing and inspiring! Not going to lie, I'm a little jealous. It's taken me 3 months to drop around 12 pounds.

So, I don't know if there's something in the water or just tis the season to get fit, but I feel blessed to be a part of a group of friends that are trying to make healthier decisions and improve their quality of life.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Just a quick post today...wanted to let you know how the 5K run went this past weekend. First off, it was the coldest 5K I have ever had the pleasure of running! Only 27 degrees with a 15 mph wind stinging my cheeks, doing everything they could to piss me off, but I powered through it. Major props to Rachel though for finishing her first 5K in such icky weather conditions. I stuck with her for about the first mile then we parted ways. The more I thought about it, I realized that running can play major head games with you and I felt that it was important for Rach to finish this race on her own. Granted, me running with her could have motivated her to keep going, but without me she was able to find it within herself to get through the rest of the run. It takes a strong will to get that done, and she did it with flying colors. So proud of my new running buddy :)

Right after finishing our 5K.

I have always loved running. There's just something about it that makes me smile, and after a hard run, I feel so awesome about myself and what I've accomplished. What I would really like to do is run in at least 1 race every month this spring, summer, and fall. I don't know if it will happen because of other things going on in my life, but I'm going to try to make it happen. It's my new goal. So, if anybody is interested in getting together, car pooling, etc., let me know!

Side note, I read something today in Women's Health Magazine...Running/walking with weights in your hands can actually harm you. It's hard on the tendons and ligaments in your arms and shoulders. They suggest going without the added weights in your hands. Guess I won't bother looking for wherever I stashed mine! Happy Running All!!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Spring Fever

I don't know about the rest of you guys, but Daylight Savings Time has really kicked my butt this week. I just can't seem to catch up with the time! I don't like feeling tired for no good reason either. Hopefully after this weekend my sleep cycle will straighten out.

Normally for St. Patty's day weekend my husband and I go on the local party bus, drink all day long ,and get smashed, but this year I plan to start things off a little differently. First off, as I mentioned before, my friend Rachel and I will be running in the annual O'round the Loch 5K nearby. I'm so proud of her for finally believing that yes, she too, can be a runner. In preparation for the run, we went on a trial run outside yesterday, 3.1 miles, and finished it no problem. So now we are just hoping for decent weather so we don't freeze our butts off; however, that would be great motivation to finish faster... After the race we will probably grab a green beer and toast to our success, or rather Rachel's success for finishing her first official 5K. To some of you this may seem silly, but I can't get over how stoked I am that Rachel and I are doing this together. Yesterday as we were on our run, we recalled a memory from around the time we were first getting to know each other. Rachel has always been a dedicated walker. If you drive around Pocahontas, you are bound to see her strolling along. She was very against the idea of running. She used to tell me, I don't run, I can't run and was completely dead serious about it. So, one day last summer when my friend Lynn and I were out for a run, we saw Rachel walking. Lynn thought we should ask her to join us. I said that no, Rachel can't run. Lynn responded all serious and concerned-like, why, what's wrong with her?? Haha, as if she was handicapped in some way, which she definitely isn't. We still get a good laugh out of that :) 

Moving along, today starts my 4th and final week of my initial Jillian Michaels workout, after which I will be attempting to do the Insanity workout. After the end of week 2, I was somewhat unimpressed with my results, but I have to say, my body has come a long ways, and I have lost several inches. Even my husband has said that he can tell my whole body has toned up quite a bit. I love what strength training has done for my body, not only do I look more toned, but I feel strong. The workout that I struggled doing day 1 is easy now, and my form is spot on, which is the most important part.
Here are the official numbers after 3 weeks of doing the workout 5-6 days per week, plus running a few nights a week: Lost 3/4 inch from upper arm, 3/4 inch from chest, 1 1/2 inch from natural waist, 1 1/4 inch from widest part of my waist, 1/2 inch from butt, 3/4 inch from thigh, and 1/2 inch from calf. And I think I lost 1 or 2 pounds only, which I'm totally fine with :)

I'm getting excited for nicer weather and being able to workout outside and enjoy the sun! I definitely have Spring Fever! Have a great and safe St. Patty's everyone :)

Friday, March 8, 2013

Excuses Excuses Excuses

Since starting my Jillian Michaels workout DVD two weeks ago, I've noticed a few things that I'm going to share.

1) I didn't lose any weight. Bad.
2) I lost roughly 3 inches total from various areas of my body (all in the first week). Good, but Bad.
3) The workout went from being hard to being somewhat easy; which means I've toned up the muscles I've been working. Good.
4) I'm dissatisfied. Granted, I've only been doing them for 2 weeks, but I already feel like maybe they aren't challenging me enough. Bad, but Good.

