Tuesday, September 30, 2014

And then. . .

My daughter Zoey, who is now just over 7 months old, has got to be the greatest blessing I have ever received in my life thus far, other than my husband. I often find myself staring at her in awe and wonderment. . .that is, when she isn't attempting to crawl on top of me trying to get my undivided attention in a different way. Just the thought of her makes me smile and almost teary eyed at times. When I am away from her and see other little ones I miss her terribly. My heart is so full of love for this nearly 20 pound little Daddy look alike! I guess this is just what it's like to be a Mommy.

I have no idea where I left off months ago in my last blog post . . .All I can say is that from now until then has been a great time! I FINALLY lost 'the last 5 pounds' that were causing me so much trouble. Basically once I actually started trying to lose it a month or so ago it started to come off. Just started eating better, exercising (mostly treadmill walking), and using a few Herbalife products. Yesterday I started up a Jillian Michaels workout. I plan to do that for one month then do a round of Insanity which lasts two months. We are going on vacation in January to Jamaica so that's part of my motivation to get into better shape. That reason and also because I'm hoping to start trying to get pregnant again sometime in the next 6 months. But if I've learned anything about the journey to pregnancy it's that you can't plan it at all!

One of the biggest lessons I've learned from parenting is how to be patient. Just ask my husband...I was literally one of the least patient people he knew. Technically I'm still very impatient especially in traffic, if I'm standing in line or dealing with my husband. But when it comes to my daughter I typically have all the patience in the world. I'll admit there are times I want to I pull my hair out or cry but all of the good times far outweigh the bad :)

So that's just a little update on what's going on with me. Hopefully I'll have something more insightful to write about next time ;P