I'm just getting to the point where I am frustrated and a little disappointed in myself. As with any journey to better health, we all have ups and downs, and again, NOBODY is perfect. In January I lost 8 pounds, and since then I haven't lost any more. We all hit walls, but I'm beginning to feel like mine has been a concrete barrier reinforced with steel. Seriously, I might be a little dramatic, but it doesn't change the way I feel. Sometimes we can feel like we are doing everything right, but there isn't any payoff to show for it.

So, after wallowing in my own self pity and slight, very temporary depression, I've decided to try and change things up again instead of giving up. First, I plan to finish out my remaining 2 weeks doing my Jillian workout because I said I'd commit to it for 4 weeks, and then I'm going to do Insanity.

I've always been afraid to do workouts like P90X and Insanity because I never thought that I would be good enough to do them or finish them out. But, I've heard of so many people doing them now, many people that I know, and I realized I was just making ridiculous excuses. Most people can't do the workouts very well, but at least they're trying. If I don't try, how will I ever know what I'm actually capable of?

Recently I signed up to do Color Run this summer. I asked several friends to sign up with me and form a team. 80% of my responses were, Sounds fun, but I can't run. If those words ever come out of my mouth, I better be pregnant and on best rest, or old and weak. My appologies if this offends anyone, but if I couldn't run, even a little, I would start trying. The positive health affects from running are too awesome to ignore. Just saying...

I was also able to talk a great friend of mine into doing a 5K run on St. Patty's Day weekend. At first her response was, Haha, Nope! when I asked her if she was interested in doing it; however, she pleasantly surprised me when she changed her mind. Instead of falling victim to the I can't run line, she changed it to, I can't make any promises, but I'll try. Sounds corny, but I couldn't have been any more proud of her at that moment! :)

You never know what you are capable of doing until you actually try doing it. Don't give up before you start, and don't make excuses just to find a way out of it. How do you know how far you can go unless you take a few steps in that direction? Think about that next time you say, I can't run, or whatever it is that's holding you back from living.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Getting Ripped!

Last week I shared with you my concerns about being skinny fat and the importance of strength training. So that's why a week ago yesterday I started circuit training with weights, thanks to Jillian Michaels and her easy to follow fitness dvd. Let me clarify that statement, Jillian explains moves very well, but her workouts are kick butt, and are especially hard the first couple times attempting to do them. After day 1, I couldn't hardly walk, get out of bed, or do stairs for 3 days. That's when it really sunk in for me that I wasn't in as good of shape as I thought I was; however, each day doing the workout has gotten easier and I can make it through the entire 45-50 minute tape without breaks or drinks of water. Trust me, it's a pretty good feeling!

My weight loss had been at a standstill the entire month of February, which is also part of the reason I started circuit training with weights. I knew my body would not only benefit from it, but it also needed a new challenge. I've also cut down on my lengthy runs, and have swapped them for shorter runs, 2 miles, followed by lengthy walks with added incline. Try walking a mile at 4 mph at 15% incline and you will be sweating your butt off! The kicker is to not hold on to any of the bars either, that's cheating and you don't get as much out of it. Just by increasing the incline to 5% will allow you to burn about 15% more calories than a level treadmill. By slowing incoporating incline into treadmill workouts, you can burn almost at many calories as running on level, which is great for all you non runners who would rather die than get on a treadmill.

While my weight really has not changed in the last week, which is perfectly fine with me, I have seen lots of results from my changed workout! I took several measurements last Friday and then again yesterday because I'm the type of person that needs to know that something good has been happening to my body because of the circuit training with weights or else I could find myself wanting to quit it altoghether. So here it is, I lost a total of 2 3/4 inches in ony 1 week! This includes 1/2 inch in my upper arm, 1/2 inch around my chest, 1/2 inch in the smaller part of my waist, 3/4 inch in the widest part of my waist, around my butt stayed the same, much to my husbands pleasure, 1/4 inch around the widest part of my thigh, and 1/4 inch around the widest part of my calf. This may not seem like much to some of you, but this is results from only 1 week! I have not changed my diet, other than cutting out potatoes for Lent, and I have not been working out excessively. I did circuit training with weights 4 times and hit the gym 4 times. Looking in the mirror I can see my muffin top is slowly melting away, which is my number one critique about my own body.

As I said before, I'm sticking with my Jillian tape for a solid month, and then at that point I'm probably going to have to find a new endeavor, such as Insanity or Cross Fit, so I can keep my body challenged. If we continue to workout using the same exercises over and over, eventually our body gets used to it and no longer challenges us. That's why we have to incorporate new and different workouts into our lives so our bodies can be in the best shape they can be. So go on, find yourself a new challenge :)